Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French


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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Les verbes en -er. chanter – to singtelephoner – to call danser – to dancetravailler – to work diner – to have dinnervoyager –to travel ecouter – to listen.
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Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
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Les pronoms compléments: le/la/les; lui/leur. You already know how to use direct object pronouns: Je mange le sandwich = Je le mange Il aime les films.
Y and en Two little words with a lot of meaning. y.
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Le futur… e.g. I am going to go shopping. He is going to play football. We are going to watch T.V. Remember: To achieve a Level 5, you need to be able.
Mardi 26 avril 2011 Today we are going to use pronouns that function as indirect pronouns. We are going to learn how to make the distinction between direct.
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Direct Object Pronouns Background information (What you should already know) Subject or Personal Pronouns: Je--I Tuinformal you Ilhe or it Elleshe or it.
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Les pronoms d’objet direct (Direct Object pronouns)
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 Je dis la vérité à mes professeurs. Direct object – answers the question “What” We know how to replace these? Remember? Je la dis à mes professeurs.
Les pronoms objets Mme Zakus. Les pronoms objets When dealing with sentences, subjects are part of the action of the verb. In other words, they “ do ”
Subject pronouns usually begin a sentence. They tell what the person or thing is doing. In French they are as follows Je- I nous- we Tu – you (informal)
Direct and Indirect Shauna O.
Les objectifs: - to learn pronouns - To learn the verb ‘avoir’ (to have)
Direct object pronouns le la l’ les. A direct object is the “what” of a sentence. Example: I am reading the book. What am I reading? the book The book.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Transcription de la présentation:

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

In French, pronouns come BEFORE the verb What are they? These are the replacement words we use instead of naming things - “I see Jane” becomes “I see her”, “we eat cake” becomes “we eat it” In English pronouns come after the verb - They read the books/ they read them In French, pronouns come BEFORE the verb

This includes... Present tense future tense perfect tense imperfect tense

Chart to Show Order of Pronouns When using more than one pronoun in a sentence they will ALWAYS go in this order

What’s the difference? Il me parle Indirect means ‘when there IS someone or something in the way’, usually indicated by the word or sense of TO So - “he talks to me” is “il me parle” Il me parle

What’s the difference? Il me voit Direct literally means ‘when there’s no-one or nothing in the way’ So - he sees me is il me voit

You can best tell the difference... With words for him, her, them… Je parle à mes amis = je leur parle Je donne le livre à Jean= je lui donne le livre in many other cases, the choice of pronoun will look the same

Des exemples Je lis le livre: je……..lis tu manges la pomme: tu…….manges il regarde la télé: il……….regarde nous attendons les vacances: nous …….attendons elles aiment Henri: elles……..aiment la la les l’

Examples with two pronouns in the present tense Nous achetons des bonbons au cinéma Ses amis racontent l’histoire à Murielle Elle donne le message à Franck Nous recevons la livraison à l’entrepôt vous envoyez les produits au client tu réserves la chambre à l’hôtel Je parle à Jean du film

Examples with two pronouns in the present tense Nous achetons Ses amis racontent Elle donne Nous recevons vous envoyez tu réserves Je parle les y la lui le lui l’y les lui l’y lui en

Examples with the passé composé il a parlé du projet (à moi) nous avons considéré (sa candidature) ils ont renvoyé (le colis) elles ont acheté (les valises) tu as reçu (son email)? Vous avez répondu à M’sieur Dumare? J’ai dit non (à la demande de Julie)

Examples with the passé composé il a parlé du projet nous avons considéré ils ont renvoyé elles ont acheté tu as reçu Vous avez répondu? Je ai dit non m’ l’ l’ les l’ lui lui

Pronouns and negatives Direct and indirect object pronouns go before the verb when the phrase is negative and the ne…pas or other negative term wraps round - je ne l’aime pas il ne la voit pas nous ne les achetons plus ils ne le livrent jamais

Pronouns with two verbs You can see when to use this format in the following examples: vous voulez le voir? Tu dois lui téléphoner elle ne peut pas vous parler il a voulu me rencontrer nous avons décidé d’y aller

So, to recap Direct and indirect object pronouns… replace him/her/it, to him, to them etc go BEFORE the verb in most cases go IN BETWEEN the verb and infinitive when you have two verbs go BEFORE the verb or auxiliary (avoir/être in the passé composé)

P.S A word about agreement... With direct object pronouns you usually make the end of the verb in the past tense agree… for example j’ai vu les filles je les ai vues with indirect object pronouns you do not need to worry