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Publié parBeatrice Bourgeois Modifié depuis plus de 9 années
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pptPlex Section Divider Stage commercial The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.
pptPlex Section Divider Le R.C.B.T The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.
pptPlex Section Divider Ma Mission The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.
Back office Front office
Directeur généralTORLOTING Directeur succursaleF-X. JOMBART Responsable zoneD. BUTIN Responsable région IDFF. TEZENAS Reponsable Point de venteJ. FRANÇOIS CDVP, CDV, PRO, ALTERNANCE, STAGIAIRE EQUIPE de vente
pptPlex Section Divider Le stage The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.
Accueil du clientBesoins du client Reformulation des besoins Proposition Réponse aux objections Vente ( téléphone, assurance, accessoires) Prise de congés
pptPlex Section Divider Mes impressions The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.
Technique commercialeManagementConfiance en soi
CDV Commerciaux Clientèle Services RCBT Boutique
pptPlex Section Divider Conclusion The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.
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