CMMI – Représentation étagée


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Transcription de la présentation:

CMMI – Représentation étagée Level Focus Process Areas Continuous Process Improvement Quality Productivity Organizational Innovation and Deployment Causal Analysis and Resolution 5 Optimizing 4 Quantitatively Managed Quantitative Management Organizational Process Performance Quantitative Project Management Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Verification Validation Organizational Process Focus Organizational Process Definition Organizational Training Integrated Project Management for IPPD Risk Management Integrated Teaming Integrated Supplier Management Decision Analysis and Resolution Organizational Environment for Integration 3 Defined Process Standardization Requirements Management Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Supplier Agreement Management Measurement and Analysis Process and Product Quality Assurance Configuration Management 2 Managed Basic Project Management Risk Rework 1 Initial 9/17/2018 Source: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Validation Intention: Démontrer qu’un produit ou un composant de produit satisfait à l’usage prévu lorsqu’il est placé dans l’environnement cible *. Se préparer pour la validation Concevoir Développer Tester Valider le produit ou les composants de produit * Intended environments, such as operation, training, manufacturing, maintenance, and support services. 9/17/2018

Introductory Notes Validation activities can be applied to all aspects of the product in any of its intended environments, such as operation, training, manufacturing, maintenance, and support services. The validation environment* should represent the intended environment for the product and product components Validation issues can be discovered early in the life of the project using work products by involving relevant stakeholders. Stakeholders from customers, end users, developers, producers, testers, suppliers, marketers, maintainers, disposal personnel, 9/17/2018

Validation Environment - Examples Test tools interfaced with the product being validated e.g., scope, electronic devices, and probes Temporary embedded test software Recording tools for dump or further analysis and replay Simulated subsystems or components (by software, electronics, or mechanics) Simulated interfaced systems e.g., a dummy warship for testing a naval radar Real interfaced systems e.g., aircraft for testing a radar with trajectory tracking facilities Facilities and customer-supplied products Dedicated computing or network test environment e.g., pseudo operational telecommunications-network testbed or facility with actual trunks, switches, and systems established for realistic integration and validation trials 9/17/2018

Validation SG1: Se préparer pour la validation La préparation en vue de la validation est réalisée. SG2: Valider le produit ou les composants de produit Le produit ou les composants de produits sont validés pour s’assurer qu’ils conviennent à l’usage prévu dans l’environnement opérationnel cible. Note: Often, the end users are involved in the validation activities 9/17/2018

Valider le produit ou les composants de produit Validation - Customer Requirements - Product Requirements - Products - Validation Requirements Valider le produit ou les composants de produit Se préparer pour la validation - Conformance - Deficiencies - Requirements Validation Plan - Product Validation Plan - Process and Support Needs 9/17/2018

Validation – SG 1 Se préparer pour la validation Exigences Se préparer pour la validation Choisir les produits en vue de la validation Établir l’environnement de validation Établir les procédures et les critères de validation * - Plan de validation - Support Needs - Environment Needs - Resources - Test Case Scenario - Procédures de validation Examples of sources for validation criteria include the following: Product and product-component requirements, Standards, Customer acceptance criteria, Environmental performance, Thresholds of performance deviation. 9/17/2018

Validation – SG 2 Valider le produit ou les composants de produit Analyser les résultats de validation* Réaliser la validation Rapports de la validation Résultats de la validation Cross Reference Matrix As run procedures log Operational Demonstrations Validation Deficiency Reports Validation Issues Procedure Change Request * The data resulting from validation tests, inspections, demonstrations, or evaluations are analyzed against the defined validation criteria. 9/17/2018

Références Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI SM), Version 1.2, Software Engineering Institute, août 2006. 9/17/2018

Références Basque, R., ‘CMMI-Un itinéraire fléché vers le Capability Maturity Model Integration’, Dunod, 2006. Le texte décrivant le domaine de processus provient du livre de R. Basque. 9/17/2018