Antitrust as an Endangered Practice: Why we Might not be Around in Ten Years from Now Antoine Winckler
Antitrust as an Endangered Practice “Frankly, I don’t see the resemblance.”
“We have no mandatory retirement age, Dave, but under certain conditions we tend to encourage people to die.”
I. External Factors
I. External Factors
I. External Factors “retirer la concurrence libre et non faussée des finalités de l’Union” est une “victoire (…) d’une grande portée symbolique et politique” Nicolas Sarkozy, July 2007
I. External Factors “pour que nos industries d’avenir aient davantage de force qu’aujourd’hui, ce qui supposera également que les règles de concurrence puissent bien sûr être appliquées, mais surtout adaptées, nous avons besoin de leaders mondiaux” François Hollande, June 2016
“le temps où la concurrence était à elle seule l'alpha et l'oméga de toute politique européenne est révolu. Il faut maintenant aussi une vraie politique industrielle, encourageant le regroupement autour de grands groupes industriels européens” Bruno Le Maire, October 2017 I. External Factors
I. External Factors “As an example of the power structure I’m fighting, AT&T is buying Time Warner and thus CNN, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it’s too much concentration of power in the hands of too few” Donald Trump, October 2016
I. External Factors
I. External Factors
I. External Factors
II. Internal Factors Uncertainty Aggressiveness
II. Internal Factors B. Aggressiveness “a single meeting between competitors may constitute a sufficient basis on which to implement the anti-competitive object which the participating undertakings aim to achieve” Judgment of July 12, 2005, T-Mobile Netherlands and Others, C-8/08, para. 60
II. Internal Factors B. Aggressiveness Judgment of March 19, 2013, Bouygues and Bouygues Télécom v Commission, C-399/10P (“France Télécom”)
II. Internal Factors B. Aggressiveness Commission decision of May 13, 2009, Case COMP/37.990, Intel Commission decision of June 2017, Case AT.39740, Google
II. Internal Factors B. Aggressiveness Commission decision of March 2017, Case M.7932, Dow/DuPont
II. Internal Factors