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The Near Future (one of two future tenses in french)

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Presentation on theme: "The Near Future (one of two future tenses in french)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Near Future (one of two future tenses in french)
BACK TO THE FUTURE Le Futur Proche The Near Future (one of two future tenses in french)

2 Lets compare it to English!
Futur Proche= going + infinitive (e.g., going to eat, going to drink, going to talk)

3 It is formed with the verb aller (to go) conjugated in the present tense followed by an infinitive.

4 Who can conjugate ‘aller’ in the present tense?
Je vais Tu vas Il/Elle va Nous allons Vous allez Ils/elles vont

5 Think of something you like to do…..
What is it’s infinitive? What is the pronoun? What is the conjugation of ‘aller’? Now combine the three: Je vais téléphoner mon petit copain

6 Let’s try “manger” Je vais manger Tu vas manger Il/Elle va manger
Nous allons manger Vous allez manger Ils/Elles vont manger

7 Let’s Play-You First! Je ________ à la maison (rester)
Nous _________ ce soir (étudier) Je ___________ cet été (travailler) Il ________ chaud (faire) Vous _________ la télé (regarder)

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