Understanding and managing forest biogeochemical cycles Jim Fyles with Suzanne Brais, Robert Bradley, Benoit Côté, Damase Khasa, Alison Munson and poster.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Understanding and managing forest biogeochemical cycles Jim Fyles with Suzanne Brais, Robert Bradley, Benoit Côté, Damase Khasa, Alison Munson and poster authors Gilles Joanisse (40), Jeremy Labrecque, Émilie Maillard (87), Samuel Royer-Tardif (61), Martin Seto (66), Manuella Strukelj Humphery (71)

Plants Soil H2OH2O CO 2 H2OH2O N,P,K,Ca,…

Plants Soil Hydrological effects of forest management Effects of plants on soil processes Effects of soil and site on productivity Disturbance effects on carbon and nutrient cycling H2OH2O Ecosystem resilience Understanding spatial patterns CO 2 H2OH2O N,P,K,Ca,…

Incidence des perturbations naturelles et anthropiques sur la fertilité des sols ** SE = 0.35 *** ** SE = ** SE = 1.7 SBCHTSOHWTH Effets du traitement des rémanents sur l’activité biologique de la couverture morte

Pratiques sylvicoles, cycle des nutriments et du carbone 71 Manuella Strukelj Humphery et al. Dynamiques des litières fines et du bois mort après coupes totales et coupes partielles.

Contribution des débris ligneux grossiers à aux fonctions de la couverture morte k = année -1

Séquestration du carbone dans les sols forestiers Influence d’essence, de traitement sylvicole sur les stocks de carbone dans le sol Mécanismes de stabilisation du carbone dans le sol 87 Émilie Maillard et al. Effets à moyen terme de pratiques sylvicoles intensives sur le réservoir du carbone du sol et sur la fertilité du sol

Enzyme inhibition (%) Spruce tannins Kalmia tannins Tannin concentration (mg/ml) Soil-mediated interactions between plants Mécanismes d’interaction entre l’épinette noire et les éricacées 40 Gilles Joanisse et al. Changement de la composition phénolique des tissus de Kalmia angustifolia sous différents régimes de lumière et de fertilisation.

66 Martin Seto et al. Les effets de la récolte forestière commerciale sur la qualité de l’eau de petits cours d’eau en forêt boréale, Côte-Nord (Québec). Forest hydrology Forest dynamics and the partitioning of water between evapotranspiration and streamflow / groundwater

Plant-Microbe Interactions Improvement of seedling survival and growth with mycorrhizal inoculation; monitoring persistence of inoculated fungi using molecular markers.

Soil and nutrient effects on hybrid poplar growth Jeremy Labrecque et al. Hybrid poplar productivity and weed composition on forest soils.

Études d’hétérogénéité spatiale ‘Feedback’ des plantes sur les propriétés spatiales des sols Semivariance Méthodes d’analyses multi-échelle

Plants Soils Hydrological effects of forest management Effects of plants on soil processes Effects of soil and site on productivity Management effects on carbon and nutrient cycling CO 2 H2OH2O H2OH2O Ecosystem resilience Understanding spatial patterns N,P,K,Ca,…

Sustainable Forest Management Network Centre of Excellence

wA national, university-based research network w hosted by the University of Alberta, in Edmonton. wScientific Director located at McGill University. wOne of 18 federal Networks of Centres of Excellence wNCE mandate to support research in universities, training, partnership with private and public sectors, and knowledge transfer Sustainable Forest Management Network

wSFMN now in year 12 of 14 years of NCE funding w$4.1 million/yr from NCE leverages $6 million/yr cash and in-kind from industry and government. w$7.7 million grants to Quebec researchers w5x leverage Sustainable Forest Management Network

Partners 2006/07 J.D. Irving Ltd. Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Tolko Industries Ltd. Tembec Inc. Heart Lake First Nation Moose Cree First Nation Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board Government of Alberta Government of B.C. Government of Manitoba Government of Ontario Gouvernement du Québec Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Yukon Government Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd. Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. WeyerhaeuserCompany Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd. Little Red River / Tallcree Nation Canadian Forest Service Environment Canada Parks Canada University of Alberta Ducks Unlimited Canada Kaska Tribal Council Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltc. Bowater Inc. Partnerships are crucial to the success of the SFM Network Manning Diversified Forest Products Ltd.

University of British Columbia University of Northern B.C. University of Victoria Royal Roads University University College of the Cariboo University of Alberta University of Calgary University of Lethbridge University of Regina University of Saskatchewan University of Manitoba University of Winnipeg Lakehead University Ryerson Polytechnic University University of Guelph University of Ottawa University of Toronto University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Concordia University McGill University Universitè Laval Université de Montréal Université du Québec à Montréal Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Université du Québec à Rimouski Université du Québec en Abitibi Témiscamingue University of New Brunswick Université de Moncton Dalhousie University Memorial University Over 150 Researchers at 35 Universities

SFM Network Activities Research program –34 $4.2 million in 2007/08 –Interdisciplinary, team, partners, multi-regional Knowledge exchange –Communication of research results via synthesis documents, research notes, workshops (Liaison position available!) Highly qualified personnel –187 grad students and post-docs –Henrik Hartmann, UQAM; NCE HQP Network – SFMN representative Networking

Develop understanding of key forces and issues driving the future of Canadian forests Consolidate knowledge Integrate expert opinion Develop plausible scenarios, evaluate implications Assist decision-makers in understanding the future, despite uncertainty Forest Futures Project: Objectives

Forest Futures Project New, Network-wide activity for ‘scenario planning’ at the regional and national scale “What are possible futures for Canadian forests and the economies and societies they support?”

Identify key drivers and uncertainties –Workshop format Synthesis research –Briefing documents on key drivers Scenario development Workshop format Forest Futures Phase 1: 2007

Phase 2, 2008: Regional scenario workshops; National synthesis.

Forest Futures Project: Opportunities Project manager Regional working group Synthesis briefing documents National workshops (limited) Regional workshops 2008

After the SFM-NCE? Potential loss of funding and ‘social capital’ What is the value of a national, university-based research partnership? Growing commitment for something new built on the concepts / experience of the SFM Network. Absolutely require provincial and federal government engagement and funding. Encourage stakeholders, facilitate conversation and collective leadership.