Information about the adjectives for old, new & beautiful in French Special care needed!


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Transcription de la présentation:

Information about the adjectives for old, new & beautiful in French Special care needed!

Old Vieux – m/s Vieille –f/s Vieux –m/p Vieilles – f/p You should already know these 4 forms of the adjective. You should already know these 4 forms of the adjective.

Note that des becomes de when followed directly by an adjective. Des garçons intelligents De beaux garçons There is a 5th form! vieil is used before masculine singular words that start with a vowel or silent h Un vieux chien Un vieil homme Une vieille église De vieux hommes De vieilles églises

New nouveau – m/s nouvelle –f/s nouveaux –m/p nouvelles – f/p You should already know these 4 forms of the adjective. You should already know these 4 forms of the adjective.

Remember! des becomes de when followed directly by an adjective There is a 5th form! nouvel is used before masculine singular words that start with a vowel or silent h Un nouveau copain Un nouvel ami Une nouvelle amie De nouveaux amis De nouvelles copines

Beautiful beau – m/s belle –f/s beaux –m/p belles – f/p You should already know these 4 forms of the adjective. You should already know these 4 forms of the adjective.

Remember! des becomes de when followed directly by an adjective There is a 5th form! bel is used before masculine singular words that start with a vowel or silent h Un beau garçon Un bel hôtel Une belle maison De beaux cadeaux De belles plages

Note: this 5th form only applies when the adjective is used before the noun… e.g un nouvel appartement Un vieil acteur Un bel oiseau Vs lappartement est nouveau Cet acteur est vieux loiseau est beau