Warm up If you were a part of a band, what instrument would you like to play? Do you have some type music which you do not like or offends you? Why? (

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Présentation au sujet: "Warm up If you were a part of a band, what instrument would you like to play? Do you have some type music which you do not like or offends you? Why? ("— Transcription de la présentation:

1 Warm up If you were a part of a band, what instrument would you like to play? Do you have some type music which you do not like or offends you? Why? ( write a minimum of 5 sentences)

2 * Unit one: To ask for confirmation Vous habitez toujours à Bordeaux? Do you still live…? II y a bien trois garçon dans ta famille?.....right? Comment elle s’appelle, déjà?......again? Ta mère a cinquante ans, c’est ça?.......right? Si je me souviens bien, tu es né en 1984. If I remember correctely,… Si je ne me trompe pas, tu as 16 ans. If I’m not mistaken,… Gram. Spppl. P. 332 Act. 2-3

3 * Do # 6, cd, Tr. 2 * Vocabulary: * Le rock, la musique cajun, la musique classique, le blues, le jazz, le country, le rap, la dance. * la guitare, l’accordéon, la flute, le violon, le piano, le chant, le saxophone, la trompete, la basse, le micro, la boite à rythmes, le synthé. * Do # 9, cd 11, Tr. 3 * Note culturrelle ** Handouts!

4 Review study Guide Time for the quiz ! * Do # 9, cd 11, Tr. 3 Note culturelle. P. 317 * Asking for and giving opinions. To ask for opinion: Comment tu trouves ça, le jazz? Tu n’aimes pas la dance?

5 Ça te plait, le rap? Qu’est-ce que tu penses du blues? Ça te branche, le country? are you into…? To give a positive opinion: Je trouve ça hyper cool. Si, j’aime beaucoup. Ça me plait beaucoup. To agree: To desagree: Je suis d’accord avec toi. Pas du tout. Moi aussi, j’aime le jazz. Tu parles! Do # 332 Act. 3 / Handouts ** Draw an music instrument. Be creative Exit!!

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