Tests AUG au point 2 (30 janvier 2009 – EL/HCC) TUNNEL LHC 1.Tout le point 2 (surface, souterrain, expérience, TI2, etc…) 2.Secteurs 12 et 23 (US15, RE18,


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Transcription de la présentation:

Tests AUG au point 2 (30 janvier 2009 – EL/HCC) TUNNEL LHC 1.Tout le point 2 (surface, souterrain, expérience, TI2, etc…) 2.Secteurs 12 et 23 (US15, RE18, RE22, RE28, RE32, etc…) Zones concernées 1.RR17 et UJ16 2.UJ33 Zones non concernées Point 2 Point 3 Point 1

Objectifs Utiliser les tests annuels des AUG afin dévaluer limpact dune coupure électrique sur les différents équipements du LHC: Système de Protection Machine QPS et EE (K. Dahlerup-Petersen, R. Denz) PIC, WIC et BIC (B. Puccio, M. Zerlauth) PC (V. Montabonnet, D. Nisbet, H. Thiesen) Cryo Instrumentation Cryo (S. Claudet, P. Gomes) Vide (J.C. Billy, …) Equipements de Sécurité ACCESS (P. Ninin, J.F. Juget) ODH + Détection Incendie (Rui Nunes) RadMon + Ramses (D. Perrin) Infrastructure CV (S. Deleval) EL (G. Cumer/M. Lonjon) TCR (P. Sollander) Star Points (Olaf Van Der Vossen/Eric Sallaz) OP (G. Arduini, R. Giachino) Beams BI (J.J. Gras) BT (E. Carlier) Tests AUG au point 2 (30 janvier 2009 – EL/HCC)

Déroulement des tests 8H15: RDV en CCC 8H30 – 8H40: vérification des équipements (si possible depuis la CCC) 8H45: ouverture de la chaîne SEM2 (point 2 + les deux 2 secteurs S12 et S23) 8H50 – 9H40: vérification des équipements sous UPS 9H45: fermeture de la chaîne 2 9H50 – 10H20: vérification des équipements Coordination des tests El: M. Lonjon CCC: B. Bellesia Point 2: M. Solfaroli Camillocci + H. Thiesen

Prochains points Point 7 16 février Point 1 27 février Tests AUG au point 2 (30 janvier 2009 – EL/HCC)

Test results (added by Reyes based on Boris ): Dear Colleagues, Here is the summary of the events per system. As general comment it seems to me that this test was pretty good almost all the systemreacted as expected. The only 2 remarkable things are: - Few QPS systems found to connected to UPS - CUT of the electricity experienced also in SMI2 (to be checked with EN-EL) Cheers. Have a nice WE. Boris

As foreseen an AUG test was done today. Cut start: 8:45 Power back: 9:30 Affected areas: P2 all point Alveols: RE18,RE22,R28,RE32 (UJ33 not included) P1: the cut of the mains (boucle LHC 18kV services generaux) in P2 cut also the US15 and attached areas (UJ14-UJ16) EVENTS: PIC (Alex): Expected reaction in P2-P1 also signal UPS ON in P3 due to a link with the RE32 As foreseen an AUG test was done today. Cut start: 8:45 Power back: 9:30 Affected areas: P2 all point Alveols: RE18,RE22,R28,RE32 (UJ33 not included) P1: the cut of the mains (boucle LHC 18kV services generaux) in P2 cut also the US15 and attached areas (UJ14-UJ16) EVENTS: PIC (Alex): Expected reaction in P2-P1 also signal UPS ON in P3 due to a link with the RE32 QPS (Knud-Bob): Normal reaction for most of the QPS devices. 4 cells in the arc23 (2R) found liked to mains instead to UPS. – to be modified (18 Main Magnet QPS systems from A30.L3 to C34.L3 affected by one communication repeater not connected to the UPS) PC (Valerie): Expected reaction in P2-P1 Reaction of the PC in P3 not recorded because all PC consigne, it is then not possible to verify the PIC behavior. VAC (Jean-Christian): Expected reaction in P2-P1 Reaction of P3 to be verified CRYO (Paulo): Expected reaction in P2-P1 pendant la période 8:45 – 9:45 nous navons pas vu de coupures pour (this means that all swithed correctly on UPS): 1. alimentation des équipements Profibus, dans RE18, RE22, UA23, UA27, RE28, RE32 2. alimentation des équipement FIP, dans le tunnel et dans UA23, UA27 3. communication avec les PLCs cryo-tunnel, en surface du P2 BLM (Christos): Expected reaction in P2-P1 Affected BLM crates: 3 (HC.BLM.SR2.L, HC.BLM.SR2.C, HC.BLM.SR2.R) - 9:17 crates disconnect from CMW (that is, ~32 min of UPS operation!) - 9:38 crates CPUs are booting (i.e. power-on). - 9:40 reconnected to CMW - all operational, no intervention needed. ACCESS/ODH (Franck): Expected reaction in P2-P1 EL (Gerard): To be seen with him next week INJECTION SYSTEM (Etienne): Expected reaction in P2-P1 No problems where found during the switchover to the UPS and none where detected during the restoration of the fully functional system CONTROLS/NETWORKS (Olaf): …no info yet… TI (Peter): 6h18: Tests commencent. 6h22: On perd les couleurs sur l'ENS (D'abord sur les disjoncteurs, peu après sur les jeux de barres) Vu avec TS-EL qui a redémarré les RTUs. 8h46: Perte de comm avec la ventilation SU2 (Depuis PCVue) Plus aucune valeur sur les vues TIM (toutes a 0 - mais pas en défaut) On a eu un arrêt total du PM32, ou la cause pourrait être l'alimentation depuis le tunnel? Reste à vérifier. La pompe de secours a bien pris la relève. SMI2 a été coupé aussi, ce qui nétait pas prévu (En tous cas pas sur la NDC), alimentation depuis TI2 ? [?????Network alarms (seen in the computer centre): p ipz-s3c44-1 and T2280-SU2 p2255-r-ipy-s3c44-1 u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u6628-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2290-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2252-rb-pbz-shp3m-1, u2252-r-ipz-s3c4b-e1, T2280-SU2, p ipz-s3c44-1 T2290-SY2, p2290-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u3294-r-pbz-shp3l-1, T2282-SUX2, p ipz-s3c44-1, u6611-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2275-r-ip3-shp3m-1, T2265-SF2, p2265-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl R, u6515-r-pby-shp3m-1, 6515-R, u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1, 6611-R, u2252-r-pbz-shp3m-1, u6515-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u2290-r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2), u3294-r-ipz-shp3l-1, 3294-R u2648-r-pbz-bpr41-1, Rpt_Segment, d6622-r-ipz-shp3m-1, 6622-R, u2252-rb-ipz-shp3m-1, 2252-R-RB,u6622-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2252-r-ipz- shp3m-e2u6628-r-ipy-shp3m-1 mobile-2671 d2127-2v-ipy-shpyl-3930 d ip1/2-shp3l-1 d ip3/4-shp3l-1 d2222-p2-ip10-shp3l-1 d2222-p5 d rhpyl-1 d2222-p2-rhpzm-2 d2222-3v-ip1/3-shp3m-1727/1725 u2222-p5-pbz-phpyl-1, d2222-p2-rhpzm-1 u pbz-shp3l-1, u ipy-shp3l-1,d2222-3v-ip1-shp3m-1727, d2222-3v-ip2-shp3m-1726, d v-ip3-shp3m-1725, d2222-3v-ip4-shp3m-1724, u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1,u2222-p5-pbz-bprmb-1u2222-p5-ipy-shp3l-1 u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1 d6622-r-ipz-shp3m-1, u2222-p5-pbz-bprm1-1, u2285-r-ipz-shpyl R (SX2), u2222-p5-pbz-bprm6-1,,u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1,,2270-R (SG2) u40-s2-pb2-bpr46-2, T2270-SG2, p2270-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u2285-r-pbz-shpyl-1, u2285-r- pby-shpyl-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1, T2285-SX2 p2285-r-ipy-s3c44-1,T2282-SUX2 p ipz-s3c44-1 u2270-r-pbz-shp3m-1 d2222-3v-ip5-shp3m-1723 u2252-rb-ipz-shp3m-1, u2252- r-ipz-s3c4b-e1, T2290-SY2, p2290-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1, mobile-2671, u2252-r-ipz-shp3m-e2, u2290-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2252-r-pbz-shp3m-1 u6515-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u2290- r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2), u2252-r-ipz-shp3m-e2, u2290-r-ipx-shp3m-1 u3294-r-pbz-bpr41-1, d2270-r-ipx-shp3l-1, u2290-r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2), d2285-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2290-r- ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2),d2285-r-ipw-shp3m-2, u2285-r-ipz-shpyl-1 u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1, u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1, T2285-SX2, p2285-r-ipy-s3c44-1, 6611-R, d2270-r-ipx-shp3l-1, u6611-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1 T2282-SUX2, p ipz-s3c44-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1, d2285-r-ipx-shp3m-1, d2285-r-ipw-shp3l-1, u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1 T2270- SG2,,p2270-r-ipz-s3c44-1, d2222-3v-ip2-shp3m-1726 d2222-3v-ip3-shp3m-1725, d2222-3v-ip4-shp3m-1724, u2285-r-pbz-shpyl-1, u2285-r-pby-shpyl-1 u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u6611-r- ipy-shp3m-1, T2282-SUX2, p ipz-s3c44-1, u6622-r-pby-shp3m-1, 6622-R, d6622-r-ipz-shp3m-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1 as1-ams, x424chi, evo-us u6611-r-pby-shp3m-1, 6611-R, d2285-r-ipw-shp3l-1, u2270-r-pbz-shp3m-1, u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1 d2285-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u2648-r-pbz-bpr41-1 x424nyc, Interoute Geneva, TIFR-ERnet-India, mobile-2647, evo-eu u3191-ra-ipy-shp3m-1, T3191-R, p3191-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u3191-r-pbz-shp3m-1, U3191-R / RA u3191-r-pbz-bpr46-1] QPS (Knud-Bob): Normal reaction for most of the QPS devices. 4 cells in the arc23 (2R) found liked to mains instead to UPS. – to be modified (18 Main Magnet QPS systems from A30.L3 to C34.L3 affected by one communication repeater not connected to the UPS)

PC (Valerie): Expected reaction in P2-P1 Reaction of the PC in P3 not recorded because all PC consigne, it is then not possible to verify the PIC behavior. VAC (Jean-Christian): Expected reaction in P2-P1 Reaction of P3 to be verified CRYO (Paulo): Expected reaction in P2-P1 pendant la période 8:45 – 9:45 nous navons pas vu de coupures pour (this means that all swithed correctly on UPS): 1. alimentation des équipements Profibus, dans RE18, RE22, UA23, UA27, RE28, RE32 2. alimentation des équipement FIP, dans le tunnel et dans UA23, UA27 3. communication avec les PLCs cryo-tunnel, en surface du P2

BLM (Christos): Expected reaction in P2-P1 Affected BLM crates: 3 (HC.BLM.SR2.L, HC.BLM.SR2.C, HC.BLM.SR2.R) - 9:17 crates disconnect from CMW (that is, ~32 min of UPS operation!) - 9:38 crates CPUs are booting (i.e. power-on). - 9:40 reconnected to CMW - all operational, no intervention needed. ACCESS/ODH (Franck): Expected reaction in P2-P1 EL (Gerard): To be seen with him next week INJECTION SYSTEM (Etienne): Expected reaction in P2-P1 No problems where found during the switchover to the UPS and none where detected during the restoration of the fully functional system

CONTROLS/NETWORKS (Olaf): …no info yet… TI (Peter): 6h18: Tests commencent. 6h22: On perd les couleurs sur l'ENS (D'abord sur les disjoncteurs, peu après sur les jeux de barres) Vu avec TS-EL qui a redémarré les RTUs. 8h46: Perte de comm avec la ventilation SU2 (Depuis PCVue) Plus aucune valeur sur les vues TIM (toutes a 0 - mais pas en défaut) On a eu un arrêt total du PM32, ou la cause pourrait être l'alimentation depuis le tunnel? Reste à vérifier. La pompe de secours a bien pris la relève. SMI2 a été coupé aussi, ce qui nétait pas prévu (En tous cas pas sur la NDC), alimentation depuis TI2 ?

[?????Network alarms (seen in the computer centre): p ipz-s3c44-1 and T2280-SU2 p2255-r-ipy-s3c44-1 u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u6628-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2290-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2252-rb-pbz-shp3m-1, u2252-r-ipz-s3c4b-e1, T2280-SU2, p ipz-s3c44-1 T2290-SY2, p2290-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u3294-r-pbz-shp3l-1, T2282-SUX2, p ipz-s3c44-1, u6611-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2275-r-ip3-shp3m-1, T2265-SF2, p2265-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl R, u6515-r-pby-shp3m-1, 6515-R, u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1, 6611-R, u2252-r-pbz-shp3m-1, u6515-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u2290-r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2), u3294-r-ipz-shp3l-1, 3294-R u2648-r-pbz-bpr41-1, Rpt_Segment, d6622-r-ipz-shp3m-1, 6622-R, u2252-rb-ipz-shp3m-1, 2252-R-RB,u6622-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2252-r-ipz-shp3m-e2u6628-r-ipy-shp3m-1 mobile-2671 d2127-2v-ipy-shpyl-3930 d ip1/2-shp3l-1 d ip3/4-shp3l-1 d2222-p2-ip10-shp3l-1 d2222-p5 d rhpyl-1 d2222-p2-rhpzm-2 d2222-3v-ip1/3-shp3m-1727/1725 u2222-p5-pbz-phpyl-1, d2222-p2-rhpzm-1 u pbz-shp3l-1, u ipy-shp3l-1,d2222-3v-ip1-shp3m-1727, d2222-3v-ip2-shp3m-1726, d2222-3v-ip3-shp3m-1725, d2222-3v-ip4-shp3m-1724, u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1,u2222-p5-pbz-bprmb-1u2222-p5-ipy-shp3l-1 u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1 d6622-r-ipz-shp3m-1, u2222-p5-pbz-bprm1-1, u2285-r-ipz-shpyl R (SX2), u2222-p5-pbz-bprm6-1,,u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1,,2270-R (SG2) u40-s2-pb2-bpr46-2, T2270-SG2, p2270-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u2285-r-pbz-shpyl-1, u2285-r-pby-shpyl-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1,

T2285-SX2 p2285-r-ipy-s3c44-1,T2282-SUX2 p ipz-s3c44-1 u2270-r-pbz-shp3m- 1 d2222-3v-ip5-shp3m-1723 u2252-rb-ipz-shp3m-1, u2252-r-ipz-s3c4b-e1, T2290-SY2, p2290-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1, mobile-2671, u2252-r-ipz-shp3m-e2, u2290-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2252-r-pbz-shp3m-1 u6515-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u2290-r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2), u2252- r-ipz-shp3m-e2, u2290-r-ipx-shp3m-1 u3294-r-pbz-bpr41-1, d2270-r-ipx-shp3l-1, u2290- r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2), d2285-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2290-r-ipy-shp3l-1, 2290-R (SY2),d2285-r-ipw-shp3m-2, u2285-r-ipz-shpyl-1 u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1, u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1, T2285-SX2, p2285-r-ipy-s3c44-1, 6611-R, d2270-r-ipx-shp3l-1, u6611-r-pby-shp3m-1, u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1 T2282-SUX2, p ipz-s3c44-1, u2222- p2-pbz-phpyl-1, d2285-r-ipx-shp3m-1, d2285-r-ipw-shp3l-1, u6622-r-ipy-shp3m-1 T2270-SG2,,p2270-r-ipz-s3c44-1, d2222-3v-ip2-shp3m-1726 d2222-3v-ip3-shp3m- 1725, d2222-3v-ip4-shp3m-1724, u2285-r-pbz-shpyl-1, u2285-r-pby-shpyl-1 u6622-r-ipy- shp3m-1, u6611-r-ipy-shp3m-1, T2282-SUX2, p ipz-s3c44-1, u6622-r-pby-shp3m-1, 6622-R, d6622-r-ipz-shp3m-1, u2222-p2-pbz-phpyl-1 as1-ams, x424chi, evo-us u6611-r-pby-shp3m-1, 6611-R, d2285-r-ipw-shp3l-1, u2270-r-pbz- shp3m-1, u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1 d2285-r-ipx-shp3m-1, u2270-r-ipy-shp3m-1, u2648-r-pbz-bpr41-1 x424nyc, Interoute Geneva, TIFR-ERnet-India, mobile-2647, evo-eu u3191-ra-ipy- shp3m-1, T3191-R, p3191-r-ipz-s3c44-1, u3191-r-pbz-shp3m-1, U3191-R / RA u3191-r- pbz-bpr46-1]