Rules Each group answers every question. A student will be selected at random to answer the question. If that team misses, a 2 nd name is drawn, and they.


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Les pronoms compléments

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‘Les Verbes au Présent’
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Its shoere time you learned the conjugation of a stem-changing verb!
Les sujets I am certain that you will learn a lot today, and that we will understand the subject pronouns en français.
Les verbes linfinitif = no time no body un verbe = un mot daction exemple: jouer = to play cette forme = linfinitif we know what the action is but not.
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La prononciation française
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A.Français b.Histoire-géo c.Sciences et Vie de la Terre d.Physique-chimie e.Technologie f.Anglais g.Arts plastiques h.Mathématiques i.Musique j.EPS 2 1.
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Les Mots Interrogatifs
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les Opinions Comment tu trouves?...
L’objectif: to know the words for school subjects in French.
Question formation In English, you can change a statement into a question by adding a helping verb (auxiliary): does he sing? do we sing? did they sing.
How do you say I like and I don’t like in French???
Transcription de la présentation:

Rules Each group answers every question. A student will be selected at random to answer the question. If that team misses, a 2 nd name is drawn, and they have a turn to answer. Points are awarded for correct answers. Keep track of points yourselves!

Vocabulaire Corrigez les erreurs Notes culturelles les mots manquants Répondez

Vocabulaire - for 100 (the) biology (the) chemistry

Vocabulaire - for 100 la biologie la chimie

Vocabulaire - for 200 (the) history (the) business

Vocabulaire - for 200 lhistoire le commerce

Vocabulaire - for 300 Its great! Its a waste of time!

Vocabulaire - for 300 Cest génial! Cest zéro!

Vocabulaire - for 400 What do you think of French class? (Translate; do NOT answer)

Vocabulaire - for 400 Comment tu trouves le français?

Vocabulaire - for 500 At what time do you have natural science? Translate; do NOT answer

Vocabulaire - for 500 Tu as sciences nats à quelle heure? OR A quelle heure est- ce que tu as sciences nats?

Error Correction - for 100 Tu a quels cours onze heure? (4)

Error Correction - for 100 Tu as quels cours à onze heures?

Error Correction - for 200 Je ai allemand vendredi. (every Friday) (2)

Error Correction - for 200 Jai allemand le vendredi.

Error Correction - for 300 Tu naime pas le biologie? Oui, beaucoup!! (yes) (3)

Error Correction - for 300 Tu naimes pas la biologie? Mais, si!

Error Correction - for 400 Je détester linformatique. Et tu? Moi, si. (3)

Error Correction - for 400 Je déteste linformatique. Et toi? Moi aussi. Pas moi

Error Correction - for 500 Nous avez les maths a un heures trente. (5)

Error Correction - for 500 Nous avons ( ) maths à une heure trente. or: Vous avez….

Notes culturelles - for 100 What is the best grade you can get in the French education system?

Notes culturelles - for , but they are extremely uncommon!

Notes culturelles - for 200 What is the test they have to take at the end of lycée?

Notes culturelles - for 200 Le Baccalauréat

Notes culturelles - for 300 What is the final year of Lycée called?

Notes culturelles - for 300 Terminale

Notes culturelles - for 400 How are school schedules different from ours? (2 differences)

Comment dit-on? - for No pattern to when courses are 2. *Early release/ late release 3. *Saturday class 4. Long lunch

Notes culturelles - for 500 What is the cut-off grade for passing your classes? (what is the lowest you can get, and still pass?)

Notes culturelles - for

les mots manquants - for 100 Tu ____ la chorale?

les mots manquants - for 100 Tu aimes la chorale? as wont work because….

les mots manquants - for 200 Pierre et moi, ____ ___ chimie ensemble (together).

les mots manquants - for 200 Pierre et moi, nous avons chimie.

les mots manquants - for 300 Vous ____ EPS ___ quelle heure?

les mots manquants - for 300 Vous avez EPS à quelle heure?

les mots manquants - for 400 A quelle heure ___ ____ ____ tu as géométrie?

les mots manquants - for 400 A quelle heure est- ce que tu as géométrie?

les mots manquants - for 500 Nous _____ la géographie! Ça ______.

les mots manquants - for 500 Nous aimons la géographie. Ça gère!

Répondez - for 100 Quest ce que tu aimes faire?

Répondez - for 100 Jaime jouer au football

Répondez - for 200 Tu as histoire à quelle heure?

Répondez - for 200 Jai histoire à onze heures cinquante.

Répondez - for 300 Comment tu trouves le français?

Répondez - for 300 Cest ____! super cool génial passionnant

Répondez - for 400 Quel est ton cours préféré?

Répondez - for 400 Jaime les mathematiques. Je préfère les maths

Répondez - for 500 Comment tu trouves le DPS?

Répondez - for 500 Cest super! facile passionnant! Jaime le DPS