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Publié parLaurent Vincent Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
KOFIS : un système de gestion des connaissances pour l’innovation en agriculture durable
Vincent Soulignac, Jean-Louis Ermine, Jean-Luc Paris, Olivier Devise and Jean-Pierre Chanet
Contexte et attendu du projet
Aider les agriculteurs À diminuer les intrants dans les cultures À changer les modes de production Réaliser un système de gestion des connaissances Pour concevoir des systèmes de culture diversifiés Pour fournir aux agriculteurs des connaissances leur permettant de trouver des solutions innovantes The agriculture has to change. It must decrease its input's use in the fields. But, there are also many others issues like economic competition, the consumer's demands, the sanitary rules. The farmers have to change their production's mode: the cropping system and each crop management. Integrating farming and organic farming are raising! Because they are based on a system approach, these two farmings need a lot of knowledge. Our work consists of create a computing tool of knowledge : KOFIS (Knowledge Organic Farming and Innovation System). We work in three ways: first the role of the actors in KOFIS, its contents and its architecture. Un outil KM pour l’agriculture durable KOFIS : Knowledge Organic Farming and Innovation System
Le contexte de la connaissance en agriculture durable
Négoce Agriculteur bio Coopérative Chambre d’agriculture Presse agricole Internet Groupement d’agriculteurs avec conseiller agricole * *Beaucoup d’agriculteurs ne bénéficient pas d’un conseiller agricole sans conseiller agricole On parle également de groupes professionnels locaux; Au sein de ses « communautés techniques », les agriculteurs échangent autour des mêmes problématiques. Chacun y amène ses ressources immatérielles construites à partir de ses expériences ou issues de ses propres réseaux (Mathieu, Lasseur et al. 2004). Les connaissances partagées y sont transformées ou rejetées (Darré 2004b). Attention, en agriculture durable, on est dans des logiques de partage de connaissance accrues car appliquer une molécule sur un bioagresseur demande moins de savoir que de définir une nouvelle rotation définie sur 10 ans. Approche système sur des temps longs Attention on est dans une logique de partage de ressources immatériels pas de ressources matérielles... Flux faibles : Information, prescription (different de l’agriculture intensive) Flux faibles : Connaissance Flux forts: Connaissance Importance des échanges de connaissances tacites dans la communauté
L’espace des connaissances pour les différents acteurs
Recherche agronomique Accumule « Read/write acteurs » Chercheur Environnement Institutionnel « Read-only acteurs » Etat Coopérative Associations environnementales Négoce Autorités locales Agence de l’eau Sélectionne et adapte Pilote le développement technologique Agriculteurs bio Conseillers agricoles Enseignants agricoles The actors who can write in the tool belong to the “agricultural knowledge system”. Taking into account the difficulties of communication between farmers and researchers, we dissociated them. Indeed, the actors of the agronomic research offers resources which a technology watch can mobilize. This watch is rather the fact of the agricultural advisers or the agricultural teachers able to transfer knowledge. External actors of the institutional environment, influence the farmers by their specific requests, which implies a process of adjustment of knowledge. There is also a place of exchange for all the actors around innovating subjects. Espace d’innovation et d’échange
Phase 1 Identifier les connaissances critiques en agriculture durable
Phase 2 Modélisation des connaissances tacites
La pomme de terre, le chardon et la belle dame
Phase 3 Spécification du processus d’innovation basé sur les connaissances Espace d’innovation Espace des connaissances Lutte génétique Lutte culturale Départition Lutte contre les bioagresseurs en agriculture biologique K2 Lutte organique Lutte mécanique Une pomme de terre sans chardon en agriculture bio Produire des pommes de terre en agriculture intégrée Disjonction Une pomme de terre sans chardon K1 x Créer les conditions pour que les auxiliaires se développent K3 Elever la chenille de la belle dame Proposition 1 Partition expansive ? Ecimage Conjonction Test Evaluation Nouvelle connaissance? Mise à jour des connaissances? ? Partition restrictive La belle dame Auxiliaire du chardon We propose to start from a concrete problem to clarify the various operations developed in diagram C-K. The objective is to deal with the problem of the presence of thistles in potato field. La disjunction K-C is the beginning of the reasoning of design. A given problem - here the presence of thistles (a weed) in a potato field - is transformed of concept: a potato field without thistle. To initiate this reasoning, we use knowledge relating to integrated potato management. The weedkiller is used there as little as possible. It is necessary not to have to treat the thistles i.e. to prevent their to appear. The object “field of potatoes” thus has a non-logical property “the absence of thistles”. The broadening : If the initial concept is unresolved, the départition mobilizes knowledge to establish a second concept on which reasoning is possible. The knowledge of the types of fight against the bio agressors in organic farming leads us to a broader concept : The elimination of the thistles in organic farming. Four types of fight are mobilized there. The return at the lucerne at the beginning of the crop rotation is a cultural solution The partition includes two operators : The restrictive partition as well as the expansive partition. The restrictive partition restricted the space of the possible. Thus, no variety is able to effectively prevent from the thistles on a potato field. The solution of the genetic fight is eliminated. The expansive partition ensures the expansion of the concepts's space. Properties are added with the concept. This process is creative but these properties, to be credible, result from knowledge. Those are sometimes very far away from the covered subject. The invention or the surprise can then emerge from the reasoning. This process leads to one or more new proposals. In our example, the knowledge of the painted lady (butterfly) makes possible one added original proposals to the organic fight. Conjunction C-K stops the reasoning of design. If the last proposal were evaluated positively, it acquired a logical status. It goes from space of the concepts towards that of knowledge. The last proposal becomes a knowledge. The expansibility also applies to knowledge. This presentation shows the bond between concept and knowledge. The expansion of one or the other of spaces is related to the dynamics of relations between these two terms. The innovating design calls conceptual and documented work at the same time. La pomme de terre, le chardon et la belle dame
Phase 4 Implémenter le système de gestion des connaissances
Knowledge Organic Farming and Innovation System KOFIS Modèle sémantique partagé Solution innovante Blog Connaissances thématiques Etudes de cas Wiki Espace [I] Espace [K] The tool functions starting from the dynamics complementary of two collaborating spaces [I] and [K]. [I] is the space of innovation and [K] is the space of knowledge. We must develop or adapt one or two tools which cover these two spaces. Lastly, the users are potentially many and heterogeneous from the point of view of their data-processing environment. The tools are thus accessible by a Web browser. The space [I] of innovation is dedicated to the collaborating thought around a unsolved problem. This space is allowed for all the actors from the agricultural world. The tool chosen is Drupal The knowledge space [K] : The wiki has a very simple access. It has a strong collaborating power to build documents. Thus, contrary to the blog which authorizes the users with only posting comments on a text, the text of a wiki can be changed in its contents even. Moreover, the wiki manages the history of the contributions. The administrator of the contents can thus return to a former version.The tool chosen is Semantic Media Wiki. MW is the engine of Wikipedia. In addition, these two spaces have each one a semantic component. The semantic bond between this two spaces could be Agrovoc, an agricultural thesaurus, witch is published as linked data by FAO. This co-construction leads to a rich knowledge on a field. It results indeed from the junction of the knowledge and the experiment from the users/contributors on this field. Annuaire Urilisateurs se connectant à KOFIS
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