La Suisse, le Monde et le Service Public


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La Suisse, le Monde et le Service Public Université d’automne IHEID - Genève, 10 novembre 2012 Raymond Loretan, président SRG SSR

Définition Par service public, on entend des services de base de qualité, définis selon des critères politiques, comprenant certains biens et prestations d’infrastructure, accessibles à toutes les catégories de la population et offerts dans toutes les régions du pays à des prix abordables et selon les mêmes principes.

Service au Public

Service public = servir le public = fonction publique

Servir le public en politique

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme 1992 voie solitaire

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme 1992 voie solitaire 1999 crise d’image

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme 1992 voie solitaire 1999 crise d’image 2001 remise en question du modèle économique

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme 1992 voie solitaire 1999 crise d’image 2001 remise en question du modèle économique 2006 vulnérabilité globale

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme 1992 voie solitaire 1999 crise d’image 2001 remise en question du modèle économique 2006 vulnérabilité globale 2008 crise économique « systémique »

Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire récente de la Suisse 1957 changement de paradigme 1989 changement de paradigme 1992 voie solitaire 1999 crise d’image 2001 remise en question du modèle économique 2006 vulnérabilité globale 2008 crise économique « systémique » 2009 début de la fin du secret bancaire

Besoin d’institutions fortes et d’un paysage politique fort   Besoin d’institutions fortes et d’un paysage politique fort

Election du Conseil fédéral sur la base d’un programme commun Augmentation du nombre de Conseillers fédéraux Optimisation du système d’alerte et de gestion de crise Optimisation de la politique étrangère présidentielle Prolongation du mandat présidentiel Renforcement du rôle des partis politiques Décloisonnement économie et politique Plus que jamais besoin d’institutions fortes et d’un paysage politique fort

« Quand je me regarde, je m’inquiète et quand je me compare, je me rassure »

« Quand je me regarde, je m’inquiète et quand je me compare, je me rassure » Quand je me regarde, je me rassure et quand je me compare, je m’inquiète…

Servir le public dans l’administration et la diplomatie Ich möchte Ihnen in der nächsten halben Stunde präsentieren, was in New York in Sachen Landeswerbung konkret läuft und Ihnen unsere Imageförderungsprogramme Swiss Peaks und Swiss Roots vorstellen. Ich werde am Ende meiner Ausführungen nochmals auf die Landeswerbungsdiskussion zu sprechen kommen und Ihnen aus unserer Sicht die Herausforderungen darlegen, die sich uns in diesem Zusammenhang bei der konkreten Arbeit auf dem Terrain stellen.

What is swisspeaks? - a series of events - a program in four dimensions - a vehicle of communication to promote Switzerland in New York to create positive awareness for everything Swiss Qu'est Swisspeaks ? Un peu d'histoire: Fin année 90 et suite à l'affaire des fonds juifs, nécessité de reconstruire l’image de la Suisse notamment à NYC Fondation de PRS /Matyassy et idée de Swisspeaks en 2001 . Contexte difficile après 9/11: annulation ? signbe d'amitié et de solidarité A la veille de la guerre en Irak début 2003 et montée en flèche de l'anti-américanise en Europe et en Suisse : annulation ? changement d’axe de communication, vise à promouvoir une meilleure compréhension entre la Suisse et les USA, vise à promouvoir la Suisse à NYC Fin février 2003: lancement de SP Environ 100 événements de la culture, de l'économie, de la politique, et du lifestyle Sur environ deux mois Concentrés dans NYC

Four Dimensions fresh air theaters switzerland fund cinema location museums theaters switzerland tourism ARTS BUSINESS LIFESTYLE EDUCATION / POLITICS Sans quatre dimensions: arts, business, lifestyle, education/ politique Le principe de base est de ne pas réinviter la roue mais de travailler avec des institutions bien établies. Exemples: ART: Contemporary Swiss Art: Adolf Wölfli at the American Folk Art Museum Theater: Progressive Théâtre de Vidy Lausanne at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn) Film festival : At the Film Society of Lincoln Center Music: and Swiss Jazz Series at BAMCafé (Brooklyn Academy of Music) Contemporary Photography: At the Grey Art Gallery at NYU, Design: Graphic Design Retrospective of Jean Widmer at the Cooper Union Swiss Architecture at the Van Alen Institute Swiss American BUSINESS Relations in New York: "Showcase Switzerland" Workshop on Direct Investment in CH by Location Switzerland "Business and Film" workshop by Location: Switzerland at Anthology Film Archives "Business and Design" workshop by Location Switzerland LIFESTYLE: 4 weeks of Lifestyle events at the Vanderbilt Hall EDUCATION / POLITICS: Panel discussion "Direct Democracy in the U.S.A. and Switzerland (American- Swiss Foundation) New York University Panel discussion on Switzerland's Foreign Policy (Swiss Foundation for World Affairs) Columbia University "Virtual Classroom Switzerland / USA" "Fresh Air in Switzerland" swiss cinema bankers galleries grand virtual association classroom terminal central

Event Partners and Venues Organization for the Swiss Abroad SwissAmerican Film Festival CH-Am Chamber of Comm. The Film Society of Lincoln Center The Fresh Air Fund American Swiss Foundation Venues Swiss Institute – Contemporary Art New York Galleries Tonic American Folk Art Museum The Van Alen Institute BAM Brooklyn Academy of Music   Le principe de base est de ne pas réinviter la roue mais de travailler avec des partenaires suisses et des institutions new- yorkaises bien établies. Exemples: Cooper Union Grey Art Gallery at NYU High School of Telecom Arts & Tech 2 High schools in Winterthur

Nous avons crée notre propre ligne marketing la "T-line" qui nous adonné une grande visibilité et qui a d'ailleurs été reprise pour d'autres actions de marketing à l'étranger. L'affiche Red High Hill a été d'ailleurs reçu une distinction de la célèbre école de Design Parson School of Design

Total Operating Budget (Dec 02) ½ of the total contributions in cash approx. $ 3 million 50% Private Industry 50% Public Hand ½ of the total contributions in cash budget équilibré entre argent privé et public, tout en précisant qu'environ 50% des contributions publiques étaient en nature et non pas en cash.

Sponsors THE PENINSULA NEW YORK UBS Cultural Foundation Switzerland Tourism. UBS Cultural Foundation

Outcome - over 100 events - several 100'000 New Yorkers reached - 13 TV broadcasts and over 80 press articles - partnership with over 30 prestigious local institutions - t-campaign became a sustainable marketing tool Le consulat a fait un rapport final globalement positif mais aussi autocritique en soulignant certaines insuffisances dans le domaine de la communication et en soulevant clairement la problématique de la recherche de fonds pour ce genre d'opérations. Nos conclusion ont été confirmées par une audit indépendante de notre porjet par une copmagnie mandatée par PRS (étude de Ruetsch&Partner Consulting). L'autre constat était qu'une telle action dans le contexte extrêmement compétitif de NYC n'aurait qu'un effet très ponctuel s'il n'y avait de la durabilité de l’effet Swisspeaks

Swisspeaks Follow-up Program 2004 400'000 USD 50 events swisspeaks 03 - the success story of contemporary Switzerland in New York is continued in 2004 and 2005 Swisspeaks Follow-up Program 2004 400'000 USD 50 events 2005 120'000 USD 30 events - make t-campaign sustainable for everything Swiss in New York - institutionalize cooperation with local partners durabilité de l’effet Swisspeaks Décidé avec le soutien de PRS de continuer cette action en 2004 et 2005 As you know this consulate war running the Swisspereaks program which by the way featured between 2003 and 2005, in NYC alone, around 200 events in culture, business, politics, lifestyle etc. En 2005, nous avons décidé de liquider la société a but non lucratif car celle-ci nécessitait trop de travail d'administration et nous n'avions plus les moyens, notamment financiers et en resources humaines, de continuer sur cette voie. Ce d'autant plus que…

a project to connect people in the U.S. to people in Switzerland … and in 2006: from in New York to Qu'en 2004 déjà nous commençions à réfléchir à Swiss Roots. In 2004, PRS informed about the project of an exhibition on Swiss immigration in the US on Ellis Island We at the Consulate thought that the Ellis Island project could be a nice prolongation of Swisspeaks but that we could give another dimension in including in the project to all Americans of Swiss origin. Ce d'autant plus que selon le dernier recensement, on décomptait un million d'Américains d'orgone suisse. Swiss Roots was born. inscription dans le contexte plus global des relations de la Suisse avec les USA o        K18 ; FTA etc. o        Antiaméricanisme croissant Nous avons pensé que c'était le bon moment de demander aux Américains: nationwide a project to connect people in the U.S. to people in Switzerland

Vision - Create a Swiss affinity network - Cooperation with   Vision of the project: American with Swiss roots based on the 2000 US census are 1 million. The vision and purpose of Swiss roots is to motivate them as well as all Americans with a Swiss affinity to connect with Switzerland and to network with Swiss people, in other words to create a vast Swiss affinity network. This will be the primary benefit of this operation, the people-to-people encounters, the discovery and mutual respect of different cultures as well as the deepening of common basic values which were not really obvious in the last past years. C'est ainsi qu'avec l'aval de la Commission PRS et le soutien d'autres partenaire, Switzerland Tourisme et PH que nous avons clarifié les objectis du projet:il 's'agit avant tout d'un projet émotionnel qui vise clairement à créer un réseau de sympathie pour la Suisse aux USA. Nous espérons bien sûr qu'il aille des retombées dans le domaine économique, tourisitque et, pourqwuoi pas, poilitique. Mais avant tout c'est ce que j'appeler de la peope-to- people diplomacy, un projet pour les gens et qui ne peut réussir que grance à leur collaboration active. main partners: PRS, ST, PH who are fully on board, are financially supporting us but are also concretely involved in the realization of SR. intends to motivate Americans  of Swiss origin to discover the homeland of their ancestors and to get in touch with their Swiss relatives with Swiss affinity to learn more about the Swiss and start a dialogue with them intends to motivate the Swiss to reconnect with their Swiss relatives in the U.S. to start dialogue with Americans with common interests offers a platform for cultural exchange between the U.S. and Switzerland intensifies goodwill and positive publicity for Switzerland as a country of innovation,diversity and excellence strengthens the political relationship between the Sister Republics United States and Switzerland and helps generating future business potential creates an "Affinity Network Switzerland"

Strategy Website Network Network Events - Postal Bus - 7 Regional Events - Numerous Local Events What is our strategy, how to realize this vision? 3 piliers principaux: 1. The creation of a website, which will be the centerpiece of Swiss Roots and the interface between the networks CH/USA 2.Pillar is our network here in the US and the SR events which have as primary purpose to attract an audience of American of Swiss origin and direct it to the website. The events are structured as followed: 1 Main Thread: the Postal Bus touring the country 7 regional events, in 5 the states where we have the highest concentration of American of Swiss origin: California (115'485) Ohio (70'302) Pennsylvania (60'107) Wisconsin (59'090) And New York (37'721) And numerous local events 3. Network CH, which is the responding end for the Americans involved in the project.

Website Multifunctional Website & joint venture work Trace your roots Community tool Info on Switzerland and program 1. pillar: the SR website, first-ever site designed to bring together Americans with connections to Switzerland, its culture and its  heritage We aim at two target audiences: American who are interested in tracing their Swiss roots Larger, younger and international audience, all the people who feel they have an affinity of some sort with Switzerland 2 two companies were hired with the mission to create a multifunctional website: IgoUgo and Swissinfo Swissinfo is in charge of the "Trace your roots" part Has to create a genealogical search engines Has to provide surprising information about Switzerland (history, geography) Will feature famous Americans with Swiss Roots IgoUgo: is in charge of the "Community part" as well as of the architecture of the website To create the interactive community to build relationships/contacts through the Post stories: "Tell us your Swiss story"

Network in the United States Embassy Consulates General Seattle Honorary Consulates Minneapolis Buffalo Detroit Chicago Cleveland Boston Salt Lake City Indianapolis New York Denver Pitt. Phil. Philadelphia San Francisco Kansas City Washington D.C. Atlanta Phoenix Los Angeles Dallas New Orleans Honolulu Orlando Houston Miami 2. Pillar is our official network and the events You know our official network throughout the US, which is the backbone of the project: 1 Embassy 5 consulates general 2 scientific consulates 20 honorary consulates Numerous local Swiss societies … and Swiss associations nationwide such as Swiss clubs, Swiss Center North America, Swiss-American Historical Society, New Helvetic Society, Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, American-Swiss Foundation etc.

Main thread: Postal Bus Road Show March 31 to September 30 2006 As I mention before the events are structured in one main thread and 7 regional events: the Fil Rouge being the postal bus road show. We will present a genuine Swiss old timer postal bus traveling on American roads and stopping at “Swiss Roots” events in California, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin, the U.S. states with the highest concentration of Swiss immigrants. Wherever it stops, the bus features nostalgic memories on historic transportation service and various Swiss-related entertainment activities, like for example a 30' lesson of yodeling. At every station and as far as it is technically feasible, visitors wil be able to consult our website on computer terminals and participate in Swiss Roots’ sweepstakes to win flights to Switzerland. The “Swiss Roots” postal bus will be visiting the United States for six months will mark the connection between the U.S. regions with a particularly high percentage of Americans with Swiss roots. Main sponsor of this operation is of course the Swiss Post wich this year the 100th anniversary of Swiss postal transportation. The vintage bus will be loaded with nostalgic memories from times when the Swiss Post used mail coaches and sleighs as their main means of transportation for travelers, luggage and mail. So I invite you all to participate in fun activities on and off board, to enjoy a variety of Swiss entertainment and try to win some attractive prizes! in the 5 concentration areas of Americans of Swiss origin: o        California 115,500    - Wisconsin 59,000 o        Ohio 70,300 - New York 37,700 o        Pennsylvania 60,100

Carnaval Festival, Fowler Museum at UCLA April 8 2006 Los Angeles Carnaval Festival, Fowler Museum at UCLA - Campus Parade with Basler Carnival Clique "Rätz" - Art Workshop "Larven & Laternen" - Live Stage Performances - Postal Bus April 22 2006 San Francisco CAL Day at the University of California, Berkeley Let me now quickly describe the 7 regional events, you will find all the details in your press kit. First, the participation to the Carnival Festival at UCLA = University of California Los Angeles “Swiss Roots” brings the “Rätz Clique,” a thirty-person fife-and-drum corps from Basle, Switzerland, to Los Angeles for the Carnaval Festival at UCLA’s Fowler Museum. The Clique will parade through the campus playing drums and piccolo flutes, accompanied by the Swiss Root postal bus. This exhibition ¡Carnaval!is is a major festival of Carnival arts and culture from around the world. In a 10,000 square foot multimedia exhibition. 2nd event : CAL DAY = California Day at Berkeley University Cal Day is a campus-wide open house where all the different departments, labs, museums, and music halls are open to visitors. The event includes lectures by renown professors, special exhibits, guides to campus museums, and events for prospective students and parents. Our intention here is to reach the young crowd So we will be present at this year’s CAL Day at the University of California in Berkeley. During this open house feature expected to attract 10,000 visitors, Swiss Roots will address academic circles and feature a Swiss booth and of course the Swiss Roots postal bus, which will be stationed in front of the International House and will rotate to other locations on campus. - Swiss Roots at this year's CAL Day - Postal Bus at the International House - Swiss Roots experience

National Constitution Center Philadelphia June 10 2006 Philadelphia National Constitution Center Philadelphia - Town Hall Meeting with former Swiss President A. Koller - Exhibition Opening "Sister Republics" and Bundesbrief 1291 - Swiss food dinner and dance - Postal Bus The next event, the third one, will be one of the highlights of Swiss Roots since it is really a world premiere: : “Swiss Roots” will bring the Swiss Federal Charter, known as the “Schweizer Bundesbrief,” to Philadelphia’s Consitution Center. This occasion marks the first time this 715-year-old historic document has even been shown outside of Switzerland. It will be embedded in an exhibit, “Sister Republics”, for three weeks, showing the close constitutional ties between the U.S. and Switzerland. At the opening ceremony, former Swiss president, Arnold Koller, will participate in a “town hall meeting.” The Federal Charter is part of the newly designed “Sister Republics” exhibit, highlighting among others Swiss migration to the U.S. and Swiss involvement in the U.S. Revolutionary and Civil Wars. The exhibit will open June 10, 2006, with a town hall meeting that features Arnold Koller, who, in addition to serving as Switzerland’s president, is a constitutional lawyer and father of the modern Swiss constitution. He will give an historical review of the crosspollination between the Swiss and U.S. constitutions, as well as the direct democracy movement in the U.S. Throughout the day, people will enjoy the postal bus and its entertainment programme. Various micro exhibits will spark the interest of young and old – Swiss mountain dogs, Alphorn players, Flag throwing, children activities - the ideal family outing before the summer break. In the evening, we will have a dinner and dance program.

June 15-18 2006 Toledo NASSA Saenger Fest - Yodeling group competition - Swiss Roots reception - Postal Bus and Swiss Roots hospitality tent The fourth event will be in Toledo/ Ohio with NASSA= the North American Swiss Singing Alliance Every three years, the site of Saengerfest rotates but will be hosted in 2006 by the Toledo Swiss singers. The festival brings together the most accomplished Yodeling groups from the US and Canada for a weekend of competition, music, dance, and Swiss tradition. At this year’s North American Swiss Saenger Fest in Toledo, “Swiss Roots” will reach out to all American “Heimweh” singers of Swiss origin and with affinity to Switzerland. The Swiss Roots postal bus and a Swiss Roots hospitality tent will encourage visitors to connect with the country from which many of their ancestors emigrated Swiss Roots will also present an evening program on Saturday, June 17, with VIPs and surprises from Switzerland.

July 29th 2006 Ellis Island, New York Exhibition - Opening of "Small Number - Big Impact" – Exhibition on Swiss immigration - Opening planned with Federal Councillor P. Couchepin - Official Swiss National Day Celebration The fifth event will also be an highlight since it is at the origin of the Swiss Roots project: it will be the opening of the Ellis Island – Immigration Exhibition: “Small Numbers – Big Impact” as well as the traditional NY celebration of the Swiss National Swiss Roots and Migrationsmuseum Switzerland will present from July 29th through October 31st, 2006 a newly designed exhibition called “Small Numbers – Big Impact” – an exhibition all about Swiss immigration to the US, taking place on Ellis Island. The exhibition features interactive, modern and multimedia elements that highlight Swiss immigration andits impact in America. The core of the exhibition contains portraits of people who contributed to music, science,, art, politics and mobility, such as Marc Forster (producer and Oscar winner), Adolf Rickenbacker (inventor of the electrical guitar), Albert Gallatin (finance minister under president Thomas Jefferson), Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross (doctor, psychiatrist, prolific writer), Louis Chevrolet (car racer, car producer) and many others. Visitors can find their Swiss roots on the newly created website,, on one of the available computer terminals. A 200 pages book containing historical information and pictures of the exhibition will be for sale. The big opening of the exhibition will be celebrated two-fold on July 29th. First, Swiss Roots is very excited to have Federal Councillor, Pascal Couchepin, on hand for a special VIP red ribbon opening celebration.. Speeches from the Federal Councillor will be followed by an official toast, musical entertainment and cocktails, as well as a guided tour of the exhibit by its curators. Second, join Swiss Roots and the Swiss community for the traditional National Day celebration. In Swiss village style, you can enjoy the varied entertainment program while indulging in Swiss wine and food. Many local associations will offer typical Swiss goods. And the Swiss Roots old timer postal should be stationed at battery Park this day

Green County Cheese Days Sept 1-3 2006 New Glarus William Tell Festspiele - Festspiele hosted by Swiss Roots - Tree-planting ceremony - Postal Bus Sept 15 -17 2006 Monroe Green County Cheese Days - Swiss Roots Ball - Swiss Roots reception - Postal Bus in Parade Our sixth event will bring us to New Glarus in Wisconsin. New Glarus, “America’s Little Switzerland,” continues its 69-year tradition of telling the story of how Swiss national hero William Tell, his crossbow, and an apple helped Switzerland gain independence from the Habsburg tyrant, Herman Gessler. It’s a live theatre presentation where you can watch frisky goats, mooing cows, and whinnying horses bring the story to life on the natural outdoor stage to create a unique theatrical experience. This year, “ This years’ Wilhelm Tell Festival is hosted by Swiss Roots. The Swiss Roots old timer postal bus will of course make its appearance. Swiss Roots highlights will also include a tree-planting ceremony to commemorate all the Americans with Swiss heritage and affinity. The Saturday evening program hosted will feature a cutting-edge Swiss music group to which everyone can dance. Last but not least, no Swiss roots without Swsis cheese: so “Swiss Roots” will be part of the Green County Cheese Days in Monroe, Wisconsin. Held on Sunday, September 17, the giant extravaganza, attracting more than 100,000 visitors which is one of the top 100 events in the US, pays special tribute to the Swiss cheese-making and dairy-farming legacy of Green County.  With a history dating back to 1914, Green County Cheese Days is the oldest and largest food fest in the Midwest. Visitors enjoy cheese tasting and cooking demonstrations, dairy farm and cheese factory tours, live music, and plenty of authentic Swiss entertainment and cuisine. Unique highlights include sampling Wisconsin’s biggest cheese fondue, created by a local chef and a master cheese maker, a cow-milking contest, and The Swiss Colony Cheese Days Parade. This year’s Cheese Days will start with a Friday evening high: The “Swiss Roots” Ball – hosted at Turner Hall - featuring coronation of the Cheese Days King and Queen, and introduction of royalty, dignitaries, and special guests. A special Swiss Roots dessert will be unveiled with samples for all guests. And as to mark the last SR regional event , the Swiss Roots old timer postal bus will participate in the Cheeseland Festival Parade. Grand Finale!

Cultural Program Exhibition "Ticinese Architecture in the World" Erika Stucky & Roots of Communication Swiss Films "Reprocessing Reality" Besides the regional events, SR will have an additional cultural dimension which we are organizing together with Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Art Council. It is called “Cultural Offshoots”. It is cultural program about contemporary Switzerland including Swiss-American highlights in architecture, music, and film, with events taking place in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities. Ticinese Architecture in the World: 1970 – 2003 It already began on Feb 24 at Virginia Tech and it will be shown at important architecture department of important universities in the US such as: University of PA, MIT in Cambridge and UCLA in LA Erika Stucky & Roots of Communication Erika Stucky is a contrast-loving musician. Born in San Francisco, she grew up in Mörel, a town in Valais, Switzerland. She embodies the spirit of the cosmopolitan city and the mountain hamlet, hippies and folklore. She switches back and forth between perfect American English to authentic Swiss German and is equally at home improvising vocal acrobatics, yodeling or playing the accordion. Erika Stucky will join SR the two first weeks of September. She will perform at the Chicago for World Music Festival and she is planned for concerts and music Festivals in Seattle, San Francisco and New York…and we hope that she will be able to perform at the Monroe Cheese Days. And finally we are trying to place some documentary Swiss Films from May through December 2006, hopefully in LA, Chicago, SF, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. This “Swiss Roots” film program, which is scheduled in two parts – BORDERLESS SOUNDS and ENCOUNTERS OF THE SWISS KIND – will invites viewers to venture into new territories. These films showcase exceptional musicians who transcend borders, carve new trails, and introduce nonconformists whose thoughts and actions subvert the rules of society. “Reprocessing Reality” – “Swiss Roots” at New York’s PS 1 “Swiss Roots” for the young and upcoming on April 9 -- a Sunday afternoon party with dance and Swiss DJs and performers, “Swiss Roots” opens the contemporary art show, “Reprocessing Reality,” at PS 1, New York’s MoMA affiliate in Queens. Art lovers and music addicts of all ages will enjoy an astonishing artistic vibe from Switzerland at this show organized by Swiss curator Claudia Spinelli. What is reality and is there a truth beyond the images we create to visualize it? These and similar questions constitute the thematic horizon of the exhibition. Reprocessing Reality, organized by Swiss curator Claudia Spinelli, sets up a trans-disciplinary dialogue between documentary film and the visual arts. Through their observations, filmmakers and artists position themselves with respect to current affairs and social issues. In doing so, they adopt new approaches: cineastes expand space, and artists experiment with cinematic forms. Reprocessing Reality deals with the media, people and stories. The exhibition brings together important, internationally renown contemporary artists, such as Robert Frank, Willie Doherty, Ingrid Wildi, Anri Sala, Christoph Büchel, and R Markowitsch. Swiss Roots opening: Sunday, April 9, 2-6pm Show dates: April 6 to May 29, 2006

Events Statistic 2006 - 16 States - Approximately 120 Events - From January through December 2006 In addition to our 7 regional events and the cultural program, our US network will organize or co-organize around 120 SR related events in 16 different states. You will find the list in your docuemnts, let me just mention one or two example: 16 States: New York, Philadelphia, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Washington, Colorado, Louisiana, Texas, California, Oregon, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana NEW YORK See list: Apr 13 BOB LUTZ SPEECH Swiss American Chamber of Commerce

Network and Events in Switzerland Partner Organizations Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Familienforschung (SGFF) Auslandschweizer-Organisation (ASO) Swiss Ping-Pong Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband Unique Airport Media Blick online Migrosmagazin Panorama (Raiffeisen) AIR Events Auslandschweizer-Preis Unspunne-Fest Louis Chevrolet 2 Media Trips Swiss Roots Journalist Trip Cultural Journalists Partenaires de communication don’t la mission est de faire connaître le projet et couvrir quelques réunions familiales et des événements spéciaux Migros Magazin Panorama (Raiffaisen) AIR (Travel-& Lifestyle Magazine) -Partner Organizations for special actions: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Familienforschung (SGFF), an association of genealogists who will support requests to search roots in more details Auslandschweizer-Organisaton (ASO) Organisation of the Swiss Abroad Swiss Ping-Pong; will provide adresses if Swiss families ready to host for at least 5 days American of Swiss origine Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband, Associatino of the Swiss commnunities Unique Airport, which will present SR info and a computer termina at his new terminal for US destination Des événements ou la particpation à certains événements: 6. April, Auslandschweizer-Preis 31. August, Unspunnen-Fest in Interlakenn 1. September, Louis Chevrolet

Trip Ben Roethlisberger - 15-20 of May - Swiss Roots search in Lauperswil - Cultural Program and Sightseeing Tour One of our flagship event in CH will be Ben Röthlisberger's trip searching search for his Swiss Roots (Lauperswil/Emmental) in Mid of May for one week press conference will be held in Lauperswil, Berne or Zurich sightseeing throughout Switzerland Visit of Ben Roethlisberger and family to Switzerland Travel Group: Ben Roethlisberger Family Roethlisberger (3 people) Monday, May 15: Trip Ben Roethlisberger from Pittsburg to JFK Trip Family Roethlisberger from Ohio to JFK Departure from JFK (late afternoon, time to be confirmed).with SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIR LINES Tuesday, May 16: Arrival in Zürich (morning) Transfer to hotel in Bern, followed by sightseeing tour in Bern Further program tba Wednesday, May 17: Morning: press conference followed by luncheon Afternoon: visit of Ben’s hometown (Geissbüel, Gemeinde Lauperswil, Emmental), with media Meet relatives of Ben from Geissbüel Dinner in Bern Overnight stay in Bern Thursday May, 18: Suggested tourism program: Bernese Alps and Jungfraujoch Evening: transfer to Zürich Evening program tba Overnight stay in Zürich Friday May, 19: Morning: transfer of Family Roethlisberger to Zurich airport Flight with Swiss International Air Lines to JFK (arrival Friday afternoon), transfer to Ohio Saturday May 20 Meet Swiss sports celebrities(i.e. Swiss Soccer Training’s Camp) and Swiss American Football association Swiss Roots Party in Zurich Sunday May 20 Morning: transfer Ben Roethlisberger to Zurich airport Flight with Swiss International Air Lines to JFK (arrival Sunday afternoon), transfer to Pittsburgh

Honorary Board David Aebischer Tom Bates Micheline Calmy-Rey Peter Briner Brigitta M. Gadient Barbara Haering Thérèse Meyer-Kaelin Johannes Randegger Urs Ph. Roth Pamela Pitzer Willeford Jörg Abderhalden Sue Mathys David Zinman David Aebischer Tammy Baldwin François Bitz Marc Foster Linda Geiser Robert A. Lutz Claude Nicollier Ben Roethlisberger Daniel Schnyder Arthur Cohn Xeno Müller Tom Bates J. Richard Fredericks Marthe Keller John Lie Dr. Ruth Westheimer Adrian Benepe Rudolf Millisits Xavier Koller Madeleine M. Kunin Jewel Kilcher Rob Portman SR is supported by an Honorary Board (see list)

Marketing Strategy Profite totalement de l'expérience Swisspeaks Jewl Kilcher, Pop Singer Carte postale à distribuer One word on our marketintg strategy whose main function is to drive traffic to website as followed: Venue, event and retail distribution of postcards and brochures in local areas with high "Swiss concentration" between April 2006 and November 2006 Targeted direct marketing Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in local media Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in "special interest" media Embed swiss roots messages in partners and affiliates marketing activities Online "pier-to-pier" and "search engine" marketing PR stunts (i.e. Ben Roethlisberger trip to Switzerland)

Budget Budget 1,2 Mio. Program 36% Marketing, PR, Website 34% Operations 30% Sponsors Presence Switzerland 595'000 USD Pro Helvetia 300'000 USD Switzerland Tourism 210'000 USD Swiss (Tickets) 150'000 USD The Swiss Helvetia Fund Inc. 85'000 USD Post 100'000 USD At the moment our budget is still quite modest with 1.2 Mio $ which are distributed as followed: (from April through September) 20’000 Hits 18’000 Newsletter Suscribers 110’000 Users 2’000 Community Members 750 Stories Posted Profite totalement de l'expérience Swisspeaks Jewl Kilcher, Pop Singer Carte postale à distribuer One word on our marketintg strategy whose main function is to drive traffic to website as followed: Venue, event and retail distribution of postcards and brochures in local areas with high "Swiss concentration" between April 2006 and November 2006 Targeted direct marketing Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in local media Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in "special interest" media Embed swiss roots messages in partners and affiliates marketing activities Online "pier-to-pier" and "search engine" marketing PR stunts (i.e. Ben Roethlisberger trip to Switzerland)

EVENTS 150 Events 150’000 people nationwide directly reached Partnership with over 70 prestigious local institutions and sponsors Profite totalement de l'expérience Swisspeaks Jewl Kilcher, Pop Singer Carte postale à distribuer One word on our marketintg strategy whose main function is to drive traffic to website as followed: Venue, event and retail distribution of postcards and brochures in local areas with high "Swiss concentration" between April 2006 and November 2006 Targeted direct marketing Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in local media Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in "special interest" media Embed swiss roots messages in partners and affiliates marketing activities Online "pier-to-pier" and "search engine" marketing PR stunts (i.e. Ben Roethlisberger trip to Switzerland)

LINE CAMPAIGN 10’000 t-shirt sold 10’000 stickers distributed 4 different postcards designed and distributed Several ad campaigns in magazines PRS promotion material distributed Profite totalement de l'expérience Swisspeaks Jewl Kilcher, Pop Singer Carte postale à distribuer One word on our marketintg strategy whose main function is to drive traffic to website as followed: Venue, event and retail distribution of postcards and brochures in local areas with high "Swiss concentration" between April 2006 and November 2006 Targeted direct marketing Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in local media Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in "special interest" media Embed swiss roots messages in partners and affiliates marketing activities Online "pier-to-pier" and "search engine" marketing PR stunts (i.e. Ben Roethlisberger trip to Switzerland)

WORK WITH CELEBRITIES Jewel Rob Portman Bob Lutz Profite totalement de l'expérience Swisspeaks Jewl Kilcher, Pop Singer Carte postale à distribuer One word on our marketintg strategy whose main function is to drive traffic to website as followed: Venue, event and retail distribution of postcards and brochures in local areas with high "Swiss concentration" between April 2006 and November 2006 Targeted direct marketing Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in local media Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in "special interest" media Embed swiss roots messages in partners and affiliates marketing activities Online "pier-to-pier" and "search engine" marketing PR stunts (i.e. Ben Roethlisberger trip to Switzerland) Bob Lutz

MEDIA COVERAGE -> 135 Media Hits in the US 61% online 36% print -> 1213 media hits in Switzerland 41% online 50% print Profite totalement de l'expérience Swisspeaks Jewl Kilcher, Pop Singer Carte postale à distribuer One word on our marketintg strategy whose main function is to drive traffic to website as followed: Venue, event and retail distribution of postcards and brochures in local areas with high "Swiss concentration" between April 2006 and November 2006 Targeted direct marketing Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in local media Advertising, promotional and editorial placements in "special interest" media Embed swiss roots messages in partners and affiliates marketing activities Online "pier-to-pier" and "search engine" marketing PR stunts (i.e. Ben Roethlisberger trip to Switzerland)

Servir le public dans les medias électroniques: la SSR

1. Grandes lignes du mandat de service public SSR 2. La structure de la SSR 3. La SSR à l’heure du numérique

Grandes lignes du mandat de service public SSR fournir à l'ensemble de la population des programmes de radio et de télévision complets et de même valeur dans les trois langues officielles qui contribuent: au développement de la culture et au renforcement des valeurs culturelles du pays à la libre formation de l'opinion au divertissement

Grandes lignes du mandat de service public SSR fournir à l'ensemble de la population des programmes de radio et de télévision complets et de même valeur dans les trois langues officielles qui contribuent: au développement de la culture et au renforcement des valeurs culturelles du pays à la libre formation de l'opinion au divertissement promouvoir la compréhension, la cohésion et l'échange entre les différentes parties du pays, les communautés linguistiques, les cultures et les groupes sociaux, et tenir compte des particularités du pays et des besoins des cantons

Grandes lignes du mandat de service public SSR fournir à l'ensemble de la population des programmes de radio et de télévision complets et de même valeur dans les trois langues officielles qui contribuent: au développement de la culture et au renforcement des valeurs culturelles du pays à la libre formation de l'opinion au divertissement promouvoir la compréhension, la cohésion et l'échange entre les différentes parties du pays, les communautés linguistiques, les cultures et les groupes sociaux, et tenir compte des particularités du pays et des besoins des cantons resserrer les liens qui unissent les Suisses de l'étranger à la Suisse, promouvoir le rayonnement de la Suisse à l'étranger et y favoriser la compréhension pour ses intérêts

Offres pour toutes les régions des programmes de radio et de télévision de même valeur dans les trois langues officielles au moins un programme de radio pour la Suisse d'expression romanche, le Conseil fédéral fixe les principes régissant la prise en compte des besoins spécifiques de cette région linguistique en matière de radio et de télévision des autres services journalistiques nécessaires à l'exécution du mandat à l'échelon régional-linguistique, national et international et financés par la redevance de réception

Chiffres, données, faits La SSR compte cinq unités d'entreprise et six filiales un effectif de plus de 6000 employés (soit environ 5000 postes à plein temps) un chiffre d'affaires de 1,6 milliard CHF, 18 stations radio et 7 chaînes tv, ainsi que des sites internet et des services de télétexte des autres services journalistiques nécessaires à l'exécution du mandat à l'échelon régional-linguistique, national et international et financés par la redevance de réception Ses radios et, en prime time, ses chaînes tv, dominent le marché dans les quatre régions linguistiques face à la concurrence étrangère qui dispose de moyens financiers considérablement plus importants  

La solidarité financière

1. Grandes lignes du mandat de service public SSR 2. La structure de la SSR 3. La SSR à l’heure du numérique

Rôle de l'association selon l'art. 2 des statuts SSR 1 Conformément à la loi fédérale sur la radio et la télévision du 24 mars 2006 et à la concession du Conseil fédéral, l'association (ci-après SRG SSR) diffuse des programmes de radio et de télévision et fournit d'autres services journalistiques.   2 Dans ce but, SRG SSR exerce, sous la raison sociale «SRG SSR idée suisse», une industrie en la forme commerciale désignée dans les statuts par entreprise». 3 Par son offre de programme et les autres services journalistiques, SRG SSR s'acquitte du mandat de service public spécifié par la loi et la concession. Les offres servent à la libre formation de l'opinion, favorisent le développement culturel et contribuent à la formation du public ainsi qu'à son divertissement.

Organisation institutionnelle Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle RFZ BSL RGB ORG ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande JU NE VD VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha

Pouvoir de décision lié aux programmes Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle RFZ BSL RGB ORG ZS Pouvoir de décision lié aux programmes AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande JU NE VD VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha

nomme le président et trois des neuf administrateurs Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle L’AD définit l'orientation générale de la SSR, ses structures et ses compétences de direction nomme le président et trois des neuf administrateurs valide la nomination du Directeur général a les compétences statutaires traditionnelles d'un organe suprême et quelques autres attributions entend être un forum RFZ BSL RGB ORG ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha

Composition de l'AD 18 9 6 3 36 5 41 SRG.D RTSR Corsi SRG.R Gliederung SRG.D RTSR Corsi SRG.R Délégués par région inclus présidents régionaux 18 9 6 3 Suisse allemande Suisse latine Délégués 36 Administrateurs sans présidents régionaux 5 Membres 41

Comité, haute direction Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d’administration RFZ Comité, haute direction BSL RGB ORG ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha

Composition du Conseil d'administration 4 Présidents des sociétés régionales 3 nommés par l'Assemblée des délégués 2 désignés par le Conseil fédéral 9 Total

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle Directeur général Comité de direction SSR Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation Direction générale Swissinfo SRF Business Unit Sport Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême RTS RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia RTR Filiales

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d'administration RFZ Directeur général Comité de direction SSR BSL RGB Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation ORG Direction générale Swissinfo ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R SRF Business Unit Sport BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande RTS VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha RTR Filiales

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d'administration RFZ Directeur général Comité de direction SSR Comité Swissinfo BSL RGB Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation ORG Direction générale Swissinfo ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R SRF Business Unit Sport BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande RTS VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha RTR Filiales

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d'administration RFZ Directeur général Comité de direction SSR Comité Swissinfo BSL RGB Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation ORG Direction générale Swissinfo ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R SRF Business Unit Sport BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande RTS VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia RTR Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha Filiales

Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle Chaque société régionale met en place un conseil du public représentatif et consultatif. Ce conseil a pour tâche d'assurer des contacts étroits entre les responsables des programmes, les auditeurs et téléspectateurs ainsi que les utilisateurs des autres services journalistiques, et de soutenir par des constatations, suggestions et propositions l'activité programmatique. Le conseil du public institue un organe de médiation. RFZ BSL RGB ORG ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R OS PR BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande OM CP VS CP Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI OM CP Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha OM

Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle Définition des concepts de programme, répartition des enveloppes budgétaires sur les chaînes, propositions au Conseil d'administration relatives à des dossiers touchant le personnel et les activités de programme dans les régions, etc. RFZ BSL RGB ORG ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d'administration RFZ Directeur général Comité de direction SSR Comité Swissinfo BSL RGB Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation ORG Direction générale Swissinfo ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R SRF Business Unit Sport BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande RTS VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha RTR Filiales

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d'administration RFZ Directeur général Comité de direction SSR Comité Swissinfo Directeur général BSL RGB Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation ORG Direction générale Swissinfo ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R SRF Business Unit Sport BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande RTS VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha RTR Filiales

SRF RTS RSI Association SSR Entreprise Organisation institutionnelle AD Conseil d'administration RFZ Directeur général Comité de direction SSR Comité Swissinfo Directeur général BSL RGB Unités d'entreprise Unités d'organisation ORG Direction générale Swissinfo ZS AGSO Regionalrat Regionalvorstand SRG idée suisse Deutschschweiz SRG.R SRF Business Unit Sport BE FR GE Association, compétences, délégations Rouge: Haute direction Bleu: opérationnel, Direction Vert: Association Gris: Organe suprême JU NE VD Conseil régional Comité régional SSR idée suisse Romande RTS VS Consiglio regionale Comitato del CR CORSI RSI TPC Swiss TXT Publisuisse Telvetia Radunanza generala Cumissiun SRG Svizra Rumantscha RTR Filiales

1. Lignes du mandat de service public SSR 2. La structure de la SSR 3. La SSR à l’heure du numérique

Petite lucarne Petite lucarne De l’évolution des usages. TV comme média de masse, familial, linéaire, régulé

Multi-écrans multi-tâches Avec, toujours, un grand écran au salon. Mais entouré d’autres écrans, synchronisé, avec des contenus phéthoriques

L’offre des broadcasters

Médias convergés Vidéo Audio Texte Images Liens

Verticalité des chaînes et Transversalité des sujets CULTURE MUSIQUE

La stratégie d’entreprise de la SSR marque les valeurs du service public ; réaffirme que l’offre audiovisuelle reste la compétence majeure et le but de la SSR ; définit les objectifs stratégiques de la SSR ; définit les grandes orientations pour développer l’offre ; définit des priorités en vue d'un usage toujours plus efficace des ressources ; réaffirme la volonté de la SSR de collaborer avec des maisons médias privées, là où les intérêts concordent.

La stratégie de la SSR vise à renforcer le caractère unique de son offre de service public et à atteindre les usagers là où ils se trouvent : devant leur radio ou leur télévision ou sur internet. La SSR entend augmenter le nombre de productions originales suisses ; augmenter le nombre de retransmissions en direct qui sont la pierre d'angle des chaînes tv et radio ; développer sans attendre la Smart-TV (dite aussi tv connectée), en donnant la priorité au standard européen HbbTV* et au second écran ; intégrer rapidement les nouvelles tendances de la société dans le programme ; toucher mieux encore le public mobile, en ville et à la campagne ; cibler le jeune public ; maintenir l’âge moyen des auditeurs et des téléspectateurs, en dépit du vieillissement de la population.

En conclusion Un système politique solide et adapté aux défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain  

En conclusion Un système politique solide et adapté aux défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain Une administration et une diplomatie efficientes et novatrices  

En conclusion Un système politique solide et adapté aux défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain Une administration et une diplomatie efficientes et novatrices Des services publics fidèles aux valeurs suisses et tout en étant concurrentiels  

Merci de votre attention.