STA Convention May 2013 Inquiry into the Second Language Classroom Beverley Bunker Jen Rossi.


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Transcription de la présentation:

STA Convention May 2013 Inquiry into the Second Language Classroom Beverley Bunker Jen Rossi

The Marshmallow Challenge une guimauve le spaghetti le ruban la ficelle

Inquiry is freedom to learn what is personally relevant authentic engaging connected to students lives and passions collaboration with students diverse identifying students needs difficult messy & confusing slow learning together finding courage taking risks fearless surrender time consuming

Inquiry is not unintentional quick giving students free reign throwing out other good teaching practices the same for everyone permission to be disengaged easy

Poetry Slam Great way to celebrate the end of a poetry unit Students demonstrate comprehension in an engaging and creative way Lower level language, engages all students in all parts of the process (from brainstorming, to creating to assessment)

How to Slam Throughout the unit, use poems as a Message du jour. Highlight poetry forms, have students work with the vocabulary. Have some students present the poems 1 criterion: make the words come alive

Poetry Slam Brainstorm phrases, key words Students write poems Class develops a criteria /10 for the Slam, based on watching and listening to the examples given in class Students make the words come alive Each student gives a mark /10

Six word stories Les histoires à six mots Ernest Hemingway Literacy skills: visual literacy; summarizing, synthesis, creating Students are using higher level cognitive process with simplified language skills

Six word stories What makes up a story? Collect student responses: highlight that it denotes CHANGE Using photos ask students to talk about the story in the photo

Les histoires à six mots Encourage them to think about what happened before, during and could happen after? High level language: tell the story orally (in small groups) Low level language: key words (ie: verbs and nouns), as a class

Écrivons une histoire!

What Is Genius Hour? An opportunity for students to pursue their passions Authentic language development; learning vocabulary on a need- to-know basis and according to students interests Students sharing their learning in target language Collaboration between students Ongoing assessment for learning Cest du plaisir!

Les projets de passion

Reflections on Learning

ePortfolios and Blogging

Science as Inquiry PLO: Assesses human impact on ecosystems Que sont les problèmes dans nos écosystèmes? Quest-ce que tu veux changer? Comment vas-tu le changer?


Developing Key Questions to Guide Inquiry GUIDING INQUIRY QUESTIONS (STUDENT EXAMPLES) Comment est-ce que nous pouvons arrêter la construction des condos à Cloverdale? Comment est-ce que nous pouvons diminuer les effets du poisson snakehead dans nos écosystèmes?


Learning to Fail Learn to become vulnerable We need to model taking risks, so that our students feel comfortable taking risks Recognize where we are and what is right for us in that moment. I have not failed. I have found 1,000 ways that do not work. – Thomas Edison

Developing Inquiry Questions pour la réutilisation Est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat? Quel sorte de chocolat est-ce que tu aimes? Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat? ta mère ta soeur ton ami(e) ton père ton frère ton profess uer

Developing Inquiry Questions pour en profendeur Est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat? Quel sorte de chocolat est-ce que tu aimes? Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat? Quand est-ce que tu aimes manger le chocolat? Avec qui est-ce que tu aimes manger le chocolat? NB: La négation is a form of réutilisation.

Developing Inquiry Questions pour en profondeur Est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat? Quel sorte de chocolat est-ce que tu aimes? Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes le chocolat? Quand est-ce que tu aimes manger le chocolat? Avec qui est- ce que tu aimes manger le chocolat? Quel sorte de chocolat est-ce que tu aimes manger avec ton ami?

À vous! Feel free to contact us #sd36learn #geniushour

Dont ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Howard Thurman