SPS YETS 2015/2016 Planning meeting (No.13) 27/01/16


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SPS YETS 2015/2016 Planning meeting (No.13) 27/01/16 David Mcfarlane EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Lift Maintenance January 2016 Still waiting for the February dates!!!!!!! EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Water Availability Water Stop/Restart dates BA1 – BA80 BA1 – 17/12/15 to 01/02/16 BA2 – 18/12/15 to 01/02/16 (EG restrictions) BA3 – 17/12/15 to 01/02/16 (EG restrictions) BB3 – 18/12/15 to 01/02/16 BA4 – 18/12/15 to 18/01/16 (Main Magnet for Kickers), remaining circuits 01/02/16 (EG restrictions to 08/02/16) BA5 – 18/12/15 to 01/02/16 BA6 – 18/12/15 to 01/02/16 BA80 – 14/12/15 to 07/03/16 Work on chilled water controls will effect the Septa circuits at BA2 and BA4 and the RF Cavity circuit at BA3

Test AUG/ Access Tests (Access will be blocked) Location AUG test Access tests SPS 17th December (06:00 to 07:00) 18th December (15:00 to 17:00) BA1 11th February 1st February (AM) BA2 19th January 1st February (PM) BA3 12th February 2nd February (AM) BA4 ECX4 TAG42 13th January 2nd February (PM) 3rd February (AM) 3rd February (PM) BA5 ECX5/ECA5 8th February 4th February (AM) 4th February (PM) BA6 20th January 5th February (AM) BA7 TT61 4th February 8th February (AM) 8th February (PM) BA80 23rd February 9th February (AM) EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

No access to TA40/TT40/TJ8 and TAG42 today! Veuillez prendre connaissance de la note de coupure « ELECTRICITE - SPS – BB4 ECA4 (BATIMENT 921) – Réseau Secours – Remplacement de l’armoire électrique ESD1/EC4 » prévue le mercredi 27 janvier 2016 de 7h30 à 18h00   https://edms.cern.ch/ui/file/1573412/1/ENNC_EL_2016_027.pdf EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Le pont PR520 au BA3 EN-MEF D. Mcfarlane Le pont PR520 au BA3 (travée côté atelier 929) va être remplacé la semaine prochaine suivant le planning ci-dessous établi par JP Granchelli (EN-HE-HM) : 1-Les travaux se dérouleront du Lundi 25 Janvier 14h00 au Vendredi 29 Janvier 2016. 2-Les opérations de grutage se dérouleront le mardi 26 Janvier 2016. La grue sera installée sur le parking du 929 et le parking du 905 (BB3) sera également fermé pour la mise en place des contrepoids de la grue. Voir document « balisage 905-929 » en pièce jointe. LE PARKING SERA INACCESSIBLE LES 25 et 26 JANVIER 3-La coupole du lanterneau au-dessus du PR520 sera déposé le mardi 26 Janvier à partir de 8h00 (entreprise Schultess). 4-Dépose ancien pont roulant PR520. L’ancien pont roulant PR520 sera déposé avec la grue 220T CERN. Elle sera positionné à l’extérieur et l’élingue de levage sera introduite au-dessus du pont roulant par le lanterneau de la toiture. Le pont roulant PR520 sera déposé sur deux remorques, ils sera sanglé et évacué à l’extérieur, à l’extérieur le pont roulant sera déchargé par la deuxième grue 55T fournie par le CERN. L’aire de parking entre le BA3 et la CCC sera également bloquée pour cette deuxième grue (voir document « balisage CCC »). 5-Pose du nouveau pont roulant PR601 Le nouveau pont roulant PR601 sera chargé à l’extérieur sur deux remorques, et introduit dans le bâtiment, sous l’ouverture en toiture. L’élingue de la grue 220T sera descendu par l’ouverture en toiture au-dessus de la poutre du pont roulant PR601. Le nouveau pont roulant PR601 sera élingué et hissé sur la voie de roulement. Lors des deux opération de manutention, pour éviter le palan auxilaire, situé sous la travée intérieur, les poutres devront pivoté de 45°. Je vous demanderais de bien vouloir éviter le passage entre le BA3 et le BB3/929 entre lundi après-midi et mardi soir. Aucun travail ne doit être effectué dans l’installation Siemens pendant les phases de grutage des ponts. Deux nacelles élévatrices seront ensuite placées sur la dalle béton pour permettre les derniers travaux de modification de structures et de raccordement électrique du pont. Le passage ne sera pas bloqué mais des ouvriers travailleront en hauteur (casque à prévoir si nécessaire). Merci d’avance pour votre compréhension et pour respecter les consignes sur place. EN-MEF D. Mcfarlane

EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Magnet change campaign Position Sextant Aimant sorti Nouvel aimant date installation 51330 5- MBB 44 MBB 199 05/01/2016 32810 3+ QF 87 QM 165 06/01/2016 40930 4- MBB 83 MBB 289 22430 2+ MBA 244 MBA 162 07/01/2016 22670 MBB 82 MBB 088 22830 MBA 301 MBA 159 12510 1+ QD 152 QM 140 08/01/2016 10810 1- QF 53 QM 155 11/01/2016 10110 QD 173 QM 158 53510 5+ QD 127 QM 027 12/01/2016 62210 6+ QF 3 QM 018 10850 MBA 5 MBA 354 14/01/2016 10130 MBB 381 MBB 235 42230 4+ MBA 97 MBA 179 15/01/2016 210706   MDSV 007 15/02/2016 211606 QTS 053 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Open issues from Vacuum The TT20 magnets are still foreseen for the last week of the YETS. One magnet is fully ready, the second one is still undergoing tests of the magnet coils. So as the 2 magnets are in 2 different sector, we could do one of the 2 this coming Friday and the second one on the 10-11 of February (to gain one weekend of pumpdown before the end of the YETS). If there is no possibility in doing one of the two this week, then If we could at least do both of them on the 10th of February it would be great. I know transport and Jeremie will hate me :D; TT20 Cherenkov Detector: as you read in the mail exchange, the installation is postponed to a later stage, as they found a problem in the positioning system of the crystal. A fast solution would have taken anyhow 10 days of work, so unfortunately we had to cancel it; Water on ion pumps connectors: I guess you have been through some mail exchange for water spilled on our equipment: please underline that more care is needed, F. Daligaut had to change the connectors of few pumps that were sparking because of the presence of water; I sent an email to the LHC transport guys with the list of things to be moved across the QRL in point 2 for the TED intervention, I had no reply yet. So the strategy is: we will try to move all needed equipment from P2. In case of need during the installation we will ask for opening the door between SPS and LHC. EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Access into ECA5 After discussion between BE-safety Unit, GS-ASE and E. Carlier, it was decided that following your transparencies on ECX5/ECA5, after week 2 (4th Jan.2016, shielding will be removed) until end of YETS 15/16, all people who must enter in ECA5 will access by BA5. In order to keep the patrol and the integrity of the area safe, the lift in ECA5 should not be used during this period, only for evacuation. By accessing through BA5, we can guarantee that people are registered and they have their SPS safety courses. A security panel with a chain should be installed at the bottom of the lift : "Do not use the lift, only for evacuation" by the TSO (Franck Bais) If one of the 3 ECA5 doors at the top of the cavern is forced, the CSA will re-arm it at the end of the day. EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

ECX5/ECA5 Week 5 (25th to 29th Jan) Area closed to everyone except EN/EL EN/EL will be working with 2 shifts. From 06:00 hrs to 22:00 hrs EN/EL De-cabling works in ECX5 and LSS5 (below passageway) GS/SE Floor drying. No access into area. EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

ECX5/ECA5 Week 6 (1st to 5th Feb) Area closed to everyone except EN/EL EN/EL will be working with 2 shifts. From 06:00 hrs to 22:00 hrs EN/EL De-cabling works in ECX5 and LSS5 (below passageway) EN/HE Start to remove waste via ECA5 if needed. To check with GS/SE to make sure the floor is dry. EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

ECX5/ECA5 Week 7 (8th to 12th Feb) ECX5 & LSS5 open EN/EL & EN/MEF Removal of scaffolding EN/MEF Transport of scaffolding from BA6. EN/HE Re-install shielding wall (Wed, Thur, Fri) EN/HE Remove waste & equipment via ECA5 (Mon & Tue) NO Access into ECA5 & BB5 except for transport. EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Start-up Calendar Presentation from James Ridewood EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Access into the False Floors during the YETS (Update) EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Planning https://edms.cern.ch/document/1542997/1 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

SRRs and ECRs: status for SPS ECR - EDMS: 1531376 “Rename of standard vacuum chambers in SPS ring” Author: J.A. Ferreira Somoza (TE/VSC) Schedule: starting in 2015 (?) (mostly CAD and databases work) EDMS Status: In Work  Document being prepared?. ECR - EDMS: 1572331 “Change of Layout Names for Beam Position Detectors in TT41” Author: L. Jensen (BE/BI) Schedule: Q1- 2016 EDMS Status: Under Approval  Deadline: 2016-01-28 2016-01-20 Sonia Bartolomé EN-MEF-DC

SRRs and ECRs: status for SPS ECR - EDMS: 1567571 “Removal of Helium 2K Pumping Units from the Alcove Region of SPS Point 4” Author: G. Vandoni (BE/RF) et al. Schedule: YETS 2015-2016 EDMS Status: Released (2016-01-19) ECR - EDMS: 1562102 “Installation of a Cherenkov Detector in TT20” Author: S. Montesano (EN/STI) EDMS Status: Released (2016-01-07) 2016-01-20 Sonia Bartolomé EN-MEF-DC

SRRs and ECRs: reminder All changes to the machine that will impact the beam shall be documented by SRRs/ECRs: SRR: Space Reservation Request (“light ECR”) ECR: Engineering Change Request Templates available on: MS Word: ‘New’ ‘My Templates’ SPS https://quality.web.cern.ch/templates-requests To be sent to: Sonia.Bartolome@cern.ch or ecr-configuration@cern.ch 2016-01-20 Sonia Bartolomé EN-MEF-DC

Contractor's visit to the SPS tunnel during YETS15-16. If you have an external company that you would like to take into the SPS in order to prepare for some future works, then all the information you need do organise this can be found in the following document: https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:1149472277:1149472277:subDocs EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Access rights and safety equipment Everyone who enters the SPS MUST have the following: Completed the correct courses. (sir.cern.ch) CERN Safety Introduction. Electrical Safety Awareness. (19 choices) Self Rescue Mask Training. (4 choices) CERN – Beam Facilities. SPS – Machine. The correct access authorisation (via EDH). Zone Code “SPS” for access into the SPS Zone Code “NA_TARG” for access into BA80 Zone Code “TAG41 - AWAKE (ex-CNGS) (TAG41)” for access into the old CNGS areas Zone Code “SPS-KN-000” for “Autorisation conduite RTL” Zone Code “SPS-KN-001” for “SPS Shutdown Padlock” (only used during Long Shutdowns) PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS DO NOT EXPIRE AT THE END OF THIS YEAR!!!! A valid approved IMPACT. (with their name included on this IMPACT) They must know the number of this IMPACT. Safety shoes. Biocell. Electronic dosimetre. Passive dosimetre. All contractors must all have a company passive dosimetre!!! Helmet plus Light. Please note that personnel are not allowed to work in the tunnel alone!! EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Important Contacts CSA - 62511 Useful Contact Numbers SPS Coordination Team David MCFARLANE- 164247 Franck BAIS – 165467 Control Room SPS CCC – 77500 TI CCC – 72201 CSA - 62511 RP Christophe Tromel – 163199 Angelito Herve – 163168 Nadine Conan (BA1) – 160641 Kurt Weiss (BA7) -160759 EROS Engineering Referent for Operational Safety Emmanuel Paulat – 163870 John Etheridge - 164647 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

A.O.B. EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

Useful websites Link to SPS planning meetings on INDICO http://indico.cern.ch/category/6541/ Link to the SPS planning in EDMS https://edms.cern.ch/document/1542997/1 Roadmap: Schedule beyond LS1 http://ls1ls2.web.cern.ch/ Next meeting 03/02/2016 30-7-010 EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane

EN-MEF D.Mcfarlane