French BEGINNER WORKSHOP (Atelier Débutant en Français)


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Transcription de la présentation:

French BEGINNER WORKSHOP (Atelier Débutant en Français)

40% of English words come directly from French.  Over 20,000 English words have their origins in French. Therefore, when you learn French, you have a broader range of words to express your ideas. An example is ameliorate = to make better = improve FRENCH HELPS YOU TO INCREASE YOUR ENGLISH VOCABULARY This comes from French

FRENCH is a springboard to learn more difficult languages By choosing French (one of the easiest languages for an English speaker) you will develop skills that are prerequisite for acquiring more difficult languages, like German, Chinese, Tamil, Arabic, etc.

FRENCH AS A WORLD-WIDE LANGUAGE French is the 11 th most widely-spoken language in the world. French is the official language of 33 countries in the world. Spoken by 125 million people French is the official language of Quebec and New Brunswick (Canada). FRANCE and CANADA are two of the world’s seven wealthiest countries

French is the second most commonly taught foreign language in the world after English. The French language channel TV5Monde is the most widely viewed television channel in the world. France has the fifth largest economy in the world.

FRANCE IS THE WORLD’S MAJOR TOURIST DESTINATION Over 75 million tourists visit France every of them could be you! Or why not Quebec…?


They all speak le français !

FRENCH ON THE INTERNET French is the 2 nd most widely-used language on the Internet.

The United Nations UNESCO NATO The International Monetary Fund The International Red Cross The International Olympic Committee FRENCH AND ENGLISH ARE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF

FRENCH MAKES YOU WEALTHIER! In Canada, people who are bilingual can earn a higher salary than those who are unilingual. Many government jobs demand a knowledge of both official languages.

BILINGUALISM MAKES YOU SMARTER! Scientific research has proven that learning a second language enhances cognitive skills. Learning French also improves memory, self-discipline and self-esteem.

CAREERS WITH FRENCH Prime Minister of Malaysia ;-) International Diplomacy Travel and Tourism Teaching Translator or Interpreter Journalism International Movie Star 

Parfait – which means “perfect” in English

L’alphabet français

Aa comme abeille “Ah”

Bb comme bateau “Bé”

Cc comme crayon “Cé”

Dd comme drapeau “Dé”

Ee comme escargot “Euh”

Ff comme fleur “Éff”

Gg comme guitare “Gé”

Hh comme hibou “Ash” Salut…

Ii comme igloo “Ee”

Jj comme jean “Jee”

Kk comme kangourou “Kaa”

Ll comme lit “Élle”

Mm comme maison “Émme”

Nn comme nounours “Énne”

Oo comme oiseau “O”

Pp comme poisson “Pé”

Qq comme quinze “Kuu”

Rr comme reine “Érre”

Ss comme singe “Ésse”

Tt comme tasse “Té”

Uu comme uniforme “Uu”

Vv comme violon “Vé”

Ww comme webcam “Double Vé”

Xx comme xylophone “Ixe”

Yy comme yaourt “Ee grec”

Zz comme zèbre “Zède”


Je suis Ahmad ou je m'appelle Ahmad Prénom /nom (name) J' ai 22 ans Age J' habite à Batu Pahat en Malaisie Addresse Je suis célibataire ou Je suis marié Familial Situation Je suis étudiant ou je suis professeur Profession Je travaille à UTHM Work place Je suis Malaisien Nationality Je parle le Bahasa Melayu et l’Anglais Language How to Present Yourself

EnglishFrançais Good morningbonjour Good afternoonbonsoir How are you?Comment allez vous? Fine-goodÇava bien Very goodTrès bien Hellosalut ByeTchao Good ByeAu revoir See you soonà bientot See you tomorrowà demain Good nightBon nuit pleaseS'il vous plait Have a seatAsseyez vous okayD'accord Thank youmerci Greetings


EnglishFrench Yes/NoOui/Non Yes, please/No, thank youOui, s'il vous plaît/Non, merci PleaseS'il vous plaît Thank youMerci (madame/monsieur) You're welcomeIl n'y a pas de quoi Here is/areVoici... Hello/Good morning/afternoonBonjour, (madame/monsieur) Hello/Good eveningBonsoir (madame/monsieur) GoodbyeAu revoir Good nightBonne nuit How are you?Comment allez-vous? Very well, thanksTrès bien, merci Excuse meExcusez-moi Do you speak English?Est-ce que vous parlez anglais? Can you help me?Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider? I don't understand.Je ne comprends pas. I don't know.Je ne sais pas.

Could you please write it downEst-ce que vous pouvez l'écrire? SorryDésolé(e) Leave me alone!Laissez-moi tranquille. Where?Où? When?Quand? How?Comment? Why?Pourquoi? Who?Qui? Which?Lequel?/Laquelle? Where is...?Où est...? How much?Combien? How many?Combien? What's that?Qu'est-ce que c'est? I'd like...Je voudrais... I want...Je veux... I like it.Ça me plaît. I don't like it.Ça ne me plaît pas. OK/Agreed.Ça va/d'accord. That's fine.C'est bien.

Good news about speaking French! Beginners can’t control mistakes when they speak French. In class, we’re interested in what you say, not how you say it. We all crawl before we walk !

We all make mistakes So, just speak French, and don’t worry about how you sound.