Risk analysis : - Splitters replacement - TCSC replacement WG TDC2/TCC2 18 th June 2013 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Risk analysis : - Splitters replacement - TCSC replacement WG TDC2/TCC2 18 th June 2013 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

General risks Common risk related to handling operation – Breakdown of a handling equipment : Renewed and spares pieces available for repairs External exposure: Reduced to the minimum. – Number of contact operation very limited – Time of exposure limited – Add of shielding and training of the operators to optimize their position during the operation E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

Risk analysis for North Area splitters replacement Procedure Hazard inventory, risk analysis and proposed measures step by step E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

Where are they installed? BA 80 One groups of 3 magnets They are designed with V supporting and automatic plug ins Installation rails are on place, and prealigned with the magnet TDC2 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

Replacement procedure for North Area splitters Slides from Jean-Louis : workspace/tcc2wg/21st%20Meeting/default.aspx?InstanceID=1https://espace.cern.ch/sba- workspace/tcc2wg/21st%20Meeting/default.aspx?InstanceID=1 Installation has as well been tested E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

1 2 3

JL GRENARD EN/HE OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario 1 Damaged rails providing the trailer to translate 2011 inspection already performed and did not revealed significant damages to the rails Low Cleaning and visual inspection before operation Very low Remove the trailer from the rails and fix the rails 2 The gravity centre of the plugin table is not located in the geometric centre of the table A spring keep the plug in table balanced. The same mounting is used on the surface mock-up. Nothing wrong with the balance has been noticed Low - In case of problem the spring can be re- adjusted manually. 2 Bad positioning of the trailer before the lifting of the splitter. Mechanical stops with switch to make sure that the positioning is correct Low Visual marking for human check before lifting Very low The splitter is lowered on the table and the trailer is re-positioned 2 Breakdown of the lifting system - Medium All the mechanical and electrical component will be renewed before intervention and tested Very Low The motion can be finish manually or hydraulic jacks can support the charge during the repairs of the trailer. Mechanical repair : In Situ Electrical repair : in TA801. The system is mechanically irreversible, the charge cannot be released. 1ere étape : Retrait des splitters

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario 2 Damage the splitter because it is not high enough during the translation A doubled switch indicate the right positioning of the splitter Low Quick visual check during the motion Very low Damages to the splitter or the table A switch is wrongly activated and provide the system to finish a motion - Low - The operator can switch to a mode degradé 1-3 During the translation of the trailer. The trailer move out of the rails Mechanical and electrical stop make sure that the trailer cannot leave the rails Low Quick visual check during the motion Very Low Damage to the surrounding equipment 2-3 The splitter hits the elements located upstream/downstream during its manipulation There is 100mm on each side of each splitters Low Quick visual check during the motion Very Low Damage to the surrounding equipment The grounds surface shape changed and give to the rail a light slope The brake of the trailers are normally closed so the trailer will not move if the motors do not work. Low Test on the mock up will performed at the surface - Damage to the surrounding equipment 1ere étape : Retrait des splitters E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario 1-2-3Same as the first step The splitter is wrongly in installed on the temporary support The same operation is repeated on the mock- up and use of simple support. Low Precise positioning with rails and use of an installation template. Very low Damage to the surrounding equipment and splitters E. HARROUCH EN/MEF 2ere étape : Dépose du splitter dans le fond du TDC2

3eme étape : Réinstallation du splitter sur les tables plugins OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario Same as the second step 2 Losing the alignment of the splitters Re-install the splitter at its original location Medium Take the reference of the plug-in tables before removing the splitters to make sure they are aligned before installing the splitters (If possible) Very low Intervention of the geometers to realign the splitters after the operation 2 Bad connection of the hydraulic plugins - Medium Visual check and water tightness test (with the trailer in position) Very low Intervention of the transport. 2 Bad connection of the electrical plugins - Medium Visual check and electrical tests (with the trailer in position) Very low Intervention of the transport. E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

Risk analysis for the TCSC replacement Procedure Hazard inventory, risk analysis and proposed measures step by step E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

Procedure JL GRENARD EN/HE BA Removal of the TCSC for storage in the 954 Transport of the TCSC with the PRATT to the entrance of TCC2 TCSC moved into TA801 with the trailer The TCSC is lifted into the PA80 and transported to the 954 for storage Installation of the new TCSC in TDC2 -> Inverted procedure TCSC

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final proba bility Failing scenario Levage Mauvaise accroche des hanses de levage entrainant une chute du TCSC Entrainement en surface Low Une vérification visuelle est réalisée avant le levage du collimateur pour assurer une bonne accroche Very low Endommagement du TCSC, table plugin et élément environnant Levage Endommagement des plugins lors du levage guidage vertical sur 400mm, les joints des plugins sont sur le TCSC Low Vérification visuelle Very low Endommagement des plugins Levage/Translati on Une panne du PRATT (les différentes pannes possibles sont identifiées par la suite) cause une descente de la charge non voulu pendant le levage. Le TCSC va redescendre sur la table plug-in - Low Actions : Vérifier à quelle vitesse descend le collimateur. Ajout dune vanne a main permettant détanchéifier le circuit et de bloquer la charge. Low Dépose lente du TCSC sur la table Translation Une panne du PRATT cause une descente de la charge non voulu pendant la translation. Le TCSC va redescendre entre la table plugin et le PRAT - Low Action : Ajouter des cales entre le PRATT et la table plug in pour permettre une dépose durgence entre le PRATT et la table Low Dépose lente du TCSC sur les cales 1ere étape : Retrait du TCSC E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final proba bility Failing scenario Levage Endommagement des éléments en amont et aval du TCSC 400mm de distance de part et dautre du TCSC Lowvérification visuelle Very low Endommagement du TCSC et élément environnant Levage/translatio n/roulage Panne dun vérin ou rupture dun vérin Le dimensionnement des vérins + les tests de charges (Réalisées à 150% de la charge nominale en statique et 110% de la charge nominale en dynamique). Les vérins neuf. Very Low - Very low Le système dispose dun réservoir dhuile permettant une certaine autonomie du système en cas de fuite. Levage/Translati on/roulage Panne électrique du PRATT Rénovation complète du PRATT. Very Low - Possibilité damener un set de batterie de secours sur place pour pallier à une panne des batteries. Batteries de rechange disponibles. Levage/translatio n/roulage Panne du groupe hydraulique Rénovation complète du PRATT Very Low - Le système hydraulique (pompe + moteur) du PRATT sera isolé et les vérins ou les moteurs seront directement alimentés via le système hydraulique de secours. (simulation à réaliser) 1ere étape : Retrait du TCSC E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final proba bility Failing scenario Levage/translatio n/roulage Panne des vannes de pilotage Rénovation complète du PRATT Very Low- Very low Commandes manuelles possible depuis le poste de conduite Levage/translatio n/roulage Panne de la radiocommande Rénovation complète du PRATT Very Low - Very low Connecter la radiocommande avec des câbles. Ou alors piloter le Pratt depuis le poste de pilotage. Levage/Translati on/roulage Panne électrique du PRATT Rénovation complète du PRATT. Very Low - Possibilité damener un set de batterie de secours sur place pour pallier à une panne des batteries. Batteries de rechange disponibles. Translation Panne du groupe hydraulique Rénovation complète du PRATT Very Low - Le système hydraulique (pompe + moteur) du PRATT sera isolé et les vérins ou les moteurs seront directement alimentés via le système hydraulique de secours. (simulation à réaliser) 1ere étape : Retrait du TCSC E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario RoulagePanne du PRATTCf. premiere etape Roulage Choc du collimateur sur le trajet Entrainement en surface, manipulation a petite vitesse Low Verification visuelle des passages critiques Very low Endommagement du TCSC 2eme étape : Roulage jusquen TCC2 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario LevagePanne du PRATTCf. premiere etape Levage Mauvaise dépose du TCSC sur la remorque. Grande dimension de la remorque pour réception du collimateur Low Vérification visuelle Very low Endommagement du TCSC 3eme étape : Reprise avec la remorque en TCC2 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario RoulagePanne du tracteur Volk Materiel standard CERN. Low- Remplacement du tracteur par un autre Roulage Choc du collimateur sur le trajet Entrainement en surface, manipulation à petite vitesse. Plateforme stable. TA801 completement vide Low Verification visuelle des passages critiques Very low Endommagement du TCSC 4eme étape : Roulage jusquen bas du PA80 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

OperationRisk Measures already taken Probability of occurence Measures to be taken Final probabil ity Failing scenario Accroche au pont Mauvaise accroche du collimateur au pont Procedure a definir Levage au pont Panne du pont (PA80 et 954) Analyse de risque à realiser 5eme étape : Reprise au pont puis stockage au 954 E. HARROUCH EN/MEF

Conclusion Temps de réflexion du LS1 Une grosse défaillance semble très improbable une fois toutes les mesures prises. Les dangers les plus probables mènent à une situation non critique. E. HARROUCH EN/MEF