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Publié parPapillion Maillard Modifié depuis plus de 11 années
Unité 4 Leçon B Express emotions, describe daily routines, agree and disagree, ask for information and give information.
UN CALENDRIER C’est quel jour? Le jour = (the) day
C’est lundi. C’est mardi. C’est mercredi. C’est jeudi. C’est vendredi. C’est samedi. C’est dimanche. Days of the week are not usually capitalized! Le jour = (the) day La semaine = (the) week Le lundi = “on Monday” or “every Monday”
Les cours = the courses Un cours = a course, a class LANGUAGES
Le français = French (language) L’anglais (m.) = English (language) L’allemand (m.) = German (language) L’espagnol (m.) = Spanish (language) Le latin = Latin (language)
La géographie = geography La musique = music La biologie = biology
Le dessin = drawing Le sport = sports La géographie = geography La musique = music La biologie = biology La physique = physics La chimie = chemistry L’informatique (f.) = computer science L’histoire (f.) = history Les mathématiques (f.) = math Les maths
100 – 1,000 100 = cent 200 = deux cents 300 = trois cents
101 = cent un 102 = cent deux 200 = deux cents 201 = deux cent un 202 = deux cent deux 300 = trois cents 400 = quatre cents 500 = cinq cents 600 = six cents 700 = sept cents 800 = huit cents 900 = neuf cents 1,000 = mille
J’en ai marre! “I’m sick of it!” or “I’ve had it!”
HOMEWORK Write Lecon B words from Notes today 5 TIMES EACH in your notebooks OR Make your class schedule IN FRENCH (make lundi “A” day, mardi “B” day, etc) – use the one on page 109 as an example. EXTRA CREDIT IF YOU DO BOTH!
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