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Transcription de la présentation:

[Name of Presenter] [Location] [Date]

Acknowledgement The Fall Prevention Community of Practice (CoP) and its Loop communication platform are sponsored by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF). ONF is a non-profit government organization that works to prevent neurotrauma injuries and ensure people with spinal cord and brain injuries lead full, productive lives. www.onf.org

What is a CoP? “A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis.” People = practitioners, caregivers, older adults, policymakers, researchers, healthcare administrators, educators and leaders Source: Health Quality Ontario (2017) Improvement Through Collaboration: How to Build and Sustain a Community of Practice.

Why have a CoP? INNOVATE LEARN SHARE Generate new knowledge and develop lasting relationships with other members. The ability for members to share practical, how-to advice based on their lived experiences in similar contexts. Provide a forum for addressing inconsistent practice and variation in outcomes. Source: Health Quality Ontario (2017) Improvement Through Collaboration: How to Build and Sustain a Community of Practice.

Collaborate on projects, generate new knowledge Why have a CoP? Collaborate on projects, generate new knowledge INNOVATE LEARN SHARE Generate new knowledge and develop lasting relationships with other members. The ability for members to share practical, how-to advice based on their lived experiences in similar contexts. Provide a forum for addressing inconsistent practice and variation in outcomes. Source: Health Quality Ontario (2017) Improvement Through Collaboration: How to Build and Sustain a Community of Practice.

Why have a CoP? INNOVATE LEARN SHARE Collaborate on projects, generate new knowledge INNOVATE Knowledge, ideas, best practices, tools, resources Increase adoption of new innovations LEARN SHARE Develop lasting relationships with other participants Source: Health Quality Ontario (2017) Improvement Through Collaboration: How to Build and Sustain a Community of Practice.

Why have a CoP? INNOVATE LEARN SHARE Collaborate on projects, generate new knowledge INNOVATE Adopt new ideas Knowledge, ideas, best practices, tools, resources Gain practical, how-to advice based on lived experience in similar contexts Increase adoption of new innovations LEARN SHARE Develop lasting relationships with other participants Address inconsistent practice and variation in outcomes Source: Health Quality Ontario (2017) Improvement Through Collaboration: How to Build and Sustain a Community of Practice.

Who benefits? Health practitioners, disciplines/sectors working in fall prevention Older adult groups and caregivers The health care system, policy makers/decision makers People working in health care Access to evidence-informed tools and resources, networking opportunities, training and education Improved practices and policies Researchers Understand health care worker, older adult and caregiver perspectives Collaborate with other researchers for more impactful projects The health care system Less duplication, coordinated approach Older adult groups and caregivers Better services, care and experience in their communities Researchers

Introducing the communication platform Loop for the Fall Prevention Community of Practice

Focus: helping those working in adult fall prevention The CoP was founded October 2010 Loop was launched September 2015 Strategic direction provided by Core Team Over 2,800 members (as of June 2019) 50% from 2017 Online, bilingual communication platform www.fallsloop.com www.chutesloop.com Focus: helping those working in adult fall prevention

fallsloop.com  chutesloop.com

What are the features of Loop? Discussion Board Event Calendar Private Groups Search for Members McMaster Optimal Aging Portal Discussion Board- where members can post questions and information and where members can respond, provide suggestions or resources. Private Groups- space where you can create a group of Loop members and hold documents, have private discussions and work collaboratively on projects Search for Members- medium for networking. Members can search for other fall prevention practitioners based on location, sector, area of expertise and more. McMaster Optimal Aging Portal- embedded feed on the topic of fall prevention from the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal – partner organization who has an evidence-based database.

What are the services of Loop? Knowledge Centre Service Free access to a Knowledge Broker who can provide evidence summaries, literature searches, full-text academic articles, resources and practice tools, evaluated practices and programs and more. Newsletters Bi-weekly newsletters with highlights of what’s happening among the CoP. Webinars Regular webinars on a variety of topics related to fall prevention by a diverse range of presenters. With a Loop membership, you have access to the following services: Knowledge Centre- free access to a knowledge broker who can assist you to refine your search question and develop a useful knowledge product. Newsletters- opt in for bi-weekly newsletters that will highlight two topical discussion posts to keep you in the “Loop” of what’s happening in the community of practice The CoP Core Team organizes periodic webinars throughout the year. These webinars provide new and interesting information on topics related to fall prevention. All of our webinars are achieved on our YouTube channel and presentation slides are available through Loop.

Knowledge Centre- How to Access Fill out an Information Request form Consult with our Knowledge Broker Receive a useable Knowledge Review Members can put in an “information request” to our Knowledge Broker. The process typically includes a follow up call for consultation and refining your question, continuous follow up with resources to address your request, and a final useable “knowledge product”. The knowledge product will include helpful resources such as academic and non academic literature, previous discussions on Loop, or contacts with people who may be helpful on the subject matter. Popular knowledge products will be made available to all Loop members.

Bi-weekly Newsletters Keeping you in the Loop! Newsletters are released bi-weekly highlighting two to three posts or events on the site to help keep you in the LOOP!

Webinars All webinars and presenters’ slides are archived on Loop Webinars are hosted throughout the year on various topics related to fall prevention. All of our webinars are recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Presentation slides are available for download on Loop.

Thank You! How to reach us Fall Prevention Community of Practice Team Hélène Gagné, Program Director Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation helene@onf.org Mariel Ang, Project Coordinator Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation mariel@onf.org Marguerite Thomas, Consultant and Liaison Fall Prevention Community of Practice marguerite@thomas.name


In 2018, a group of practitioners with a focus on children’s fall prevention approached our CoP and expressed the desire to expand Loop for children’s falls. We launched LOOP JR in September 2018. Members of Loop who work on children’s falls or falls across the lifespan can easily become a member of both CoPs. Sign up for Loop Junior! And it’s a start!

Introducing the communication platform Loop for the Fall Prevention Community of Practice

Focus: helping those working in childhood fall prevention The CoP was founded September 2019 Over 150 members (as of June 2019) Online, bilingual communication platform www.jr.fallsloop.com www.jr.fallsloop.com/fr Focus: helping those working in childhood fall prevention


What are the features of Loop Junior? Discussion Board Event Calendar Private Groups Search for Members

What are the services of Loop? Knowledge Centre Service Free access to a Knowledge Broker who can provide evidence summaries, literature searches, full-text academic articles, resources and practice tools, evaluated practices and programs and more. Newsletters Bi-weekly newsletters with highlights of what’s happening among the CoP. Webinars Regular webinars on a variety of topics related to fall prevention by a diverse range of presenters.

Knowledge Centre- How to Access Fill out an Information Request form Consult with our Knowledge Broker Receive a useable Knowledge Review Les membres peuvent transmettre une « demande d’information » à notre courtière du savoir. Normalement, vous recevrez un appel de suivi pour discuter de la demande et préciser la question. La courtière fait des suivis à intervalles réguliers, propose des ressources en réponse à la demande d’information, puis livre un produit d’information utilisable. Le produit d’information inclut la liste des ressources pertinentes, y compris des textes spécialisés ou non, des copies de discussions tenus sur Loop et les coordonnées de personnes-ressources sur le sujet. Les produits d’information les plus populaires seront mis en ligne à l’usage de l’ensemble des membres de Loop. 29

Bi-weekly Newsletters Keeping you in the Loop! Les membres peuvent transmettre une « demande d’information » à notre courtière du savoir. Normalement, vous recevrez un appel de suivi pour discuter de la demande et préciser la question. La courtière fait des suivis à intervalles réguliers, propose des ressources en réponse à la demande d’information, puis livre un produit d’information utilisable. Le produit d’information inclut la liste des ressources pertinentes, y compris des textes spécialisés ou non, des copies de discussions tenus sur Loop et les coordonnées de personnes-ressources sur le sujet. Les produits d’information les plus populaires seront mis en ligne à l’usage de l’ensemble des membres de Loop. 30

Webinars All webinars and presenters’ slides are archived on Loop 31 Les membres peuvent transmettre une « demande d’information » à notre courtière du savoir. Normalement, vous recevrez un appel de suivi pour discuter de la demande et préciser la question. La courtière fait des suivis à intervalles réguliers, propose des ressources en réponse à la demande d’information, puis livre un produit d’information utilisable. Le produit d’information inclut la liste des ressources pertinentes, y compris des textes spécialisés ou non, des copies de discussions tenus sur Loop et les coordonnées de personnes-ressources sur le sujet. Les produits d’information les plus populaires seront mis en ligne à l’usage de l’ensemble des membres de Loop. 31

Thank You! How to reach us Fall Prevention Community of Practice Team Hélène Gagné, Program Director Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation helene@onf.org Mariel Ang, Project Coordinator Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation mariel@onf.org Marguerite Thomas, Consultant and Liaison Fall Prevention Community of Practice marguerite@thomas.name 32


And it’s a start!