#7 The Resilient MINISTER


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Transcription de la présentation:

#7 The Resilient MINISTER (Daniel 1:21)

I’m very concerned about a church phenomenon over the past 10 years… Many churches have hired second generation ministers, but they don’t last long… They either switch churches after 2-3 years or they leave the ministry!! I may be wrong…

“Et Daniel resta là-bas jusqu’à la première année du Roi Cyrus” (1:21) Daniel was actually still receiving visions from God in the 3rd year of King Cyrus (10:1) We are talking about almost 70 years of faithful and effective service for God in a foreign, enemy land!! I almost want to bow down!!

“High degree but low temperature!” – Rev. Thomas Wang (Jeu de mot) “Nous étudions pas la Bible, nous étudions la ThéologieWe ” – Dr. J. V. Dahms “Frère, nous ne sommes pas des professionnels” – Rev. John Piper “Aime ton église”