Asking about Days , Months, years, and dates


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Transcription de la présentation:

Asking about Days , Months, years, and dates

Asking what day of week it is Quel jour est-ce?/ C’est quel jour? Response: C’est _____________________

Quel mois est-ce?/ C’est quel mois? Asking what month it is Quel mois est-ce?/ C’est quel mois? Response: C’est _____________________

Asking what year it is Quelle année est-ce?/ C’est quelle année? Response: C’est __________________

Asking what date it is? Quelle est la date (aujourd’hui)? Response: C’est le (number of day) (month) (year) Example: C’est le 25 mars 2017 ** dates in French – short version = different For Sept 4th we write 9/4/17 In French speaking countries, they write 4/9/17 Reversal of day and month