The Near Past Tense To describe something that has just happened Eg –I have just drank some coffee –You have just seen a film –We have just watched the.


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“Aller” is a very important verb.
CH 5 VENIR = TO COME Le passé recent = I just…. PAGE 168!!!!
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Les Cartes de Grammaire
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Les verbes irréguliers
Le verbe VENIR.
The future tense En français.
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Le Futur Antérieur Quest-ce que cest? La Formation… Verbes en –er, -ir, -re.
Qu’est-ce que c’est? La Formation… Verbes en –er
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Venir et le passé récent
Passé Composé I.An action completed in the past II.An action repeated a number of times in the past III.A series of actions completed in the past.
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Venir/revenir/devenir Venir is irregular! The root of the verb remains! We can add prefixes!
Presentée par Megan Brown.  Voir is the infinitive form of the verb “to see.”  Conjugation:  Je vois  Tu vois  Il/elle/on voit  Nous voyons  Vous.
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4 Le verbe Venir et Venir de + l’infinitif Les normes: –Communications 1.2: Understanding the written and spoken language –Comparisons 4.1: Understanding.
Le Passé Récent Une leçon créé par T. Gareau. Qu’est-ce que c’est le «Passé Récent» It is a past tense. It refers to an event which has recently occurred.
Le verbe “aller”.
The Immediate Past Using venir. Venir + de Venir de expresses an action that has just taken place. The structure will look like this: Venir (in present.
THE RECENT PAST. Le passé récent.= the recent past. Le passé récent est un temps du passé, son action se passe juste avant le moment où on parle. Le passé.
Français II Les notes # Aller je vais tu vas il/elle va nous allons vous allez ils/elles vont.
Venir. Venir is an irregular verb. There are two other verbs that conjugate like venir. They are devenir – to become revenir – to come back.
Français 1 Aller and Venir Chapter 5, Etape 2. Aller – To go Je vais Tu vas Il/elle/on va Nous allons Vous allez Ils/elles vont.
Verb  a word that show action or a state of being.  Examples: run, jump, play, talk, listen  In English, we just the verb “to be” to describe how people.
Les verbes qui prennent un infinitif. Les verbes qui prennent un infinitif: Il y a beaucoup de verbes qui prennent un infinitif directement après (souvent.
Le verbe venir Français 2.
The recent past Venir de + infinitive. We know how to talk about past actions. We can use the passé composé to describe actions that are completed in.
Venir to come. Je viens Tu viens Il/Elle/On vient Nous venons Vous venez Ils/Elles viennent.
What is it Mademoiselle?  This is another way of conjugating verbs in the future! (Remember learning Futur proche? Aller + infinitive)
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Venir de.
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Transcription de la présentation:

The Near Past Tense To describe something that has just happened Eg –I have just drank some coffee –You have just seen a film –We have just watched the latest episode of Strictly

Use venir… Present tense of venir Je viens Tu viens Il/elle vient Nous venons Vous venez Ils/elles viennent Plus de

…then add the infinitive Visiter Aimer Passer Louer Manger Voir Dormir

Some Examples parlerfinirvendre aller jeviensdeparlerfinirvendrealler tuviensdeparlerfinirvendrealler ilvientdeparlerfinirvendrealler nousvenonsdeparlerfinirvendrealler vousvenezdeparlerfinirvendrealler ils viennentdeparlerfinirvendrealler