Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Verbs Adverbs Grammar Culture Review $100 $100


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Transcription de la présentation:

Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Verbs Adverbs Grammar Culture Review $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

1 - $100 Comment dit-on I dance but I prefer to sing Je danse mais je prefere chanter.

1 - $200 Comment dit-on Y’all like to swim after school (you=plural) Vous aimez nager apres l’ecole.

1 - $300 Comment dit-on Do you want to play soccer with me after school? Veux-tu jouer au foot avec moi apres l’ecole?

1 - $400 Comment dit-on I would like to eat two croissants after the test. Je voudrais manger deux croissants apres l’examen.

1 - $500 Comment dit-on I can’t play soccer tomorrow because I have to clean my room. Maybe Saturday? Je ne peux pas jouer au foot demain parce que je dois ranger ma chambre. Peut-etre samedi?

2 - $100 Comment dit-on He plays soccer well Il joue bien au foot

2 - $200 Comment dit-on Usually, we cook after school (we=informal) D’habitude, on cuisine apres l’ecole.

2 - $300 Comment dit-on We never eat croissants. We=formal Nous ne mangeons jamais les croissants.

2 - $400 Comment dit-on They always work after school and after they often play volleyball. (they=females) Elles travaillent toujours apres l’ecole et apres elles jouent souvent au volley.

2 - $500 Comment dit-on He sometimes studies because he is hard-working, but he sometimes prefers to play video games after school. Il etudie quelquefois parce qu’il est travailleur mais il prefere quelquefois jouer aux jeux video.

3 - $100 Ma cousine et moi, nous preferons regarder les films. Name the subject (s) and conjugated verb Subjects: ma cousine et moi, nous Conjugated verb: preferons Infintive verb: regarder

3 - $200 Put the following sentence in order: Jamais / etudies/ tu / n’ / pour / les examens Tu n’etudies jamais pour les examens.

3 - $300 Put the following sentence in order: Mangeons / plus / nous / ne / les escargots Nous ne mangeons plus les escargots.

3 - $400 What do these verbs have in common? (Hint: think pronouns) Etudier, aimer, ecouter, habiter, arriver Je becomes j’ when you conjugate J’etudie, j’aime, j’ecoute, j’habite, j’arrive

3 - $500 D’habitude, elles aiment jouer au volley parce qu’elles sont grandes et sportives. Translate and diagram: subject(s), conjugated verb(s), infinitive verb(s), adjective(s), conjunction(s) Usually they like to play volleyball because they are tall and athletic. Elles (S), aiment, sont (CV), jouer (INF), grandes,sportives (ADJ), et (conjunction)

4 - $100 In which part of Canada is Quebec located and what is the capital? Eastern Canada, Quebec City

4 - $200 Which city holds the annual Carnaval d’Hiver, or Winter Carnival and in which month does it occur? Quebec City, fevrier

4 - $300 What is the oldest French-speaking community in North America? Quebec City

4 - $400 What is the largest French-speaking city in the world, after Paris? Montreal

4 - $500 What is poutine? Typical Quebec food consisting of French fries, gravy, and cheese curds

5 - $100 Comment dit-on He has blue eyes. Il a les yeux bleus.

5 - $200 Comment dit-on My sister is very short but I am really tall (m). Ma soeur est tres petite mais je suis vraiment grand.

5 - $300 Comment dit-on I would like to eat a croissant because I am hungry. Je voudrais manger un croissant parce que j’ai faim.

5 - $400 Comment dit-on Her name is Celine and she is 13 years old today. Elle s’appelle Celine et elle a treize ans aujourd’hui.

5 - $500 I get along well with my brother because he is very kind and intelligent. Je m’entends bien avec mon frere parce qu’il est tres sympa/gentil et intelligent.

Final Jeopardy Name 3 countries that border France, en francais! la Suisse, la Belgique, l’Espagne, l’Allemand, le Luxembourg, l’Italie, Monaco, Andorra