欧洲各国及俄国各宇航部门参与的 美国国家宇航局火星巡视探测计划 “ 好奇号 ” 是欧洲各国及俄国各宇航部门参与的 美国国家宇航局火星巡视探测器。 2011 年 11 月 26 日作为 “ 火星科学实验室 ” 计划的一部分 由宇宙神 5 型运载火箭发射, 2012 年 8 月 6 日成功着陆火星, 将进行为期.


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Transcription de la présentation:

欧洲各国及俄国各宇航部门参与的 美国国家宇航局火星巡视探测计划 “ 好奇号 ” 是欧洲各国及俄国各宇航部门参与的 美国国家宇航局火星巡视探测器。 2011 年 11 月 26 日作为 “ 火星科学实验室 ” 计划的一部分 由宇宙神 5 型运载火箭发射, 2012 年 8 月 6 日成功着陆火星, 将进行为期 22 个月的探测工作。 它将研究火星地质、火面环境、水资源以及 地球生命存活的可行性。 嫦娥三号探测器于 2013 年 12 月 2 日在中国西昌卫星发射中心 由长征三号乙运载火箭送入太空, 当月 14 日成功软着陆于月球雨海西北部, 15 日完成着陆器巡视器分离, 并陆续开展了 “ 观天、看地、测月 ” 的科学探测和其它预定任务。 这一事件标志着中国继苏美之后成为 第三个在月球实现软着陆的国家, 进入了对地外星体探测的国际俱乐部。 这就是法国专家本次活动选题的理由所在, 并在他完成的项目中举一实例。

嫦娥三号探测器于 2013 年 12 月 2 日在中国西昌卫星发射中心由长征三号乙 运载火箭送入太空,当月 14 日成功软着陆于月球雨海西北部, 15 日完成着 陆器巡视器分离,并陆续开展了 “ 观天、看地、测月 ” 的科学探测和其它预 定任务,取得一定成果。 2013 年 12 月 16 日,中国官方宣布嫦娥三号任务获 得成功。 文献资料

中国月球车玉兔号(嫦娥三号的巡视探测器) 嫦娥三号成功发射的意义 嫦娥三号 ( 月面软着陆探测器和巡视探测器 ) 任 务有三项重点任务, 1 月表形貌与地质构造调查; 2 月表物质成分和可利用资源调查; 3 地球等离子体层探测和月基光学天文观测。 文献资料

从嫦娥三号月面软着陆探测器拍摄到的巡视探测器(月球车玉兔号) 文献资料

中国月球车玉兔号 原理示意 水星 金星 地球 火星 木星 土星 天王星 海王星 冥王星 由左向右(接第二行)为距太阳由近至远的八大行星 ( 冥王星已被取消大行星资格 ) : 水星 、金星 、地球 、火星、木星、土星、天王星 、海王星

“ 好奇号 ” 火星探测车的设计效果图 文献资料

“ 好奇号 ” 火星探测车的设计效果图 文献资料 人类探索地球外星体,为人类找寻所需资源与可以生存的地方。

意大利西西里的晶体硫矿石 文献资料

“ 好奇号 ” 火星探测车的科考仪器 原理示意 化学摄像机 主摄像机 UHF 天线 高增益天线 火星车环境监测 α 、 X 射线光谱仪 移动摄像机 化学矿物学分析 X 射线 粉末衍射仪 火星取样分析仪 着陆摄像机 动态中子反照仪 辐射评估探测仪 放射性同位素热电机

化学摄像机的第一个色谱探测 镁 铝 钛 硅 α 、 X 射线光谱仪 移动摄像机 铁 钙 锂 钛 镁 硅 铁 钙 钠 氧 铝 在着陆点附近,化学摄像机探测分析的第一个取样岩石的分析结果 “ 好奇号 ” 上的化学摄像机 是一种激光原子发射光谱仪,它可分析紫外、紫、蓝绿红 + 近红三个谱段 图表曲线

“ 好奇号 ” 化学摄像机的色谱(紫外段) 镁 铝 钛 硅 铁 锆 钙 铁 铁 铁 钛 镁 硅 铁 钛 该样品在紫外谱段的检测结果 镁 图表曲线

激光原子发射光谱仪 光谱仪 受测样品 激光造成的等离子焰 显示屏 激光器 聚光镜 光缆 分光镜 光谱 传感器 聚焦镜 反射镜 原理示意

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 UV Radiation and its Effect on the Skin UVB and UVA rays pass through the clouds and penetrate our skin, causing photoaging and producing skin cancers. Because clouds do not block UV rays, that is why you can still get sunburned on a cloudy or hazy day. Humans also experience UV radiation from the sunlamps and tanning beds. A person’s risk of skin cancer is related to the lifetime exposure of UV radiation. Most skin cancer appears after age 50, but the sun damage began at a very early age. When sunlight strikes our skin the shorter wavelength ( nm) UVB rays are absorbed primarily by the epidermis. UVB rays produce the early redness and burning seen during sun exposure. These rays cause direct DNA mutations, and generate oxygen free-radicals that destroy and mutate cells and cause skin cancer. Protection against UV-B radiation is critical. All currently available sunscreens provide protection against UVB rays. It was initially thought that if you if you prevent sunburn, you’d prevent skin cancer – but that is incorrect. The longer wavelength ( nm) UVA rays penetrate deeper into the dermis. UVA rays generate free radicals that damage collagen and elastin, and deplete the skin of protective antioxidants. UVA and the aging process are intertwined. It is the long ultraviolet rays (UV-AI) that are responsible for photoaging, including wrinkles, dark blotches, dyspigmentation, freckles, a leathery texture, and loss of elasticity. UVA rays are 30- to 50-times more prevalent than UVB rays. Studies demonstrate that it takes relatively small amounts of repeated UVA exposure to cause photoaging in human skin; only 9 moderate doses of UVA radiation are necessary before changes in the skin are evident. In the past, UVA was thought to be less important than UVB in the generation of sun damage and skin cancer. But it is now known that UVA does induce mutations in DNA, leading to skin cancers in both animal and human skin. Until recently, most currently available sunscreens did not provide adequate protection against UVA insults.

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 This image shows the moon at centre, with the limb of Earth near the bottom transitioning into the orange-coloured troposphere, the lowest and most dense portion of the Earth's atmosphere. The troposphere ends abruptly at the tropopause, which appears in the image as the sharp boundary between the orange- and blue- coloured atmosphere. The silvery-blue noctilucent clouds extend far above the Earth's troposphere. noctilucent

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 View of the crescent moon through the top of the earth‘s atmosphere. Photographed above 21.5°N, 113.3°E by International Space Station crew Expedition 13 over the South China Sea, just south of Macau.

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 Space Shuttle Endeavour orbiting in the thermosphere. Because of the angle of the photo, it appears to straddle the stratosphere and mesosphere that actually lie more than 250 km below. The orange layer is the troposphere, which gives way to the whitish stratosphere and then the blue mesosphere. Though astronauts and cosmonauts often encounter striking scenes of Earth's limb, this unique image, part of a series over Earth's colorful horizon, has the added feature of a silhouette of the space shuttle Endeavour. The image was photographed by an Expedition 22 crew member prior to STS-130 rendezvous and docking operations with the International Space Station. Docking occurred at 11:06 p.m. (CST) on Feb. 9, The orbital outpost was at 46.9 south latitude and 80.5 west longitude, over the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern Chile, with an altitude of 183 nautical miles (210 statute miles) when the image was recorded. The orange layer is the troposphere, where all of the weather and clouds which we typically watch and experience are generated and contained. This orange layer gives way to the whitish Stratosphere and then into the Mesosphere. In some frames the black color is part of a window frame rather than the blackness of space.

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 Aurora borealis photographed from board of the ISS, 203 nautical miles (376 km) over nadir point of 50.6 N, W. "As geomagnetic storms cause beautiful displays of aurora across the United States (related story on CNN), astronauts onboard the International Space Station also have the opportunity to take a look. Green colors of the aurora are dominant in this image captured by a digital still camera on October 4, Auroras are caused when high-energy electrons pour down from the Earth’s magnetosphere and collide with atoms. Green aurora occurs from about 100 km to 250 km altitude and is caused by the emission of 5577 Angstrom wavelength light from oxygen atoms. The light is emitted when the atoms return to their original unexcited state." "At times of peaks in solar activity, there are more geomagnetic storms and this increases the auroral activity viewed on Earth and by astronauts from orbit. By using a digital camera with a long exposure time, astronauts can capture a part of the light from the multicolored displays they observe, and downlink those images to Earth."

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 This spectacular image of sunset on the Indian Ocean was taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The image presents an edge-on, or limb view, of the Earth’s atmosphere as seen from orbit. The Earth’s curvature is visible along the horizon line, or limb, that extends across the image from centre left to lower right. Above the darkened surface of the Earth, a brilliant sequence of colours roughly denotes several layers of the atmosphere. Deep oranges and yellows appear in the troposphere, which extends from the Earth’s surface to 6–20 km high. This layer contains over 80 percent of the mass of the atmosphere and almost all of the water vapour, clouds, and precipitation. Several dark cloud layers are visible within this layer. Variations in the colours are due mainly to varying concentrations of either clouds or aerosols (airborne particles or droplets). The pink to white region above the clouds appears to be the stratosphere; this atmospheric layer generally has little or no clouds and extends up to approximately 50 km above the Earth’s surface. Above the stratosphere, blue layers mark the upper atmosphere (including the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere) as it gradually fades into the blackness of outer space. The ISS was located over the southern Indian Ocean when this picture was taken, with the astronaut observer looking towards the west. Astronauts aboard the ISS see 16 sunrises and sunsets per day due to their high orbital velocity (greater than 28,000 km per hour). The multiple chances for photography are fortunate, as at that speed each sunrise or sunset event only lasts a few seconds! Image acquired with a Nikon D3 digital camera, and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations experiment and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center.

图表曲线 4- 甲氧基肉桂酸 -2- 乙基己酯对苯二亚甲基二樟脑磺酸氧化锌 防晒霜紫外光谱吸收 "S (14-24 Nov. 1969) --- This photograph of the eclipse of the sun was taken with a 16mm motion picture camera from the Apollo 12 spacecraft during its trans-Earth journey home from the moon. The fascinating view was created when the Earth moved directly between the sun and the Apollo 12 spacecraft. Aboard Apollo 12 were astronauts Charles Conrad Jr., commander; Richard F. Gordon Jr., command module pilot; and Alan L. Bean, lunar module pilot. While astronauts Conrad and Bean descended in the Lunar Module (LM) "Intrepid" to explore the Ocean of Storms region of the moon, astronaut Gordon remained with the Command and Service Modules (CSM) "Yankee Clipper" in lunar orbit."

图表曲线 1999 年 12 月 21 日格林尼治 15:15:15 发现号航天穿梭用数字相机拍摄到的被大气部分 遮挡的满月。 Astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery recorded this rarely seen phenomenon of the full Moon partially obscured by the atmosphere of Earth. The image was recorded with an electronic still camera at 15:15:15 GMT, Dec. 21, 1999."

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