CostDaysCostDaysCostDays Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian warehouse to north American sea Asian warehouse to north American sea Asian warehouse to north america sea Domestk route-express$ Domestk route-express$ Domestk route-express$ Tota pergraphics card$ Tota pergraphics card$ Tota pergraphics card$ Total Time (Days) 13.17Total Time (Days) 16.17Total Time (Days) Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian warehouse to north American sea$ Asian warehouse to north American sea$ Asian warehouse to north American sea$ Domestk route-express$ Domestk route-express$ Domestk route-express$ Tota pergraphics card$ Tota pergraphics card$ Tota pergraphics card$ Total Time (Days) 15.17Total Time (Days) 18.17Total Time (Days) Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian plant to warehouse$ Asian warehouse to north American sea$ Asian warehouse to north American sea Asian warehouse to north American sea$ Domestk route-express$ Domestk route-express$ Domestk route-express$ tota pergraphics card$ tota pergraphics card$ tota pergraphics card$ Total Time (Days) 18.17Total Time (Days) 21.17Total Time (Days) 30.17
Due to last minute of order quantities most cards are corretly sent via Air Expedited to North America New Proposed Cost Sturcture Customers willing to submit/freeze orders 6 weeks before receipt42 Day LT$4.50/part Customers willing to submit/freeze orders 4 weeks before receipt28 Day LT$8.50/part Customers willing to submit/freeze orders 2 weeks before you receive them?14 Day LT$16/part