16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 1 Quality Assurance in SL/BI Jean-Jacques GRAS (SL-BI)


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Transcription de la présentation:

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 1 Quality Assurance in SL/BI Jean-Jacques GRAS (SL-BI)

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 2 Introduction The SL/BI Group has launch during the past years several actions (Meetings, Working Groups...) to insure that its objectives and deliverables correspond to the needs and constraints of the SPS, LEP and future CNGS and LHC Beam Instrumentation or, to follow LHC Quality Assurance definition that "our instrumentation is built according to its design goal, on time and within budget and that it can be operated, maintained and improved to the entire satisfaction of the users community, in a cost effective manner" [LHC QA Policy].

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 3 The BI Mandate Due to the diversity (more than 30 different instruments) and the rapid and constant evolution of beam instrumentation, the BI Group is responsible for the 'whole' instrument. BI range of activities spans from detector technology (gas chambers, electromagnetic pickups, silicon detectors, optical detectors) over accelerator physics (machine optics, particle tracking, polarization, beam physics) to electrical, mechanical and software engineering. This wide spectrum allows us to operate, maintain and improve efficiently our numerous instruments.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 4 Communication with our Users To give an overview of its activity, SL/BI also publish twice a year a newsletter presenting the last results and the current developments of the Group. To present more in details our instrumentation and future developments, SL/BI organize once a year a forum gathering SL/AP, SL/BI, SL/EA and SL/OP: the BI Day. For each major instrument in development, BI requests a dedicated linkman in SL/OP, SL/AP and/or SL/EA who feels responsible of the satisfaction of his/her own community with regards to this instrument. In addition, a representative of each community is regularly invited to report globally on our instrumentation during our Section Leader Meetings.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 5 BI Newsletter

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 6 Communication with our Providers The SL/BI Software Section is in charge of the software tools necessary to develop, control and operate the instruments. It relies on services (software and hardware development environment, third party software, middleware, timing...) provided by other CERN entities but tries whenever possible to keep SL/CO as single speaker and to be actively involved in their major related projects (the LHC Controls Project...). The SL/BI policy in this domain is clear and explained bellow: –1> Use the standard solutions provided by SL/CO whenever possible. –2> When no standard solution is available, check with SL/CO if one could be provided on time. –3> If no standard solution can be provided within the timescale, develop one.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 7 The Participation in the Committees and Working Groups related to its domain of activity. The list of these Committees and related linkmen can be found in our Web Site:

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 8 BI Internal Organization [1/2] The BI Group is divided in Sections corresponding to the different kind of instrumentation proposed plus one in charge of all the software necessary to develop and operate these instruments. In addition, 2 working groups have been set up. –The Specification Board (created in April 2000): This team consists of a SL/AP representative, a SL/OP representative, the SL/BI QAR and 2 other BI members. They are in charge of the identification and publication of the needs and constraints of the LHC machine in the domain of Beam Instrumentation. –The Technical Board (first meeting this week): This team consists of the SL/BI Group Leader, the SL/BI Section Leaders, the SL/BI QAR, the SL/BI Project Leaders and the SL/BI linkmen. They have to insure that the LHC Beam Instrumentation is built according to the specifications given by the 'Specification Board'', on time and in a cost effective manner.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 9 BI Internal Organization [2/2] SL/BI has a Quality Assurance Representative for the LHC Project. The BI QAR is de facto a member of the BI Specification and Technical Board. This gives him the possibility to be regularly informed of the different developments and to insure that the relevant Quality Assurance directives are correctly implemented in the Group.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 10 Specification Board Purpose Séparer la réalisation (Technical Board) de la spécification (Specification Board). S'assurer que les objectifs de BI correspondent aux besoins et contraintes du projet LHC. Définir, documenter, publier et mettre à jour lorsque nécessaire ces objectifs qui serviront de base de travail au «Technical Team». S 'assurer que ces objectifs soient réalisables et, si cela ne semble pas être le cas, s'assurer de la pertinence des spécifications. S'assurer que l'information utile à l'extérieur du Groupe soit disponible et cohérente.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 11 Technical Board Purpose Séparer la réalisation (Technical Board) de la spécification (Specification Team). S’assurer que les spécifications produites par le « Specification Team » soient dans le domaine du réalisable. S’assurer que ces spécifications soient couvertes à temps et dans le budget alloué par le Groupe BI dans la limite de ses budgets LHC et CNGS. Assurer la cohérence des développements. Eviter les doublons/développements similaires. S’assurer que l’information de base (objectifs, ressources, planning et état courant) relative à chaque projet soit disponible et cohérente. S’assurer que l’information relative au QAP soit connue des chefs de projets. S’assurer que l’information relative aux Appels d’Offres soit connue des chefs de projets.

16-Oct-00SL-BI and QAP Presented to QAWG on 23/10/2000Slide 12