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Répétition, Rythme, Symétrie Radiale
Rhythm, Symé Les Mandalas Répétition, Rythme, Symétrie Radiale
Qu’est-ce que tu vas apprendre?
Symétrie Radiale la symétrie autour d’un point centrale Rythme une sorte de mouvement dans l’art qui est vu comme la répétition des formes et les couleurs; les parties légères en alternance avec les parties fonces peuvent aussi crée le rythme Le grand idée Definitions: Radial Symmetry: symmetry around a central axis, as in a starfish or a tulip flower. Repetition: An element that occurs over and over again in a composition. Can repeat the element in a consistent pattern. Can repeat the element in a variation of the pattern. Rhythm Rhythm is a type of movement in drawing and painting. It is seen in repeating of shapes and colors. Alternating lights and darks also give a sense of rhythm. Variety Variety is the quality or state of having different forms or types, notable use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color.
Qu’est-ce que tu vas apprendre?
Variété le qualité d’avoir un sélection des objets (sortes, couleurs, tailleurs) et l’utilisation du contraste et l’emphase Répétition un élément qui se présent encore et encore dans une pièce d’art Le grand idée Definitions: Radial Symmetry: symmetry around a central axis, as in a starfish or a tulip flower. Repetition: An element that occurs over and over again in a composition. Can repeat the element in a consistent pattern. Can repeat the element in a variation of the pattern. Rhythm Rhythm is a type of movement in drawing and painting. It is seen in repeating of shapes and colors. Alternating lights and darks also give a sense of rhythm. Variety Variety is the quality or state of having different forms or types, notable use of contrast, emphasis, difference in size and color.
Divise un cercle Comment tu commences
Divise un cercle en 12 parties en utilisant un compas et une règle!
Demonstration Play the movie above as a demonstration, or watch the movie above and then demonstrate to the class. (By the way just so you know, I was working after school, not during school hours.)
Commences a construire ton Mandala.
La processus The magic of a mandala is that even if you make a mistake, it still looks amazing when you create your shapes in a radial pattern.
Begin by finding the center of your paper, drawing a circle with a compass and dividing it into 12 sections.
Then draw concentric circles from the center out
Then draw concentric circles from the center out. These can be any size that the students want. I encouraged them to create at least 5.
A student mandala in process.
Les Examples Noir et Blanc
I love the way this student chose to do two sections with dots and one with lines on the 8th ring of her mandala.
The student that did this mandala said that it reminded them of a dream catcher when it was done. I’d have to agree!
Dots and zentangle patterns fill in the shapes on this mandala and give it lots of rhythm and visual interest.
Student Examples With Color
Color adds a whole new dimension to the mandala.
Assessment Le cercle était diviser proprement en 12 parties
LE Mandala est balancer et utilise le symétrie radiale Le design a des contours nettes Le composition est intéressant et créatif Le design a utilisé un variété de lignes (grandeur, sortes) et le détail qui se prête le rythme au produit finale
Un vidéo de motion vite http://safeshare.tv/w/ZLqhCszCYB
This is a great fast motion build of a mandala on youtube.
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