Commission Europe ACTA/ACTIA 07/12/ Paris


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Transcription de la présentation:

Commission Europe ACTA/ACTIA 07/12/2016 - Paris

Ordre du jour Planification des dates de réunion pour 2017 (proposition : mars, fin juin, octobre) Résultats/dépôts 2016 Point montage 2017 Programmation 2018/2020 Grandes lignes/scoping paper Topic et lobbying Formations H2020/FEDER/FEADER Points divers : Task Force, Groupes Opérationnels, évaluation de projets etc...

Résultats 2016 Réseaux thématiques RUR10 – CERERE - Cereal Renaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low input food systems Partenaire ITAB RUR10 – SHEEPNET - Sharing Expertise and Experience towards sheep Productivity through NETworking Coordination IDELE RUR10 – Inno4grass - Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe Partenaire IDELE RUR10 – EUPIG - EU Pig Innovation Group : thematic network on Pig Resource Utilisation and Sustainability Partenaire IFIP RUR 10 – SKIN - Short Supply chain Partenaire ACTIA RUR11 – PLAID - Peer-to-peer learning : Accessing Innovation through Demonstration (Demonstration farms and methodology) Partenaire ACTA, ARVALIS et IDELE Internet of Things IOT1 - IOF 2020 - Internet of Food and Farm 2020 Partenaire ARVALIS

Dépôts 2016 Projets en deux étapes SFS1 – SOLACE - Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use Partenaire ARVALIS SFS2 – REMIX - Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures Partenaires ACTA, ITAB, Terres Inovia et ARVALIS SFS6 – IWMPRAISE – Integrated weed management Partenaires ACTA, Terres Inovia, ARVALIS SFS7 – LIVESEED Partenaire ITAB SFS15 – GenTORE – Genomic management tools to optimize resilience and efficiency Partenaire IDELE SFS19-B – SUSFOOD2 - ERA Net on sustainable food production and consumption Partenaire ACTIA SFS26 – LEGVALUE – To develop sustainable legume-based farming systems and agri-fees and food chains in the EU Coordination Terres Inovia

Dépôts 2016 Projets en deux étapes SFS37 – COREMI – Consumer driven strategies from retail to fork to minimize Partenaire ACTIA SFS45 – CONFUCIAN – Co-development and implementation of food safety and transparency solutions for EU-China mutual confidence Coordination ACTIA – Partenaire IFV RUR6 – DIVERIMPACT - Characterize and ensure the full uptake of potential benefits of crop diversification at farm, supply chains and territory levels Partenaires ACTA, Terres Inovia, ITB et ARVALIS RUR14 – INBOOST – Boosting the Innovation capacity and sustainability of European agriculture and rural advisors Partenaire IDELE CIRC01 – MANURE LOOP – Enable closed loop re-use for swine manure in circular economy Partenaire IFIP

Point montage 2017

1 Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 07-2016/17: Organic Breeding – Increasing the competitiveness of the organic breeding and farming sectors (RIA, 8 M€ / 2016 - 6 x 2 M€ / 2017 - 2 étapes) SFS 15-2016/2017: Breeding livestock for resilience and efficiency (RIA, 7 M€ ; Budget 14 M€, maa, 2 étapes) Scope B : small ruminants and/or monogastrics (2017) 7 M€ Une coordination INRA - Rup et Moreno (IDELE) sur petits ruminants Une coordination WUR Johan Van Arendonk – Monogastriques (ITAVI et IFIP?) SFS 21-2016-2017: Advancing basic biological knowledge and improving management tools for commercially important fish and other seafood species (RIA, 6 M€ en 2016 et en 2017 – 2 étapes) B [2017] : Coordination ? (5 M€) SFS 24-2016-2017: Reinforcing international cooperation on sustainable aquaculture production with countries from South-East Asia (CSA, 2 M€ ; S-E Asia ; 1 étape)

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 04-2017: New partnerships and tools to enhance European capacities for in-situ conservation (CSA, 2 M€ ; Budget 2 M€ ; m.a.a. – 1 étape ) Pas de pistes de consortia à ce jour > Quel intérêt des Institits Techniques? SFS 05-2017: Robotics Advances for Precision Farming * (RIA, 2-4 M€ - Budget 7 M€ ; m.a.a. – 1 étape) Un consortia Portugais avec IFV ACTA passé à côté d’un consortia WUR dans le secteur végétal… Consortia avec ITA animaux? SFS 08-2017: Organic Inputs – Contentious inputs in organic farming (RIA, 4 M€ - Budget 8 M€ - m.a.a. – 2 étapes) FIBL (ITAB?) SFS 10-2017: Research and approaches for emerging diseases in plants and terrestrial livestock (RIA, 5 M€ - Budget 15 M€ - m.a.a. – 2 étapes) Projet « rouille du blé » - Coordination AU (ARVALIS) Projet Bio-agresseurs émergents – Univ Turin (ACTA – BBV – CTIFL – FN3PT) Projet sur maladie du bois de la vigne issu du COST (IFV) Opportunités secteur animal??

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 13-2017: Validation of diagnostic tools for animal and plant health (IA, 3 M€ - Budget 6M€ - 1 étape) Une coordination INRA (Département Santé Animale) Autre coordination INRA (UMR INRA-ANSES) : Secteur animal SFS 16-2017: Bee health and sustainable pollination (RIA, 4,5 M€ : Budget 9 M€ - m.a.a. – 2 étapes) Une coordination anglaise (FERA) Une coordination Allemande Une coordination Anglaise > ACTA et ITSAP pas impliqués à ce jour! SFS 17-2017: Innovations in plant protection (RIA, ± 3 M€ ; Budget 10 M€ - 2 étapes) 2 coordinations INRA (Didier Andrivon + Nathalie Volkoff) Autre consortium « Minimise Residues » : Coordination CTIFL ACTA partenaire et WPL d’un consortium finlandais (LUKE) Autre consortium connu (UK – Rothamsted)

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 18-2016: Framework Partnership Agreement supporting Joint Actions towards Public-Public Partnerships in the Bioeconomy (FPA - Framework Partnership Agreement (for ERA-NET Cofund actions) – NOUVEAU!!! 1 étape le 13/09/2016 (1 projet financé seulement, puis ultérieurement lancement de Calls pour "specific grant agreements (SGAs) under this FPA" (Budget unknown) - SCOPE DES ERA-NETS Cofund prévus dans le cadre de ces Joint Actions : A : Sustainable crop production B : Innovative forest-based bioeconomy C : GMO research D : Nutrition and the epigenome E : Plant molecular factory SFS 20-2017: Towards a science-based regionalisation of the Common Fisheries Policy (RIA, 6 M€ - 2 étapes) SFS 22-2017: Smart fisheries technologies for an efficient, compliant and environmentally friendly fishing sector (IA, 6 M€ ; budget 6 M€ - 1 étape)

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 27-2017: Permanent grassland – farming systems and policies (RIA, 10 M€ ; m.a.a. – 2 étapes) Consortium piloté par INRA (JL.Peyraud) : IDELE (Réseau de fermes expérimentales) Consortium INRA concurrent : Gianni Belloci SFS 28-2017: Functional Biodiversity – Productivity gains through functional biodiversity: effective interplay of crop pollinators and pest predators (RIA, 10 M€ ; m.a.a. – 2 étapes) Consortium « bouclé » piloté par AGROSCOPE (Philippe Jeanneret) – Autour du « Focus Group HNV » Autres pistes ? SFS 29-2017: Socio-Eco-Economics – Socio economics in ecological approaches (RIA, 5 M€ – 2 étapes) Consortium probable Université Ancona (IT) et ORC (UK)

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 30-2017: Closing loops at farm and regional levels to mitigate GHG emissions and environmental contamination: focus on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in agro ecosystems (RIA, 6 M€ ; budget 12 M€ ; m.a.a. – 2 étapes) Recherche de consortium pour sujet d’intérêt! SFS 32-2017: Promoting and supporting eco-intensification of aquaculture production systems: inland (including fresh water), coastal zone and offshore (RIA, 6 M€ ; budget 12 M€ – 2 étapes) SFS 34-2017: Innovative agro-food chains: unlocking the potential for competitiveness and sustainability (RIA, 6 M€ ; m.a.a. – 2 étapes) Sollicitation consortium (Consulta Europea) Intérêt pour l’ACTIA à préciser. SFS 35-2017: Innovative solutions for sustainable food packaging (IA, 6 M€ ; Budget 12 M€ – 1 étape ) Un projet coordonné par l’ACTIA,

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 36-2017: Co-fund on "One Health" (zoonoses – emerging threats) (European Joint programme Cofund-EJP, budget 35 M€ ; NOUVEAU!!! – 1 étape) Un consortium Piloté par l’ANSES (André Jestin) > gros Instituts de Recherche publics SFS 39-2017: How to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic? (RIA, 10 M€ ; Budget 20 M€ – 2 étapes) Identification d’un consortium en cours SFS 40-2017: Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (RIA ; 9 M€ – 2 étapes) SFS 43-2017: Earth observation services for the monitoring of agricultural production in Africa (RIA, 10 M€ * – 1 étape) * 10 M€ from "SC5 Climate action..."

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 46-2017: Alternative production system to address anti-microbial drug usage, animal welfare and the impact on health (RIA, 5 M€ – 2 étapes) Une coordination identifiée WUR avec INRA en partenaires (Intérêt ITA animaux?) SFS 47-2017: Management of soil water resources management in the EU and China and its impact on agro-ecosystem functions (RIA, 5 M€ – 2 étapes) Une coordination identifiée WUR (Intérêt ITA animaux?) SFS 48-2017: Resource-efficient urban agriculture for multiple benefits – contribution to the EU-China Urbanisation Partnership (IA, 7 M€ ; m.a.a. – 1 étape) Astredhor membre d’un consortium.

1 1. Call for Sustainable Food Security (SFS) H2020-SFS-2017 SFS 49-2017: Better understanding the challenges facing agriculture and the impacts of policies – A European platform to support modelling in agriculture (CSA, 1 M€ – 1 étape) SFS 50-2017: Supporting international cooperation activities on agriculture soil contribution to climate change mitigation (CSA, 2 M€ – 1 étape) SFS 51-2017: Support to the development and implementation of the Food 2030: Food Research and Innovation Area Strategy – a European research and innovation policy framework for food and nutrition security (CSA, 4 M€ – 1 étape)

2 2. Call Rural Renaissance H2020-RUR-2017 RUR 10-2016/2017 : Thematic Networks compiling knowledge ready for practice (CSA, 2 M€ per network ; budget 2016: 10 M€ ; 2017: 10 M€ - m.a.a. - 1 étape – EIP Agri) 3 RT dans secteur animal ( Antibiotic – Nutrition – Organic feeding) Autres RT ? RUR 2-2017: Coastal-rural interactions: enhancing synergies between land and sea- based activities (RIA, 5 M€ ; m.a.a. - 2 étapes – coll. with RUR1) Pas de consortium Identifié (Intérêt des Instituts techniques?) RUR 3-2017: Towards 2030: policies and decision tools for an integrated management of natural resources (RIA ; 8 M€ - 2 étapes) Pas de consortium Identifié (Intérêt des Instituts techniques?) RUR 5-2017: Novel public policies, business models and mechanisms for sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services (IA, 4 M€ ; budget 8M€ ; m.a.a. - 1 étape) Pas de consortium Identifié (Intérêt IDF?)

2 2. Call Rural renaissance H2020-RUR-2017 RUR 9-2017: Business models for modern rural economies (RIA, 4,5 M€ ; budget 9 M€ ; m.a.a. - 2 étapes) Sollicitation WUR – Université de Foggia RUR 12-2017: Networking European farms to boost thematic knowledge exchanges and close the innovation gap (CSA, 7 M€ - 1 étape - EIP Agri) ACTA Coordinateur: + IDELE, ARVALIS et IFV * agricultural knowledge & innovation system (SCAR strategic working group)

2 2. Call Rural renaissance H2020-RUR-2017 RUR 13-2017: Building a future science & education system fit to deliver to practice (RIA, 7 M€, m.a.a. - 2 étapes) Consortium piloté par DS AGRI de l’INRA RUR 15-2017: The benefits of working with others – fostering social capital in the farming sector (CSA, 3 M€, m.a.a. - 1 étape) Pas de consortium Identifié (Intérêt des Instituts techniques?) RUR 16-2017: Optimising interactive innovation project approaches and the delivery of EU policies to speed up innovation in rural areas (CSA, 5 M€, m.a.a. - 2 étapes ) Pas de consortium Identifié (Intérêt des Instituts techniques?) * agricultural knowledge & innovation system (SCAR strategic working group)

Programmation 2018-2020 Grandes lignes/scoping paper

Orientations that will guide the preparation of the DRAFT SCOPING PAPER Orientations that will guide the preparation of the SC2 Work Programme 2018-2020 (Rafael Garcia-Villar – H2020 BIO-NCP, France - Aug. 2016)

1. Context Europe is urged to act on key challenges for the years to come : adapt and mitigate climate change ; ensure food- and energy-security, promote alternatives to fossil-based economy ; address international commitments (SDGs, COP21, G7 on oceans); foster economic growth and social prosperity. Investments under Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) will be essential to properly address all these challenges. SC2 will focus on : the development of resilient and sustainable value chains for food and other bio-based systems, mitigating and adapting to the risks of climate change, demonstrating and sustainably exploiting the potentials of the seas, fostering innovation in rural, coastal and urban areas, linking territories with a broad societal engagement. Recommendations for the 2018-2020 SC2-WP have been drafted in order to : meet the Commission's political priorities, ensure that the concepts of Open Science, Open Innovation and Open to the World are fully integrated.

2. Strategic orientations for 2018 – 2020 and translation into calls FIVE ORIENTATIONS ... 2.1 Addressing climate change and resilience on land and at sea 2.2 Making the transition towards a circular bioeconomy 2.3 Functional ecosystems, sustainable food systems, healthy lifestyles. 2.4 Boosting major innovations on land and sea – new products, value chains and markets 2.5 Developing smart, connected territories and value chains in rural and coastal areas ... MADE OPERATIONAL THROUGH THREE CALLS

3.1 : Call SFS Sustainable Food Security (SFS) Call Working Title Description Possible participation in/from other work programme parts Sustainable Food Security (SFS) Climate-smart food systems, including mitigation and resilience (soils, microbiomes …) Other stressors including land and coastal pollution mitigation, sea water intrusions, inland floodings Sustainable approaches at various levels of food systems Circular food and biobased systems Healthy products for consumers from land and sea, healthy and sustainable lifestyle and consumption International cooperation on food and nutrition security Possible participation in the Virtual Focus Areas on: Climate Circular Economy Digitisation Migration ./...

3.2 : Call RUR Rural Renaissance (RUR) - New openings for rural growth Call Working Title Description Possible participation in/from other work programme parts Rural Renaissance (RUR) - Valorise rural assets - New openings for rural growth - Digitisation - Boosting innovation and empowering communities - Circular systems - Rural-urban and rural-coastal linkages - Blue innovation coastal cities/coastal protection - Integration of regional aspects of bioecononomy Possible participation in the Virtual Focus Areas on: Climate Digitisation Circular Economy Migration ./...

3.3 Call "OCEAN" Call Working Title Description Possible participation in/from other work programme parts Harvesting the ocean opportunities Addressing climate change and resilience on land and at sea Boosting major innovations on land and sea while maintaining healthy and productive ecosystems through : large demonstrators (algae biorefineries, integrated offshore platforms) and marine technologies, engineering and services Bioprospection/biomimicry, marine microbiome Healthy oceans for healthy people Strengthen international R&I cooperation around the blue economy and the future of the oceans : South Atlantic partnership towards an ‘All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance’ Supporting the Baltic Sea Research and Development programme (BONUS). Supporting the implementation of the BlueMed initiative and future cooperation with non-EU partners; Fostering marine research and innovation cooperation in the Black Sea. Possible participation in the Virtual Focus Areas on: Climate, Circular Economy, Digitisation   Possible participation from SC1, SC3, SC4, SC5, KET, Research infrastructures, LEIT ICT

Calendrier PROGRAMME STRATEGIQUE (2016 – 2017) Oct 2016 – Juin 2017 REDACTION DU DOCUMENT DE CADRAGE (A partir d’octobre 2016…) Commencer la redaction des WP – Octobre 2016 Réunions avec AG/CP/SCAR Groupe Horizon Réunion CP Réunion DG & CAB sur les orientations des topics orientations 1ère redaction des WP (feuille de route, topics indicatifs & calendrier des mesures) – Janvier 2017 Apport de l’évaluation intermédaire H2020 2ème Version – Avril 2017 Version finale – Juin 2017 ADOPTION et COMMUNICATION (A partir de juin 2017…) Procédure d’adoption Consultation Inter-service Juin 2017 Vote CP Juillet 2017 Procédure e-Greffe Septembre 2017 Adoption Octobre 2017 Communication Réunions PCN Info days Oct 2016 – Juin 2017 Juillet – Oct 2017

Topic et lobbying WP 2018-2020 Canaux lobbying Différents canaux de lobbying peuvent être utilisés/mobilisés dans le cadre du programme Horizon 2020 Les « Advisory groups » ou « Groupes consultatifs » par défi sociétal > pour le défi 2, il y a un groupe de 20 experts UE qui est mobilisé pour chaque Programme de travail pluriannuel : la représentante française est Véronique Chables de l’INRA. (FAIBLE CAPACITE LOBBY) Le SCAR (Standing Committee for Agricultural Research) – Comité composé de représentants des Etats-membres et co-encadré par DG Recherche et DG AGRI (MOYENNE CAPACITE LOBBY) Les ETP (European Technologic Platform), Réseaux ou Task Force (TP ORGANICS – Food for Life – ATF – EFRIN – EUFRAS) qui produisent des livres blancs en amont de la programmation. (FORTE CAPACITE LOBBY) Les relations directes avec les Program Officers de la DG R&I et la DG AGRI : ACTA a fait passer 2 topics en un rdv d’une heure en 2015! (FORTE CAPACITE LOBBY) Les représentants nationaux au Comité de Programme (MAAF – MENESR): ont davantage un rôle de validation des Topics que d’impulsion et de proposition de Topics. (FAIBLE CAPACITE LOBBY).

Topic et lobbying WP 2018-2020 Topics proposés

Topic et lobbying WP 2018-2020 Topics finalisés Amont/aval : Undisputed quality of food of animal origin Antibiotiques/pesticides : The microbiome from an integrated one-health perspective Responsible use of Antibiotics (and anthelmintics) Socio/éco : Services provided by livestock production systems Understanding consumers’ perceptions and expectations about livestock production systems and consumption of animal product and engaging dialogue with the society Competitiveness and adaptability of livestock farming systems facing global changes Improve the contribution of animal productions and animal food products to the empowerment of rural areas by the way of innovative socio-economic and logistics organization and adapted policies

Topic et lobbying WP 2018-2020 Topics finalisés Production : Efficient and safe management of manure and animal by-products Efficient and robust animals adapted to new European feed sources Sustainable food production using human inedible agro-products as animal feed Animal welfare supporting animal health Emissions mitigation Smart farming : Precise management of animals Precise livestock farming Sol : Quantifying and mapping soil services to policy advisor and land use planning

Formations 17 janvier : Formation FEDER – à la MNE 18 janvier : Formation FEADER – à la MNE

Task force Contexte Faire exister ENSEMBLE les deux associations en tant qu’ « association des centres techniques agricoles et agroalimentaires français » face aux institutionnels et partenaires européens. Finalité Promouvoir le modèle ITA/ITAI auprès des décideurs européens et l’inscrire dans le paysage européen de l’innovation. Objectifs Réunir les différents acteurs français et européens Maximiser l’obtention de financements européens Bénéficier d’une plus grande visibilité et d’un meilleur positionnement vis-à-vis des décideurs publics français et européens Perspectives Peser sur la préparation des programmes de travail H2020 2018/2019/2020 et l’élaboration du prochain programme-cadre de R&I,

Groupes opérationnels en région

Groupes opérationnels en Régions

Merci de votre attention! 35