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Présentation au sujet: "PREPARATION AUX REPONSES D’URGENCES vue d'ensemble"— Transcription de la présentation:

This overview is drawn from the guidelines, page 12, table 2. In addition to the four phases, it is important to emphasize the underlying strong coordination and process management required to make contingency planning work well. Ousmane Watt OCHA Geneve

2 POURQUOI Developer une comprehension commune des risques et comment faire le suivi de ces risques afin de s’assurer que des actions rapides sont menees quand elles sont requises; Etablir un niveau minimum de preparation face aux multiples risques; Developper un Plan de contingence pour des risques specifiques qui pourrait constituer une base pour un plan de reponse aux besoins des populations dans les 3 a 4 premieres semaines. Three main components – Risk analysis and monitoring, MPAs, and APAs & CP

3 Cycle de la PRU Trigger: quand les risques modérés à critiques deviennent probables ou très probables Three main components – Risk analysis and monitoring, MPAs, and APAs & CP

4 Le processus est organisé autour de 4 phases :
Analyse de Risque Préparation minimale Planification aux Contingences Plan de Réponse preliminaire A C T I O N S Priorisation Indicateurs Déclencheurs Suivi Définie et mets en oeuvre les actions-clés basiques en préparation, requises pour effectuer une réponse sastisfaisante Développe des hypothèses de planifications Définie les objectifs de la réponse et les stratégies Compile les plans de réponse sectoriels Identifie et détaille les actions critiques qui doivent être prises dans les premières 72 h de la crise Hazard Identification Likelihood and Impact Assign Risk Value This overview is drawn from the guidelines, page 12, table 2. In addition to the four phases, it is important to emphasize the underlying strong coordination and process management required to make contingency planning work well. Coordination solide et gestion du processus Preparation aux Reponses d’ Urgences: Vue d’ensemble

5 Suivi des risques: Core Questions When in the year do seasonal hazards occur, and how much advance notice is required to implement CP and APAs? What seasonal hazard poses the highest risk? How could responding to other seasonal hazards differ from responding to the one that poses the highest risk? What sources will be used to get short term alerts about imminent hazard events?

6 L'analyse des risques et la surveillance

7 le cycle This is a continous cycle, which needs to be monitored constantly in order to be effective. Ideally, its milestones are integrated in key broader planning and monitoring cycles, such as the UNDAF or the CAP

8 identification des dangers
hydrométéorologique naturel géophysiques les conflits armés et les troubles civils les épidémies et les pandémies Five types of hazards, all with specific dynamics. To analyse some of these hazards, you may want to call on external expertise. des changements importants dans l’environnement socio-économique risques industriels

9 probabilité et l'impact
RISQUE= IMPACT X PROBABILITÉ PETITE= 1-7 MOYENNE = 8-14 GRANDE= 15-25 There is no scientific, objective way to define exactly whether impact will be moderate or severe, for example. Ris assessment processes are often complex as they involve people’s perceptions. This is why the role of the Facilitator is so important. The objective of the exercise is to agree on those risks that grant joint preparedness. Do not get entangled in “precision”.

10 probabilité et l'impact

11 la surveillance des risques
saisonnier Qui surveille? Quel le processus de suivi? Qu'est ce qui déclenche l'action? Démarrage et action 2 mois avant la date évoluant Identifier les points de basculement Monitoring risks require standing capacity, HCT should appoint one specific staff member. HCT should agree on a formal system to monitor risk, and each type of risks calls for a specific monitoring schedule Agree on standard protocols when risks hit established thresholds Agree on simple triggers for action statique Généralement impossible à surveiller Redevabilites

12 les actions minimales de préparation

13 Elements de Préparation aux Désastres
Mécanismes de Coordination(Local, Ntl, Rgnl, intnl) Analyse et renforcement des Capacités Suivi des aléas. , Prévision & Alerte Précoce Gestion Info. & Commu-nications Approches holistiques Cadre Institutionnel et législatif Plan de Contingence Services d’Urgence et Standby Relevement precoce dans la phase de planification Allocation des ressources et financement -Multiple actors: Government, CSO, NGOs, UN, private sector (e.g. DHL airport preparedness), at-risk populations -Linked at local, national, regional and international -Multi-hazard disaster preparedness Preparedness: The capacities and knowledge developed by governments, professional response organisations, communities and individuals to anticipate and respond effectively to the impact of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions. Comment: Preparedness action is carried out within the context of disaster risk management and should be based on a sound analysis of disaster risks and be well linked to early warning systems. It includes contingency planning, stockpiling of equipment and supplies, emergency services and stand-by arrangements, communications, information management and coordination arrangements, personnel training, community drills and exercises, and public education. It must be supported by formal institutional, legal and budgetary capacities (ISDR 2008). Contingency planning: A scenario based planning process used to ensure that adequate arrangements are made in anticipation of crisis. These are processes of developing strategies, arrangements and procedures to respond to disasters and address the needs of those adversely affected by the crisis. Acteurs multiples Local-Natl-Regnl-Intl Aléas multiples 13

14 Etapes pour l’etablissement de ces actions
Analyser le contexte et identification des lacunes Prioriser Implementer Enregistrer The objective of the CP is to: Foster a common understanding of all partners involved on the anticipated scope of the emergency, the possible humanitarian needs and the nature and scope of the planned operational response. Clearly explain the sector/cluster response strategy to the imminent needs of the affected population with the first weeks of an emergency. Contingency Planning is a process, in anticipation of potential crises, of developing strategies, arrangements and procedures to address the humanitarian needs of those adversely affected by crises. Reflect specific challenges/gaps in the potential response; To communicate anticipated funding requirements. Support the timely drafting of a Preliminary Response Plan in the event of an emergency One plan or multiple plans? In most cases the major elements of a CP (coordination arrangements, composition of the relief package, procurement and logistics arrangements) are common to a variety of potential emergencies in a country. Only in cases where a fundamentally different humanitarian response is required (e.g. because the affected areas are geographically very different) should separate CPs be developed.

15 d:\users\WATT\Desktop\West Africa Regional Consultation June 2015\ERP
The objective of the CP is to: Foster a common understanding of all partners involved on the anticipated scope of the emergency, the possible humanitarian needs and the nature and scope of the planned operational response. Clearly explain the sector/cluster response strategy to the imminent needs of the affected population with the first weeks of an emergency. Contingency Planning is a process, in anticipation of potential crises, of developing strategies, arrangements and procedures to address the humanitarian needs of those adversely affected by crises. Reflect specific challenges/gaps in the potential response; To communicate anticipated funding requirements. Support the timely drafting of a Preliminary Response Plan in the event of an emergency One plan or multiple plans? In most cases the major elements of a CP (coordination arrangements, composition of the relief package, procurement and logistics arrangements) are common to a variety of potential emergencies in a country. Only in cases where a fundamentally different humanitarian response is required (e.g. because the affected areas are geographically very different) should separate CPs be developed.

16 Plan de Contingence

17 Un bon PC Simple et facile: comporte tous les experts
Spécifique à un contexte / urgence Permet l'utilisation efficace et équitable des ressources L'accent est mis non pas sur le plan, mais sur les décisions qu'il permet (from the ERP) Figure 6 Key principles of contingency planning Contingency planning should be simple and easy to carryout. The task should not be confined to specialists: all staff that are likely to be involved in the response should participate. Ownership and understanding are essential when it comes to operationalizing a response. The contingency plan needs to be specific rather than generic. Hence the importance of linking the plan to risk analysis and monitoring to provide more specific information to frame the plan. Contingency plans should allow for efficient, effective and equitable use of resources to meet humanitarian needs appropriately. Contingency planning should be process-driven. Although written plans are important, without a good process contingency planning may be simply ignored and end up shelved or filed away unused. The document itself is not that important. It’s a record of the decision-making process undertaken ahead of time that answers questions and assigns accountability.

18 d:\users\WATT\Desktop\West Africa Regional Consultation June 2015\ERP\PC modele
Situation and Risk Analysis (including gender and diversity analysis) This section provides a summary of what is likely to happen, the likely impact, and the capacity to respond. It also contains the main planning assumptions used to develop a contingency plan. example RISK ANALYSIS High risk of conflict in province x because of increased sectarian tensions Conflict in the region will lead to the displacement of 100,000 people 50,000 are likely to stay with host families The remaining 50,000 will need emergency shelter The government can provide shelter for 25,000 people

19 Plan de Réponse preliminaire

20 Identifier et détailler les actions critiques qui doivent être prises dans les premières 72 h de la crise: Appels, CERF, etc.

21 Qui doit participer au processus du plan de contingence?
A. Staffs clés de votre organisation: le plan de contingence est un document sensible, les autres personnes ne doivent pas le voir B. Staffs clés de votre organisation, mais vous devez partager les résultats avec les partenaires clés plus tard C is the correct answer. Aim of contingency planning is to stimulate on-going interactions between DP/DR actors . While the result is a written plan, or usable agreements. Usable agreements may include: Memos of understanding b/w ministries, agencies or organizations Mutual aid agreements (two nearby cities agree to help each other in emergency/disaster event) Use the process to strengthen relationships and the ability to plan better in the future Building networks, partnerships, relationships and mutual understanding is an important part of the process The process is an important means of information sharing between the actors C. Staffs clés de votre organisation et les partenaires qui feront probablement partie de la réponse à la contingence D. Tout le monde – le plus, le mieux !

C is the correct answer. Aim of contingency planning is to stimulate on-going interactions between DP/DR actors . While the result is a written plan, or usable agreements. Usable agreements may include: Memos of understanding b/w ministries, agencies or organizations Mutual aid agreements (two nearby cities agree to help each other in emergency/disaster event) Use the process to strengthen relationships and the ability to plan better in the future Building networks, partnerships, relationships and mutual understanding is an important part of the process The process is an important means of information sharing between the actors

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