Les Vêtements clothes.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Les Vêtements clothes

1. Qu’est-ce que la fille de 1990 porte? 2. Comment est la jupe portée par la fille de 1940? 3. De quelle couleur est la robe de 1950? 4. La fille de quelle année porte le noir?

Fashion Show Haute Couture LHHS style

Fashion Show Criteria Team up with a partner You will present each other in the fashion show. Not only will you describe what each other is wearing and where this outfit would be worn, you are introducing this person to the world. Describe what they look like and what they like to do. IMPORTANT THAT THE INTRODUCTION BE NEAR PERFECTLY PRONOUNCED AND PRACTICED!!!! MUST SHOW ME THE NEAR PERFECT ROUGH DRAFT and record on seesaw

*You are encouraged to be as creative as possible so long as the clothing is appropriate and in accordance with school policy. *Points will be determined based on the accuracy of the vocabulary words being used, the correct use and pronunciation of articles, and accuracy in color agreement. Enthusiasm in presenting and while being presented in the fashion show is a must. *When you are being presented, you must show or point to item being described. *You must give me a copy of what is being read before your turn.

Example: Voilà Susan. Elle est belle aujourd’hui. Elle est grande avec de beaux yeux bleus et de longs cheveux bruns. Susan a 15 ans et elle a une grande famille. Elle a un frère et deux soeurs. Elle aime faire des sports. Elle aime aller à la plage en été. Elle adore l’emission House et Pretty Little Liars. Elle est bonne élève. Elle a le bon look. Elle porte une très jolie jupe noire chère bcbg, un chic chemisier rose, des baskets blanches Vans, des chaussettes vertes rayées, et un collier super chic. Elle est prête pour faire du shopping ou aller au cinéma avec des amis! Merci Susan. Merci à vous tous!

WHAT YOU MUST HAVE IN YOUR PRESENTATION: Present --- use voilà, voici, je vous présente or something else like that Age Physcial description --- at least 3 things Family, friends, likes, dislikes, etc. --- at least 5 things Each person must describe at least 5 articles of clothing including lengths/fitting and color. USE ADJECTIVES!!!!