INFORMATIONS SUR LE LECTORAT EN PAYS ANGLOPHONE CANDIDATURES RECEVABLES Étudiant(e)s de LLCE Anglais, LEA, Mention FLE, Lettres, etc… actuellement titulaires.


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Grande Bretagne: University of Reading The University has a long tradition of research, education and training at a local, national and international level. Students 22,805 It is one of the ten most research intensive universities in the UK and ranked in the top 1% of universities in the world by Times Higher Education.

Where is it?

Irlande: National University of Ireland, Galway Students 17,000 The Sunday Times University Guide named NUI Galway as Irish UniversitySunday Times of the Year , NUI Galway has a strong community of international students, which make up 13% of the student population.

Where is it?

Canada Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia Students 3,956 In 2010, Acadia was ranked second in Macleans Magazine for Best Overall in the Primarily Undergraduate University category. A liberal arts college with a primary emphasis on undergraduate study in the liberal arts and sciences.

Where is it?

Etats UnisUniversity of Iowa Students 30,328 The University of Iowa is categorized as a RU/VH Research University (very high research activity) the University of Iowa is considered a Public Ivy universityPublic Ivy

Where is it?

Etats Unis Louisiana State University (LSU) Students 29,549[ LSU is also noted for its extensive research facilities, operating some 800 sponsored research projects Famous for athletics program: The Fighting Tigers have been the national football Champions on a number of occasions.

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Etats-Unis Minnesota State University-Mankato Students15,649 Minnesota State University--Mankato's ranking in the 2013 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities (Midwest), 70

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INFORMATIONS UTILES. Pour les postes en Amérique du Nord, lannée universitaire commence vers le 15 août et se termine en mai. En Grande Bretagne de mi-septembre à fin juin. En Irlande, de début septembre à fin mai. Conditions générales : 8h à 12h denseignement hebdomadaire (langue, et parfois littérature françaises). Salaire compris entre 762,50 et 1219,59 par mois, selon les universités. Logement : compter entre et par mois selon les universités et le mode de logement choisi. Voyage aller-retour à la charge de létudiant.