GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Listening 2007 PPT3
There are around 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying them out loud to yourself– then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself.
au bord de la mer [oh bor duh la mair] at the seaside
famille [fam-mee] family
ami [am-mee] friend
quinze jours [canz joor] two weeks (15 days)
une quinzaine [oon can-zen] a fortnight
auberge de jeunesse [oh-bairj duh jur-ness] youth hostel
bains de soleil [ban duh sol-lay] sunbathing
se reposer [suh ruh-po-say] to rest
on sest reposé [on seh ruh-po-say] we had a rest
ça ma plu… [sa ma ploo] I liked…
jeux vidéos [juh vid-day-oh] video games
équitation [ay-kee-tass-see-yon] horse-riding
trompette [trom-pet] trumpet
foot [foot] football
piscine [pee-seen] swimming pool
nager [naj-jay] to swim
mer [mair] sea
livre [leev-ruh] book
bibliothèque [bib-lee-oh-tek] library
lire [leer] to read
anglais [ong-lay] english
allemand [al-a-mon] german
apprendre [ap-prond-ruh] to learn
russe [rooss] russian
interprète [an-tair-pret] interpreter
…ne me plaît pas [nuh muh play pah] I dont like…
monotone [mon-not-ton] monotonous
chanteur (m)/ chanteuse (f) [shon-tur / shon-turz] singer
je ne sais pas [juh nuh say pah] I dont know
je ne laime plus [juh nuh lem ploo ] I dont like her/him/it anymore