Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership National Conference Glasgow City Council.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership National Conference Glasgow City Council has been working with the City of Marseille through a Comenius Regio Partnership to devise policy and practice for the support of newly arrived young people to both cities during their transition from primary school to secondary school.

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership The increasing numbers of migrant pupils presents challenges in implementing appropriate support strategies within the school to meet the needs of learners who are new to English/ French. This presentation focuses on examples of good practice developed and shared in Glasgow and Marseille.

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Cuthbertson Primary Multilingual multiracial inner city school 315pupils plus 70 nursery L1 Profile: 50% Urdu, 10% English, 20% Roma, 20% Other 29 languages spoken

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Our Educational Challenges Housing in catchment area leads to turnover Settled Communities – specific migration Diversity of L1 development Diversity of educational backgrounds Cultural attitudes to education Wide range of needs across any class

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership What the research tells us.. The better developed a childs first language is then the easier it is to acquire an additional language. Social use language develops quickly – up to 2 years (accent, expression, common phrases etc) Development of academic use of language can take 5 to 7 years i.e. the ability to express thought processes, use higher order skills (cf Blooms Taxonomy, transference of skills) All language develops best in contextualised learning, talk rich environments

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership So… Children need opportunities for continued development of home language Children need immersion in good role models of English Children may be understanding the cognitive demands of the lesson but unable to express this in English

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Meeting these challenges Language support Focus on Teaching and Learning across the curriculum Engaging the Community Promoting Diversity

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Support for Language development L1 in mainstream class from peers EAL throughout differing models at different stages as required Multilingual work as much as possible Buddies – paired reading, paired writing Volunteers in nursery Nursery Buddies

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Teaching and Learning Careful planning to meet wide range of needs Initial baseline assessment Active and interactive maths help accessibility Review levels/groupings of older children regularly. For some EAL support at maths Skills for life - basic counting, time and money

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Engaging the community European Day of languages Drop in sessions for parents Home- link worker/ interpreters Dual language book bags Welcome pack Celebrating diversity /

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Transition

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Shawlands Academy Multilingual, multiracial, inner city school Recent Arrivals: S1 - 10%S2 - 20%S3 - 15% S4 - 5% S5 -12%S6 - 17% Roll of year olds Bilingual pupils Recent arrivals – 162

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership P7 - S1 Transition Model For Newly Arrived Pupils EAL staff liaison Transition meetings Sharing records e.g. language profiling Homework clubs S1 visits to P7 Presentation to P7 parents by Shawlands SMT and S1, S6 pupils EAL staff liaison Shawlands teachers to P7

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership P7 - S1 Transition Model For Newly Arrived Pupils (Cont.) Home link support workers meet with parents Homework club for newly arrived pupils EAL staff target newly arrived pupils during 2-day taster visit School uniform support 2 day taster visits Bridging the Gap

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership What have we learned from each other? Coup de Pouce/ Bridging the Gap Importance of engaging and involving families Sense of belonging

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Un dispositif daccueil et dinclusion en collège pour les élèves nouvellement arrivés en France (E.N.A.F.) Collège Jules Ferry Marseille

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Un dispositif pédagogique particulier Une équipe denseignants formés (Français, anglais, mathématiques) Des places réservées dans des classes particulières Des moments de travail collectif, en petit groupe: expression orale, théâtre, vocabulaire disciplinaire Une évaluation diagnostic dans la langue dorigine Une certification terminale Une sortie progressive du dispositif

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Une inclusion progressive Des progrès dans la langue française qui se font de trois manières différentes: -par la socialisation avec leurs pairs -par le travail en classe (des disciplines plus favorables: langues, sciences, mathématiques, arts …) -par le travail en petit groupe homogène dans le cadre du DAI

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Réussir laccueil Les rencontres Comenuis ont permis à léquipe française de revoir la manière dont nous accueillons les élèves et leurs familles Nous avons ré-organisé notre manière de travailler et pris du temps pour réussir un accueil qui favorise linclusion 20

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership La transition entre le premier degré et le second degré: pas de transition particulière pour les élève ENAF mais un dispositif en réseau entre les établissements du premier et du second degré des projets communs menés dans les classes et une liaison forte entre les équipes

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership La transition entre le premier degré et le second degré: une liaison forte entre les équipes le réseau Jules Ferry/Saint-Louis regroupe 8 écoles autour du collège un comité de pilotage intercycle organise le travail commun les équipes se retrouvent pour des moments de travail en commun les parents de primaire rencontrent le collège, des dispositifs variés daccueil des parents dans le collège les équipes échangent sur chaque situation délèves avant et après la transition

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership La transition entre le premier degré et le second degré: Des projets communs menés dans les classes des enseignants de mathématiques, déducation musicale et de sciences qui interviennent dans les classes du primaire des enseignants du premier degré qui viennent travailler, avec leurs élèves, dans les classes du collège.

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership Comparaison entre les systèmes daccueil écossais et français Les migrants récents sont minoritaires (6% à Marseille, 15% à Glasgow). Linclusion de ces élèves est une difficulté travaillée parmi dautres: la déscolarisation, les difficultés de langage, les dyslexies, la précocité,...

Education for Diversity: Supporting Newly Arrived Young People in Glasgow and Marseille A Comenius Regio Partnership comparaison entre les systèmes daccueil écossais et français A Glasgow, laccueil des migrants est organisé autour dEAL service qui travaille et organise laccueil dans les établissements A Marseille, laccueil est confié à chaque établissement. Le service CASNAV vient apporter ponctuellement un soutien aux équipes qui le désirent. 25