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Smoking a regular verb cigar: the –er version The keys to putting together what you want to say!

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2 Smoking a regular verb cigar: the –er version The keys to putting together what you want to say!

3 So where do I start? Start with what you already know Put the parts together Make them match

4 So what do you already know?

5 First, the people… je/j tu il/elle nous vous ils/elles

6 Then the action… manger chanter danser parler regarder jouer téléphoner nager étudier travailler voyager dîner écouter

7 And a few more new ones… aimer habiter inviter organiser visiter to like to live to invite to organize to visit (place)

8 Its like smoking a cigar… The person smoking the cigar is the one doing the activity To smoke the cigar you have to take off the end Then you have to add the right match

9 Why do you have to take off the end of the cigar (verb)? That part wont smoke The –er is what means to (activity) For example: travailler = to work

10 So whats the end of the cigar (verb)? The –er! So if your cigar (verb) is manger … Drop the -er

11 Why the right match? Only the right match will light the cigar (verb) and make it work je/j -e tu -es il/elle -e nous -ons vous -ez ils/elles -ent

12 Cigar #1: parler je parle tu parles il/elle parle Nous parlons Vous parlez Ils/elles parlent

13 Cigar #2: téléphoner je téléphone tu téléphones il/elle téléphone nous téléphonons vous téléphonez ils/elles téléphonent

14 Cigar #3: étudier jétudie tu étudies il/elle étudie nous étudions vous étudiez ils/elles étudient

15 But what am I actually saying? For each conjugation you can be saying one of three things

16 Ex: dîner [and translation(s)] je dîne tu dînes il/elle dîne I eat dinner or I do eat dinner or I am eating dinner you eat dinner or you do eat dinner or youre eating dinner he/she eats dinner or he/she does eat dinner or he/she is eating dinner

17 Ex: dîner, cont. nous dînons vous dînez ils/elles dînent We eat dinner or we do eat dinner or were eating dinner you eat dinner or you do eat dinner or youre eating dinner They eat dinner or they do eat dinner or theyre eating dinner

18 Recap: How to smoke an –er verb cigar Remember who is smoking the cigar (je/j, tu, il/elle, nous vous, ils/elles) Remember which cigar they are trying to smoke (the activity theyre doing) Take off the original end Add the right match at the end Enjoy your cigar (activity)!

19 But wait! What about negatives? Go back to what you already know Start the same way as before Add in the negative twins ne … pas around the verb

20 Negative cigar: jouer je joue je ne joue pas tu joues tu ne joues pas il/elle joue il/elle ne joue pas nous jouons nous ne jouons pas vous jouez vous ne jouez pas ils/elles jouent ils/elles ne jouent pas

21 And now… Happy conjugating!

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