LES PRONOMS D’OBJET DIRECT. WHAT IS A SUBJECT? In a sentence, the person or thing that performs the action of the verb is called the SUBJECT.


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Les pronoms d’object direct et indirect
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Les pronoms compléments d’objet directs et indirects
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Les pronoms objets Mme Zakus. Les pronoms objets When dealing with sentences, subjects are part of the action of the verb. In other words, they “ do ”
Les verbes they express actions or state of being Acheter regarder vendre faire Être chercher se maquiller se laver Donner Demander.
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L ES OBJETS DIRECTS / INDIRECTS. D IRECT OBJECTS PN S ( OR “DOPS”) me (m’) = menous = we Te (t’) = youvous = you Le (l’) = him, itles = them La (l’) =
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Direct object pronouns 1.Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or proper nouns. 2.They are really useful to avoid repetition. 3.An object pronoun replaces.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Bienvenue Au monde des Pronoms.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French
Les pronoms objets Les normes: Communication 1.2 Comparisons 4.1
Transcription de la présentation:


WHAT IS A SUBJECT? In a sentence, the person or thing that performs the action of the verb is called the SUBJECT.

To find the subject of a sentence, always look for the verb first, then ask “who?” or “what?” before the verb. The answer will be the subject. Daniel speaks French. Verb = speaks. Who speaks French? = Daniel = subject. Daniel’s books cost a lot of money. What costs a lot of money? = Daniel’s books = subject.

Subject pronouns SingulierPluriel 1ere personneJe – Inous = we 2e personnetu = you (familier)vous = you (formel), you all 3e personneil = he, it Elle = she, it On = one, we, they Ils = they Elles = they (all women)

WHAT IS AN OBJECT? A word or phrase in a sentence referring to the person or thing receiving the action of a verb. Fred mows the lawn. Fred talks to his brother. My cousin left with her boyfriend.

WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBJECTS? Daniel writes a letter. – direct object. There’s no preposition between WRITES and A LETTER. He speaks to Julia. – indirect object. The preposition TO is between SPEAKS and JULIA. The boy left with his father. – object of preposition. The preposition WITH (a preposition other than TO) is between LEFT and HIS FATHER.

Daniel writes a letter. We say that the object “a letter” receives the action of the verb DIRECTLY – WITHOUT A PREPOSITION BETWEEN THE VERB & THE OBJECT. That’s why we call it a DIRECT object.

Liste de verbes qui prennent des objets directs: Adorer Aimer Amener –(to bring someone with you, to transport you) Apporter – (to bring something with you) Avaler (to swallow) Avoir Boire Connaître (to be acquainted with, to know) Emmener – (to take someone with you) Emporter – (to take something with you) Entendre Etudier Finir Lire Manger Mettre Passer Perdre Poser – to place Regarder Trouver – to find Voir Vouloir – to want

Special cases Direct object in French Regarder Écouter Demander Chercher Attendre payer Preposition + object in English To look at To listen to To ask for To look for To wait for To pay for

Les pronoms d’objet direct: SingulierPluriel Me - meNous – us Te – youVous – you, you all Le – him, it La – her, it Les – them

L’élision des pronoms d’objet direct: Me change à m’ devant une voyelle ou une H Te change à t’ devant une voyelle ou une H Le change à l’ devant une voyelle ou une H La change à l’ devant une voyelle ou une H

La position du pronom d’objet direct au présent: I read the book. -  I read it. Je lis le livre.  Je le lis. En anglais, le pronom d’objet vient APRES le verbe. En français, il vient AVANT le verb.

Devant l’infinitif: Je vais voir mon oncle. Je vais le voir. Sara peut chanter la chanson. Elle peut la chanter. Maurice veut finir les biscuits. Maurice veut les finir.

Au passé composé: J’ai vu le film. Je l’ai vu. J’ai vu la pièce. ( play ) Je l’ai vue. J’ai vu les clés quelque part ici… Je les ai vues quelque part ici…

Oh là là!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Je l’ai vue??? Je les ai vues????

I thought agreement only happened with verbs that take être in the passé composé!!!!

Please tell me this isn’t true…

Mais si, c’est vrai. C’est triste!

It’s not that difficult. When a sentence in the passé composé has a preceding direct object IN THE SAME SENTENCE, the past participle agrees in gender and number with it.

J’ai compris la question. La question? Je l’ai comprise. Je l’ai comprise.

J’ai vu le film. Le film? Je l’ai vu. Je l’ai vu.

J’ai vu la pièce de théâtre. La pièce? Je l’ai vue. Je l’ai vue.

J’ai vu les clés quelque part ici… Les clés? Je les ai vues quelque part ici… Je les ai vues quelque part ici…

Pour Sebastián… I will go to my house. “TO MY HOUSE”= adverb Answers WHERE?