Aymeric Weinbach MVP Microsoft


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Transcription de la présentation:

Aymeric Weinbach MVP Microsoft Azure @aymericw DEVCON 7 Infra as code Aymeric Weinbach MVP Microsoft Azure @aymericw

Scénario simple VI R T U AL M A CHINE S OR GE SQL D ABASE Un site Wordpress avec sa base de données MySQL Comment gérer en Infra As Code avec Microsoft Azure

Introducing Resource Manager Application Lifecycle Container Declarative solution for Deployment and Configuration Consistent Management Layer

Coupling for Resources Resource Group is a unit of management Lifecycle: deployment, update, delete, status Identity: resources can talk to each other  Grouping: Metering, billing, quota: applied & rolled up to group Coupling for Resources

Resource Group Lifecycle Question: Should these resources be in the same group or a different one? Hint: Do they have common lifecycle and management? Answer: Up to you. Resource Group Lifecycle

Power of Repeatability SQL - A Website Virtual Machines SQL-A [SQL CONFIG] VM (2x) DEPENDS ON SQL SQL C ONFIG Instantiation of repeatable config. Configuration  Resource Group Azure Templates can: Ensure Idempotency Simplify Orchestration Simplify Roll-back Provide Cross-Resource Configuration and Update Support Azure Templates are: Source file, checked-in Specifies resources and dependencies (VMs, WebSites, DBs) and connections (config, LB sets) Parametized input/output

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https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates Try It at home

Et si on faisait des Container Univers Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes Service + Service Catalog + Open Service Broker Provisioner les ressources Azure directement depuis les outils kubernetes (Helm) Et si on faisait des Container

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Try this at home MiniKube Quickstart https://github.com/Azure/open-service-broker- azure/blob/master/docs/quickstart-minikube.md AKS Quickstart https://github.com/Azure/open-service-broker- azure/blob/master/docs/quickstart-aks.md Try this at home

Questions ? Merci