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Panel discussion « Sustainable development and environment »
Meeting of Europe’s Foundations, Regions and Cities for Social Innovation “The promotion of social innovation in Europe” October Committee of the Regions, Brussels - Belgium Panel discussion « Sustainable development and environment » Roland Nussbaum, Member of the scientific council, Fondation Maif Managing Director, Mission des sociétés d’assurances pour la connaissance et la prévention des risques naturels (MRN)
The promotion of Social innovation in Europe « Sustainable development and environment » Testimony of Roland Nussbaum, for Fondation MAIF OUTLINE French context, EU issues… Disaster Risk Management (DRM) from a social innovation practitioner’s perspective… The MAIF Group promoting social innovation in DRM Fondation MAIF: exemplative social innovations in DRM projects Concluding remarks
1.1. French context: Property damage losses caused by natural catastrophes in France
windstorms floods subsidence Sources : FFSA-GEMA (2011) & MEDDTL / BD GASPAR (2011) Author : MRN – May 2011
1.1. French context: integrated DRM legal scheme NatCat 1982 law, revised 1995,2003
Introducing MRN, a unique PPP initiative
An association dedicated to NatCat risk knowledge and reduction, in partnership with public authorities, created in 2000 between:
MRN, a social innovation
Activities : Institutionnal Studies Operational General Interest Support Services to Member Insurance Companies Permanent staff members: engineers, geoscientists, PhD students… Collaborative network of hundreds of correspondents : insurance companies , such as MAIF State and local authorities Stakeholders and thematic associations
The MRN network in France
interacting with national and local stakeholders Voluntary representatives of member insurance companies eg. MAIF Take part to collaborative governance bodies Technical support to municipalities in their information duties Teaching to public civil servants Conferences and public debates
1.2. EU Policies adressing DRM an overview of EC initiatives (chronological)
REGIO: EU Solidarity Fund (2002) - INTERREG ENV: Floods directive (2007) INFSO: INSPIRE directive (2007) ENERGY: European critical infrastructure protection directive (2008) CLIMA: CCA adaptation strategy green paper (2009) White paper : Insurance solutions / Clearinghouse mechanism EU CCA adaptation strategy (2013) ECHO - citizen protection: Financial instrument for civil protection (2007) DRP Strategy (2009) DEV: DRR cooperation strategy with third countries (2009) MARKT: Internal Market and Financial Services Solvency II directive (2009) Communication on disaster exposure and insurance (2013) RTD: Research and Innovation Framework Programmes (e.g. FP7 projects), GMES…
Managing Director of Mission Risques Naturels www.mrn.asso.fr
2. Disaster Risk Management (DRM) from a social innovation practitioner’s perspective… Managing Director of Mission Risques Naturels Member of collective governance bodies, national level : CMI, ONRN Board/Standing Committee Member of Specialized Associations: Association française pour la prévention des catastrophes naturelles (Bureau/Board) Association française de génie parasismique (CAREX) Member of Scienfic Advisory Board of Teaching… Sustainable Non Life Committee Expert to EC DG RTD&I, World Bank/IFC GFDRR Results Management Council Senior Advisor to EU FP7 Projects: CapHaz-Net, SMARTeST
3. The MAIF Group promoting social innovation in DRM
The insurance mutual’s customer relationship: Special claims management platform and procedures to assist customers , in case of large scale event Risk awareness raising campaigns The insurance mutual’s institutional commitment: Climate change adaptation awareness raising Scientific and professional conferences in partnership with universities Fondation MAIF pour la prévention The insurance mutual’s participation to collective governance through it’s GEMA membership Mission Risques Naturels Observatoire National des Risques Naturels (ONRN), a new joint PPP agreement between State, CCR and MRN to develop risk data sharing and public policy evaluation
4. Fondation MAIF: exemplative social innovation in DRM projects an introduction
De l’assureur… Depuis sa création, la MAIF revendique une éthique humaniste et une volonté de faire évoluer le métier de l’assurance. Ainsi, elle n’a pas hésité à modifier ses contrats d’assurance ou encore à élargir son champ de recrutement à tous les métiers de l’éducation, de la recherche, de la culture et des loisirs. A la Fondation… La Fondation MAIF, créée en 1989, scelle le professionnalisme et l’expérience de l’assureur en investissant, en amont, trois stades complémentaires de l’assurance : d’une part, la prévention et la formation via des outils pratiques de communication (Livrets, guides pratiques, CD-ROM, Vidéos…) ; d’autre part, la recherche scientifique qui analyse précisément les mécanismes de survenance des accidents, qu’ils soient d’origine humaine, technique ou matérielle
An exemplative educational product: Carte de sismicité euro méditerranéenne
An exemplative research project: use of social networks to monitor sismic impacts
An exemplative research project: to develop storm surge damage functions on dwellings, with access to insurance companies’ claims data files
Concluding remarks Social innovation in DRM / DRP may address:
Risk metrics : data availability improvement, sharing, broadcasting Risk knowledge : possibilities and limits of modeling country profiles Risk reduction measures : structural, non structural Perception, behavior, responses of stakeholders and communities, from capacity building to collective risk governance (social sciences, interdisciplinary approaches) Supporting decision making methods and tools Improving insurability of natural hazard classes, according frequency and to country’s risk profile (flood, earthquake) Fair, accessible and affordable coverage… DRM is a cross cutting issue inviting EU Foundations, Cities and Regions to cooperate, for efficient Social Innovation MAIF Fondation, MAIF Group and the French insurance mutuals offer their lessons learned to share
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