Cross Cutting Mapping Project Information from everyone for everyone What? Why? How? Quick Demo Questions?
What? It is a Google Earth map which can be updated at a regular intervals to represent the most accurate information possible of activities. It is a tool for the Haitian government departments, humanitarian organisations, UN agencies and cluster leads to compare cross cutting activities and will benefit all agencies working in Haiti. It is designed to cover the areas of wash, shelter, education, camp management and health, but can be easily extended to include other activities.
Boreholes with a accumulated cholera cases overlaid. Why? It will improve coordination and cooperation opportunities between all actors. By displaying all activities from all clusters and areas of intervention on one map it enables organisations to compliment other work going on in different sectors This is a flexible map not a pdf which can be adjusted with live info and overlaid with other maps used within organisations The map will automatically display information as it is updated by actors. It has cut down on time spent planning by clearly demonstrating overlaps and gaps.
How? Organisations will receive training on how to input their data onto a Google Fusion table template.
How? Once completed the organisation will fill in an online submission form including a link to the information within their Google Fusion tables.
How? Access to the information is available through the SASH website and is viewable using Google Earth.
Privacy Issues Names, phone numbers and ID numbers of beneficiaries are not included as part of the map All actors should adhere by the data protection policies of the organisation they work for with respect to the data they submit. On download all viewers must agree to the “Terms and Conditions of Use” on the website. The issue of beneficiary privacy and protection has been discussed within clusters and will continue to be as the project develops .
Location of latrines with cholera cases overlaid from 27 June – 28 July
Location of boreholes with cholera cases overlaid from 27 June – 28 July
Demo Google Earth
Feed back 100% 100% 100% Has this map been useful to you? What was the most useful thing about the CCMP map for you? How easy was this map to use and navigate? Will you use this map in the future In what areas do you feel the map can be improved upon? Have you submitted information onto the map? Yes/ Oui Easy / facil Yes / Oui Yes. /Oui les differents types d'information et l'indentification des ONG les icone et legendres De faire le comparatif entre nos zones d intervention sur LEogane et les autres partenaires pour analyser les cas de cholera et comprendre la cause de contamination concernant le secteur WASH. Cholera et WASH pour mon travail mais aussi dans tous les domaines pour comprendre la globalite du travail des ONG et des autres partenaires sur une zone d intervention. Nous devrions prendre plus le temps de l analyse pendant les reunions cluster et utiliser largement cet outil qui faisait faute depuis le debut de notre tarvail apres le tremblement de terre.
Funding The initial research and development was funded by SASH. The pilot project was funded by UNICEF. The feedback we have received has been positive. Who will fund the national expansion? Lets not drop the ball
Will this work for you? Email Will Brown Download map at