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©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.2 Figure 1 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 1. Anterior view showing the general arrangement of the brainstem and cerebellar arteries (Modified from Duvernoy [6]). A = medulla; B = pons; C = midbrain; D = cerebellum. Main arterial trunks: 1 = vertebral artery; 2 = anterior spinal artery; 3 = posterior inferior cerebellar artery; 4 = basilar artery; 5 = anterior inferior cerebellar artery; 6 = superior cerebellar artery; 7 = posterior cerebral artery; 8 = collicular artery; 9 = posteromedial choroidal artery; 10 = anterior choroidal artery. Arteries of the anterior and lateral aspects of the brainstem: 11 = anteromedial group of medullary arteries; 12 = anterolateral group of medullary arteries; 13 = lateral group of medullar arteries (arteries of the lateral medullary fossa), a = inferior rami, b = middle rami, c = superior rami; 14 = anteromedial group of pontine arteries, penetrating the basilar sulcus (14), penetrating the interpeduncular fossa (14 prime) (inferior rami of the interpeduncular fossa), penetrating the foramen cecum (14 double prime); 15 = anterolateral group of pontine arteries; 16 = lateral group of pontine arteries originating from the superior lateral pontine (16 prime) and the inferior lateral pontine (16 double prime) arteries and from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery; 17 = anteromedial group of mesencephalic arteries (middle rami of the interpeduncular fossa); 18 = thalamoperforating arteries (superior rami of the interpeduncular fossa); 19 = anterolateral group of midbrain arteries. Arteries of the anterior aspect of the cerebellum: 20 = branches of the superior cerebellar artery; 21 = branches of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery; 22 = branches of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.3 Figure 2 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 2. Posterior view of medulla and pons after removal of the cerebellum by sections of the cerebellar peduncle. A = posterior aspect of the lower medulla; A prime = posterior aspect of the upper medulla; B = posterior aspect of the pons (superior cerebellar peduncle); C = inferior colliculus; 1 = posterior inferior cerebellar artery; 2 = posterior spinal artery; 3 = posterior group of medullary arteries supplying the lower medulla; 4 = posterior group of medullary arteries supplying the upper medulla; 5 = superior cerebellar artery, lateral branch; 6 = superior cerebellar artery, medial branch; 7 = posterior group of pontine arteries (arteries of the superior cerebellar peduncle).

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.4 Figure 3 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 3. Right lateral view of the midbrain showing the general arrangement of the midbrain arteries (Modified from Duvernoy [6]). A = interpeduncular fossa; B = mamillary body; C = cerebral peduncle; D = lateral surface of the midbrain; E = superior colliculus; F = inferior colliculus; G = superior cerebellar peduncle; 1 = basilar artery; 2 = superior cerebellar artery, 2 prime = medial branch, 2 double prime = lateral branch; 3 = posterior cerebral artery; 4 = collicular artery; 5 = posteromedial choroidal artery; 6 = anterior choroidal artery; 7 = anteromedial group of midbrain arteries (middle group of interpeduncular arteries); 8 = anterolateral group of midbrain arteries; 9 = lateral group of midbrain arteries; 10 = posterior group of midbrain arteries; 11 = posterior group of pontine arteries (arteries of the posterior cerebellar peduncle).

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.5 Figure 4 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 4. Sagittal section of the pons showing the paths of different pontine arteries. A = pontine ventral (basilar) part; B = pontine tegmentum; 1 = basilar artery; 2 = the lower part of the pontine tegmentum, vascularized by ascending arteries; 3 = the middle part of the pontine tegmentum, vascularized by arteries with a straight path; 4 = the upper part of the pontine tegmentum, vascularized by descending arteries.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.6 Table 1 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Table 1. Anatomic structures of sections I to XII

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.7 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 5. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.8 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 6. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.9 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 7. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.10 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 8. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.11 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 9. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.12 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 10. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.13 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 11. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.14 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 12. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.15 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 13. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.16 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 14. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.17 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 15. No caption available.

©1996 American Academy of Neurology. ??diteur LWW_American Academy of Neurology.18 Arterial territories of human brain: Brainstem and cerebellum. Tatu, Laurent; Moulin, Thierry; Bogousslavsky, Julien; Duvernoy, Henri Neurology. 47(5): , November Figure 16. No caption available.