Do now: conjugate Les chiens __________(obéir) Tu __________(remplir) Nous ______________(atterrir) La classe ___________(réflechir) Vous ___________(punir) Obeissent Remplis Atterrissons Réflechit punissez
Les verbes sortir, partir, dormir et servir au présent Objectif: students will be able to conjugate the irregular verb family of – ir verbs.
Review the verb endings for regular –IR verbs: -is -issons -issez -it -issent In your notes:conjugate in the je, nous, ils form: remplir, finir, obéir, punir.
The following 4 –ir verbs are irregular and follow a similar pattern: sortir = to go out sors sortons sortez sort sortent partir = to leave pars partons partez part partent dormir = to sleep dors dormons dormez dort dorment servir = to serve sers servons servez sert servent
Sortir has several meanings Sortir has several meanings. It can mean “to go out”, “to take out” and “to exit.” Je sors avec Pierre ce soir. Nous sortons du cinéma. Les élèves sortent leurs livres en classe.
Classwork: Pg 273 Ex. 21: read the conversation and answer the questions on ex. 22 Ex. 23 For extra credit, translate the conversation (Ex. 21) into English (5 points!)
Do now:conjugate Je _______ avec toi, ce soir. (sortir) Elle _________ pendant le vol. (dormir) Les hôtesses de l’air _____________(servir) les boissons. Nous _________ pour aller en Europe. (partir) Vous __________(dormir) beaucoup pendant l’été. Sors Dort Servent Partons Dormez
Announcements: Last day for make up work- May 23 (10 days!!!!) Final notebook check- May 24th -ir quiz Next Friday 5/20 Last day to take vocab quiz from Wednesday is today!!!
Animal par Francis Cabrel- verb review Francis Cabrel (born 23 November 1953, Agen) is a French singer-songwriter and guitarist.[1] He has released a number of albums falling mostly within the realm of folk, with occasional forays into blues or country. Several of his songs, such as "L'encre de tes yeux," "Petite Marie," and "La corrida," have become enduring favorites in French music. His first hit song was "Petite Marie", in 1974; since then he has sold 21 million albums. The song was about the woman who soon became his wife, Mariette, to whom he was still married in 2016.[2]
w.s. –ir verbs Complete the top 1st and 3rd section A