OuTIC Presenté par Eric Therrien Consultant TIC (Mathematiques & Sciences)


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Transcription de la présentation:

OuTIC Presenté par Eric Therrien Consultant TIC (Mathematiques & Sciences)


Agenda 1)EduPortail 2)BYLD et Évaluation des Apps 3)Moodle 2.4 4)Nuage (OurCloud) Bonjour à tous et à toutes, Mon nom est Eric Therrien et je suis le consultant en TIC, ici au ministère de léducation et du développement de la petite enfance. Je vais vous presenter des outils technologiques qui vont permettrent à vos élèves daugmenter leurs communication orale, leurs motivation et définitivement leur engagement. Jai comme objectif que chacun dentre vous sinscrive au Nuage. Je vous souhaite la bienvenue à mon atelier.

Autre outils technologiques Text to speech URL shortener QR code Generator Jing Fluid Survey Tagxedo VIA


Current trends in ICT integration Software/Interface TagXedo/Wordle Tellagami I LEAP pick a student Colar Hardware IWB- Mimio vs Smart MEPP (iPad vs Windows Surface RT) iPevo (microscope adapter, wireless station) Pasco (PasPort Airlink vs Sparklink Air) Apple TV vs (Air Server/Reflector) BYLD New P-6 ICT outcomes (Moodle EN and FR) New Mathematics and Science Moodle A teachers Self-Evaluation of Classroom App EN and FR Blended Learning vs Flipped Classroom Moodle Resources Documents Hyperlink Moodle Activities Choice, Feedback, Forum, Chat, Assignements, Quiz EduPortal OVL, Drupal, Webinars, Resources, etc. Jing/Explain Everything OurCloud EN and FR Fluid Survey not …SM BYLD

Moodle 1.9 at 2.4 Moodle 2.4 –Mathématiques P-3(FR), 7-9 et 10 disponible en janvier –TIC, M-6 13 résultats dapprentissage par niveau –Enseignement hybride

????? It's a hard disk drive back in With 5 MB of storage. In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first "SUPER" computer with a hard disk drive (HDD). The HDD weighed over a ton and stored a "whopping" 5 MB of data


On utilise quoi aujourdhui?

Vidéos Le Nuage: une vue densemble Q/A Le Nuage: créer des dossiers, transfé des fichiers et différence entre dossier Q/A Le Nuage: fonctionnalités de partager Q/A

nuage.ednet.ns.ca Nom dutilisateur ou Les élèves qui ont des comptes student.ednet.ns.ca doivent convertir leurs compte au nouveau système


Quelle est la différence entre les fichiers publics et privés? Tous les fichiers enregistrés dans le dossier public peuvent être publiquement accessible sur le web à (pour compte nspes) et pour les compte non nspes. Veuillez remplacer avec un "." Ex: Mon courriel au ministère est donc l'adresse pour accéder à mes fichiers publics sera: Les fichiers privés ne peuvent pas être accessibles sauf si vous utilisez votre identifiant et votre mot de passe. Vous pouvez partager un dossier privé avec d'autres utilisateurs.

I Have a Question. Why 21st Century Learning?

Ontario Teachers! How Students Learn is Changing

A shift from lecture- to student-centered instruction in which students become active and interactive learners (this shift should apply to the entire course, including face-to-face contact sessions); Increases in interaction between student-instructor, student-student, student-content, and student-outside resources; Integrated formative (assessment FOR) and summative (of) assessment mechanisms for students and instructor. Dziuban, Hartman and Moskal (2004) in a research brief for EDUCAUSE titled Blended Learning Blended Learning

Schools have become just one of many places in both the real and virtual world where students can get an education. Some of their best teachers will be outside the classroom walls. Will Richardson, Education Leadership, Vol. 70 No. 6 March 2013 A skillful teacher is a teachers who has developed and built excellent teaching skills such as momentum, procedural routines, objective, clarity, discipline, organization, evaluation, models of teaching, time, principles of learning, personal relationship building, expectations, etc. On the top of that it would be a teacher who creates a ROLE (Rich Online Learning Environment) You simply want to provide learning beyond your classroom door and provide other opportunity for students to learn a second time.

Jing Jing… logiciel gratuit, maximum 5 min créer des enregistrements décran utiliser pour lire faire de la correction etc. Un résumé de ma presentation.

Vision for technology integration ICT best improves learning when it is accessible, flexible, responsive, participatory, and integrated thoroughly into all public school programs. From The Integration of Information and Communication Technology within the Curriculum

Engagement The extent to which students identify with and value schooling outcomes, have a sense of belonging at school, participate in academic and non-academic activities, strive to meet the formal requirements of schooling, and make a serious personal investment in learning (Willms, Friesen & Milton, 2009) What did you do in school today?

Dimensions of Engagement School – behaviour/process/academic Heart – social/belonging/connection/emotional Mind – intellectual/cognitive

What does this TagXedo represent?

TagXedo Digital Citizenship TCRSB pdf

Student Resources EBSCO Our Cloud Student Future Seekers Jobs People Do Co-operative Education NSVS Moodle ImagesProject Online Video Library

I Have a Question. Why 21st Century Learning?

Ontario Teachers! How Students Learn is Changing

Blended Learning combines classroom with online delivery of curriculum; formal planned instruction and learning take place in both environments. Students are exposed to the technological enhanced active learning possibilities of an online environment in addition to the existing opportunities of the physical classroom. Blended learning extends student learning, provides opportunity for increased engagement and helps meet the needs of diverse learners. This pedagogical approach often affords students some flexibility with time, place, path and pace. Blended Learning

A shift from lecture- to student-centered instruction in which students become active and interactive learners (this shift should apply to the entire course, including face-to-face contact sessions); Increases in interaction between student-instructor, student-student, student-content, and student-outside resources; Integrated formative (assessment FOR) and summative (of) assessment mechanisms for students and instructor. Dziuban, Hartman and Moskal (2004) in a research brief for EDUCAUSE titled Blended Learning Blended Learning

"This isn't the time to use technology to refine the model we had before; this is a time to harness technology to let children go as far and as fast as they want." --Stephen Heppel

What are the limitations of this quote in todays classroom? "This isn't the time to use technology to refine the model we had before; this is a time to harness technology to let children go as far and as fast as they want." --Stephen Heppel

How many countries do you see? Egypt RED SEA Israel Where are we on earth? Saudi Arabia Jordan Middle East

Schools have become just one of many places in both the real and virtual world where students can get an education. Some of their best teachers will be outside the classroom walls. Will Richardson, Education Leadership, Vol. 70 No. 6 March 2013 A skillful teacher is a teachers who has developed and built excellent teaching skills such as momentum, procedural routines, objective, clarity, discipline, organization, evaluation, models of teaching, time, principles of learning, personal relationship building, expectations, etc. On the top of that it would be a teacher who creates a ROLE (Rich Online Learning Environment) You simply want to provide learning beyond your classroom door and provide other opportunity for students to learn a second time.

One Last Thought Palloff and Pratt (2005) state The more we engage our students in a process of ongoing evaluation of their own performance, the more meaningful the online course will be to them. The more we engage them in working with one another in both collaborative activity and collaborative assessment, the more likely they are to engage in a learning community that will sustain them beyond the end of the course. The more meaningful the course, the more likely it is that they will become empowered and lifelong learners. (p. 53)

Jing A summary of my presentation… Using Jing in your Classroom _Handout.pdf

Feedback and/or Questions???? Eric Therrien ICT Consultant (Mathematics & Sciences) (902)