Mon enfance Quand tu étais petit, tu étais comment? ! Unité 1 Mon enfance Quand tu étais petit, tu étais comment?
Activité orale You are going to receive a paper with a description how you were when you were a child and what you were used to do. Read what you have on your paper. Don’show it to anybody
Activité orale You need to find who was similar to you in the class Only one person is exactly similar to you You will need to get up and find who is similar using French only. Don’t exchange paper. You need to speak
Modèle Tu étais comment quand tu étais petit/ avais 5 ans/ étais jeune ? Qu’est-ce que tu faisais? Lisez ce que vous avez sur votre papier
Pour finir When you have found your pair, come to the front of the class !!!