Innovative Plants For a green and technologic future
The right number (inspired by : “Le juste prix”) To start : a little game
1. How much drinking water is there on earth nowadays? (percentage) 3%
2. How much waste throws one person per year in France? 374 kg
3. How many people around the world breathe polluted air? (percentage) 92%
4. What is the estimated number of premature deaths caused by pollution? 5,5 Millions
5. What is the cost of pollution each year? 225 billion euros
Digital Pollution
6.What is the proportion of electricity consumed by data centres in france? 10%
Removing 30 s Saving 24h of a lamp consumption
What if plants were the solution?
Glowing Plant a street lighting revolution
Avatar Not a Sci-Fi !
Description - merging nature and technology Kyle Taylor 2013 San Francisco
The New revolution ?
Technical description Everything based on DNA : chloroplast DNA + DNA of Bacteria with luminous properties
Firefly, the biologic solution ! luciferase SUFFERING => Fuel to produce light
How can we insert this gene into plants? The role of computers !
A social need response less electricity wasted - maintenance street lighting => 12% (8) electricity consumption France (world)
A social need response more places lit visual pollution → tourism ?
electricity from plants For a real GREEN Energy
100 m² Recharge a smartphone + Power a wifi terminal In 2 years : 80% of electricity need of an average household
Bioo "Energy has never been so green.”
Technology Produce electricity through biological batteries that use the process of photosynthesis.
Wifi Trees A mission to clean the air in our cities
Why Wifi Trees ?
Motivations of Joris Lam : -Pollution in the streets of amsterdam. -worst air quality in europe
Places where the city measures air quality
What are Wifi Trees ?
Small Bird House that measures Air pollution
Advantages of WifiTree in the future
Vertical plants Saving space and resources in an overcrowded planet
-160m high -144,000 square meters of green space URBAN SKYFARM -44,000 m2 outdoor farming deck space -28,000m2 for the indoor farming on the lower portion -3,200 m2 solar PV panel area for renewable energy production.
Dual-Cropping Plants TomTato (Ketchup and chips)
Dual-Cropping Plants Egg & Chips :
And what about ethics ?
Thank you for your attention