HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP Highline practice: challenge and culture Faith Dickey: a « wild woman »


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Transcription de la présentation:

HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP Highline practice: challenge and culture Faith Dickey: a « wild woman »

From slackline to highline: definition Climb Training: Slackline Self-reliant practice, diversification: WaterlineRodeoHighline HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP1

Faith Dickey: recordwomen of highline free solo HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP2  Austin Texas, 28  Professional slackliner and highliner  Slacks between two trucks  First woman to slack 100 meters, Brokes world record of woman free-solo highlining  Girls only Slackline

Faith Dickey: a crazy woman or a great sportswoman Highline = taking risks? People opinion : stereotype? Her vision, a new vision? Slackline specificity? HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP3

Video: « Faith Dickey's Record-Breaking Free Solo Highlines | Wild Women, Ep. 4” HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP3 

And you: what is your side? Choose your own balance! HASSE Robin - LE BAIL Mewen - L3 STAPS IEAP4