Eng -> French (/12) Mon ami Thomas a quinze ans, il est grand et il a les cheveux marron et courts. Normalement, le week-end, nous allons au cinéma pour.


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Transcription de la présentation:

Eng -> French (/12) Mon ami Thomas a quinze ans, il est grand et il a les cheveux marron et courts. Normalement, le week-end, nous allons au cinéma pour voir un film mais je trouve ça assez ennuyeux. Le lundi je fais de la natation et je joue au tennis mais ma sœur fait de la boxe et joue au volley. Elle joue au volley depuis trois ans. Le dimanche dernier je suis allé à Brighton et j’ai mangé une pizza avec mon oncle.

French -> English (/7) “Ed Sheeran; future ahead of him, highest streamed singer of 2014” Always dressed like he has just got out of bed, far from being a well-prepared star, Ed composes and writes his own songs. He brings fans into his universe. At 11, Ed took his guitar and wrote his first song. In 2008, he decided to leave home and abandon his studies to try his luck in London. He played in bars and slept on his friends’ sofas or in the street. It was difficult! Ed posts his songs on the internet and has recorded 2 albums. With his talents as a writer, he became the blue eyed boy (favourite) among the stars; Taylor Swift invited him on tour and star Pharrell Williams starred in his last album! Ed Sheeran remains simple: in his daily life like his songs. He talks to his 12 million twitter followers every day and takes the time to meet his fans “sheerios” after every concert. He’s doing everything for a long career!