The joke that brings you luck!


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Transcription de la présentation:

The joke that brings you luck! Vendre est idée représente un défi. Il consiste d'abord à obtenir l'accord de vos auditeurs sur votre message et ensuite à les inciter à agir. Utilisez la « Formule Motivante » mise en évidence par Dale Carnegie Training® pour que vos présentations incitent à une action : Preuve - Action - Bienfait. 01/01/2019 Copyright 1996-99 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc.

One day, an old lady went to the Bank of Canada with a large bag full of money. The old lady insisted to speak to the president of the Bank in order to open a savings account because, she said, she had a lot of money. Commencez votre présentation en relatant un événement qui suscite l'attention. Choisissez un événement qui concerne l'assistance. L'événement est la preuve qui vient appuyer l'action et qui prouve ses bienfaits. En commençant par un événement motivant, vous préparez votre assistance à l'action qui va suivre. 01/01/2019

After many discussions an employee took her along to the office of the president.   The president of the Bank asked her how much she wanted to deposit.   She answered him 165.000$, while putting the money on his desk. Énoncez l'action. Elle doit être spécifique, claire et brève. Assurez-vous que vous pouvez visualiser l'assistance exécutant l'action. Si vous ne le pouvez, l'assistance ne le pourra pas non plus. Parlez avec confiance de l'action pour mieux motiver l'assistance pour agir. 01/01/2019

Curious, he asked her how she succeeded in saving such a lot of money Curious, he asked her how she succeeded in saving such a lot of money.   The old lady answered him that she made bets.   The president quite surprised asked her: "Which kind of bets?"   The old lady answered him: “For example, I bet you 25 000 $ that your testicles are square".   Pour compléter la formule Preuve - Action - Bienfait de Dale Carnegie Training®, faites suivre l'énoncé de l'action des bienfaits qu'elle apportera. Tenez compte des intérêts, besoins et préférences de l'assistance. Crédibilisez les bienfaits par des preuves, par exemple, des statistiques, démonstrations, témoignages qualifiés, événements ou aides visuelles (objets, photos et documents). 01/01/2019

The president started to laugh and pointed out that this kind of bets was impossible to win!   Then, the old lady replied: "Would like you to make this bet?".   «Certainly, answered the president, I guarantee you 25.000$ that my testicles are not square". Pour conclure, rappelez l'action que vous recommandez et terminez par ses bienfaits. Parlez avec conviction et confiance pour vendre votre idée. 01/01/2019

The old lady thus said to him: "I agree The old lady thus said to him: "I agree. But given the importance of the implied sum, I will come back tomorrow at 10 AM with my lawyer as witness if you don’t see any inconvenience".   "No problem“ said the president of the Bank very trustfully 01/01/2019

That evening, the president became very nervous about the bet and spent a long time in front of his mirror examining his testicles, turning them in all directions, again and again, in order to make sure that his damned testicles could not be seen as square and therefore to be sure to win this bet. . 01/01/2019

On the next day, 10 AM sharp, the old lady arrived with her lawyer at the office of the president to confirm the bet of 25.000$ for the fact that his testicles were square.   The president confirmed that the bet was in agreement with the commitments taken the day before. 01/01/2019

The old lady thus asked him to drop his trousers, and the remainder, so that she and her lawyer can see everything; what the president kindly did. The old lady came then closer to see and asked him whether she could touch them or not.    01/01/2019

“Of course please do!", said the president to her, given the fact that there is so much money involved, you must be 100% sure. 01/01/2019

And the lady started to do so with a smile.. 01/01/2019

The president realized that the lawyer was strucking his head against the wall.   He asked the old lady why the lawyer was reacting like that. 01/01/2019

She answered: "It is probably due to the fact that I bet 100 She answered: "It is probably due to the fact that I bet 100.000$ with him that, around 10 AM, I would be holding the testicles of the president of the Bank of Canada in my hands! 01/01/2019

I said it to you: this is a "lucky joke”! The origin of this Canadian story is unknown, but it brings luck to all those who will receive it. The person who will break the chain will certainly be quite unlucky. Do not keep this joke for you. Just send it to five of your friends whom you wish luck. You will see that something good will arrive to you in the next four days. Finally, this will make everybody’s laughing, so send it! If you send this joke to more than 5 people: well, you will have luck during the 5 next years, in addition to the luck that will come to you within 4 days. I said it to you: this is a "lucky joke”!   01/01/2019