1MPES2 Remarkable Identities Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Neuchâtel Pierre Marchal 4.01.2016 http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/3.0/ Attribute to: Tyler Wallace (University of Memphis)
Objectives of the course By the end of the course, you should be able to give the formulas of remarkable identities: Positive Perfect Square Negative Perfect Square Sum and Difference
Positive Perfect Square L Positive perfect square shortcut: 1. Square the first term 2. Take the double product 3. Square the last term
Examples of Application
2. Take the double product 1. Square the first term 2. Take the double product 3. Square the last term 1. Square the first term 2. Take the double product 3. Square the last term Always 3 terms in the square of a binomial !
Negative Perfect Square O I L Positive perfect square shortcut: 1. Square the first term 2. Take the double product 3. Square the last term
Examples of Application
2. Take the double product 1. Square the first term 2. Take the double product 3. Square the last term 1. Square the first term 2. Take the double product 3. Square the last term Always 3 terms in the square of a binomial !
Sum and Difference Sum and difference shortcut: F O I L 1. Square the first term 2. Minus 3. Square the last term
Examples of Application
Practical exercises Ouvrez un de vos exemples précédent (pas votre sites) avec Notepad+ Insérer le code de l’exemple dans la partie <head> Sauvez sous « essai10.htm » Dans l’explorer double cliquez sur « essai10.htm » et observez le résultat.
Exercise n°7 page 18
Exercise n°7 page 18
Exercise n°7 page 18
Exercise n°7 page 18
By the end of this course You are able to give the formula of: Positive perfect square Negative perfect square Sum and difference Which form the remarkable identities
Any question ?
Thank you for your ATTENTION See you on Thursday, and please, learn your lessons! Thank you for your ATTENTION