Le Conditionnel Expressing what would or could happen.


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+ Describing what you used to do. Go to the « nous » form of the verb. Nous avons. Take off the « –ons » avons You are left with the stem av- Add the.

Le Conditionnel Rouge Unité 8. I would… The conditionnel is used to describe what would happen It is formed with the imparfait endings.
Limparfait (The Imperfect Tense) What is the Imperfect Tense ? The imperfect tense is used to talk about ongoing or habitual actions which happened in.
‘Les Verbes au Présent’
Les Verbes au Présent (The Present Tense) What is the Present Tense ? In English and in French the present tense is used to talk about things which are.
The Conditional To express a wish or make a suggestion I would do.
OBJECTIVES Explaining the conditional and its uses
Limparfait Narrating in the past Formation: Same for all endings (ER, IR, RE) Find the stem: drop the -ons ending from the nous form in the present tense.
Avoir or Etre (present tense) + Past participle Nous form present tense Minus ONS + AIS,AIS,AIT,IONS,IEZ,AIENT Have verbed, verbed, did verb Specific action,what.
Donnez les informations manquantes….
LE CONDITIONNEL. The conditional verb tense is illustrated by the modal verb WOULD in English. I WOULD LIKE an apple. Je VOUDRAIS une pomme.
The simple future tense = what WILL happen in the future
How to use the conditional tense The stem and the endings Some irregularities Constructing hypothetical sentences.
The future is used to describe what people WILL do and what WILL happen. Look at the following future tense verbs: Lavion partira dans dix minutes. The.
Raoul liss and Dominique schenk
Les Cartes de Grammaire
1. Je joue au football. 2. Tu as mangé une pizza. 3. Il va regarder la télévision. 4. Nous allons visiter le musée. 5. Vous avez organisé une visite. 6.
Le Conditionnel.
Le conditionnel Pour former le conditionnel en Français on emploie tout l’infinitif et les terminaisons suivantes qui sont les mêmes terminassions pour.
« French grammar you need to know to pass Grade 10. »
Mon Grand Livre des Verbes!
L'Imparfait Une leçon par Mme Gareau.
Le conditionnel. -ais-ions -ais-iez -ait-aient Les fins.
Le conditionnel passé.
Le fantooôme du futur © French 103 Reg/irreg Le conditionnel What one WOULD do FORMATION= FUTURE INFINITIVES + IMPARFAIT ENDINGS.
Le conditionnel Pour former le conditionnel en Français on emploie tout l’infinitif et les terminaisons suivantes qui sont les mêmes terminaisons pour.
Le Conditionnel. Mood- expresses an action whose fulfillment is dependent on a condition to materialize. If X, then Y. Si jétais plus jeune, je jouerais.
Christiaan Hastings et Thierry Jesko. Imparfait Passé composé régulier Passé composé irrégulier Passé composé avec être.
Le Futur et Le Conditionnel How do we form the Future? You take the INFINITIVE (which is the verb, not conjugated….) Examples of an infinitive? Then you.
Le « broyeur » de verbes Participe présent Passé composé Présent Nous
Comment former le futur: The stem of regular –er and –ir verbs remains and you add the following endings: Avec le verb jouer:Avec le verb dormir: Je jouer+aiJe.
LE FUTUR SIMPLE. Begin by learning the verb endings for each of these subjects or subject pronouns. VERB ENDINGS:
The Future Tense Français III The Future Tense You can express the future tense in French in two ways. by using aller + infinitive of the verb. e.g.
formation and explanation
The future tense En français.
Futur proche and futur. Aller and the futur proche Aller= irregular verb-to go Je vais nous allons Tu va vous allez Il, elle, on va ils, elles, vont Ex.
Le Futur. Le Futur Avec Aller You have already learned to use the verb aller conjugated + infinitive to say what you are going to do. Je vais travailler.Nous.
LE CONDITIONNEL. How to make the conditional tense ? -For regular er and ir verbs : take the infinitive, then add the conditional ending. -For re verbs.
The Conditional Duh duh DUUUUUHHHHH!. What is the conditional? The French conditional is very similar to the English conditional mood. It describes events.
Qu’est-ce qu’on pourrait faire dans ta ville idéale?
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Present, Imperfect & Conditional
Notes le 11 mai Le conditionnel (The Conditional) The conditional is used to express what would happen. The conditional stem is the same as the future.
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Le conditionnel What would you do.....? How do you form the conditional tense in French? take the infinitive of the verb, and end the following.
utiliser le futur simple.
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The simple future tense = what WILL happen in the future
Futur / conditionel or The “Art of keeping endings…”
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Read along.
Français II – Leçon 3B Structures
La voiture. Une ceinture de sécurité Un volant Un coffre.
Le Conditionnel Contrôle demain sur le futur simple et le conditionnel: les terminaisons et les irréguliers.
Complete les phrases en mettant le verbe au futur:
Le Conditionnel Par Alice Eun Young Lee. What is it? The conditional is a mood (with a present and past tense) that is always based on a hypothetical.
The Imparfait and the Passé Composé  The Imperfect and Passé Composé are both used to talk about the past.  The Imperfect tense tells about things that.
“Si” clauses A very particular order of verb tenses.
 What is the future stem?  What are the future endings?  What are three irregular future forms that I will use regularly?
What is it Mademoiselle?  This is another way of conjugating verbs in the future! (Remember learning Futur proche? Aller + infinitive)
LE CONDITIONNEL. How to make the conditional tense ? -For regular er and ir verbs : take the infinitive, then add the conditional ending. -For re verbs.
Notes les avril Le conditionnel (The Conditional) À Paris, on parlerait français avec tout le monde. In Paris, we would speak French with everybody.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.3B.2-1 Point de départ The conditional expresses what you would do or what would happen under certain circumstances.
T HE C ONDITIONAL T ENSE. The French conditional mood is very similar to the English conditional mood. It describes events that are not guaranteed to.
L’imparfait Français II H – Unité Préliminaire A Structures.
Le Futur des Verbes Réguliers
Do now: Pour l’eau bouillante, il faut cuire _______________________________. à feu doux à feu vif un gigot les aliments incluent tous les fruits, les.
Transcription de la présentation:

Le Conditionnel Expressing what would or could happen

Le conditionnel ais ait ions iez aient

Le conditionnel Used to express what would happen under certain circumstances. The conditional stem is the same as the future stem. The conditional endings are the same for the imperfect.

Do you know the future tense??? The future tense takes the infinitive and adds the following endings: ai as a ons ez ont

Le Future Simple Parler Je parlerai Tu parleras Il parlera Nous parlerons Vous parlerez Ils parleront

Le Futur Simple Finir Je finirai Tu finiras Il finira Nous finirons Vous finirez Ils finiront

Le Futur Simple Attrendre Re verbs –drop the final –e Jattendrai Tu attendras Il attendra Nous attendrons Vous attendrez Ils attendront

Iregular Stems Être Faire Aller Avoir