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Publié parMadeleine Ferrier Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Dr. & Mrs. P Vandertramp Study tricks!
THE HOUSE! Draw a two story house with doors, windows, stairs and a street in front Use the house to illustrate the 17 verbs conjugated with « être » A few of the verbs don’t fit in the house. Can you figure out which ones are missing?
One little, two little,three little indians….
allé, arrivé, venu, revenu, entré, rentré, descendu, devenu, sorti, parti, resté, retourné, monté, tombé, né et mort.
ADVENT Each letter in ADVENT stands for one of the verbs and its opposite, plus one extra verb, for a total of thirteen. Arriver - Partir Descendre - Monter Venir - Aller Entrer - Sortir Naître - Mourir Tomber - Rester Retourner
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