Final Task B2L2 : Meet my heroes ! Créer la carte d'un super-héros


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Transcription de la présentation:

Final Task B2L2 : Meet my heroes ! Créer la carte d'un super-héros lire et écouter de courtes descriptions de personnages répondre à des questions ou en poser pour deviner de quoi on parle lire de courts articles de magazine sur des héros de fictions Final Task Créer la carte d'un super-héros

1 2 3 4

Alistair This man is Scottish, he is from Edinburgh and his name is Alistair. He has short red hair, blue eyes and a long nose. He is very strong.

Thomas and David These boys are twins and they are Welsh, from Cardiff. Their names are Thomas and David Jones. They have short blond hair, blue eyes and square faces. They are very tall and slim.

Cassie This little girl is English. Her name is Cassie and she is from Liverpool. She has a round face, long curly brown hair and green eyes.

Radia Thi woman is Pakistani. Her name is Radia. She has long straight black hair, black eyes and a small nose. She is slim and not very tall.

Leila She's small and thin. She has short straight black hair and brown eyes. Her name 's Leila and she's Pakistani.

Sean He's tall and strong. He has short curly brown hair, brown eyes and a square face. He's Scottish and his name's Sean.

Margaret She has green eyes, a small nose and long curly red hair. She's Welsh and her name's Margaret.

Quentin His name's Quentin and he's English. He has a round face and short straight brown hair. His eyes are blue.