Year 7 French Homework Mr Mwamba Autumn term 2


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Transcription de la présentation:

Year 7 French Homework Mr Mwamba Autumn term 2 2017 - 18

Mr Mwamba Devoir hebdomadaire 6 ième (Year 7) Autumn T2

This is a copy of the text you were given in class Week 3 – for completion w/c 29th November This is a copy of the text you were given in class AO3 Read the text below and answer the questions in English. Je m’appelle Pierre et j’ai douze ans. Je suis français mais j’habite à Londres. J’ai les cheveux blonds et courts et les yeux verts. Je parle anglais et français. J’habite avec mon oncle et ma tante. Je suis fils unique mais j’ai un cousin de quatorze ans et il s’appelle Marcus. Il est très intelligent et sportif. Aussi j’ai une petite cousine de cinq ans qui s’appelle Marie. Elle est adorable mais bavarde !   How old is Pierre? (1) _____________________________________________ What’s his nationality and where does he live? (2)_______________________ Describe his hair. (2)______________________________________________ True or False – he has brown eyes? (1)_______________________________ Who does he live with? (2) _________________________________________ True or false – he has no brothers or sisters? (1)________________________ What 3 adjectives does he use to describe Marie? (3)____________________ Then translate the text into English. Bring your completed paper in to stick in your books!

See the example below for some ideas. Week 4 – for completion w/c 4th December Research a singer, youtuber, film character or celebrity and create a fact file using as much French as possible. See the example below for some ideas.